Need assistance with assignment. There is more reading than the actual assignment.
One of our discussions for this week talks about the student data structure that contains
information like grade point average, advisor, studentid, name, phonenum. What types
of operations will we need to be able to perform given this data structure? Some things
to consider finding specific information about a specific student, what happens when a
student drops out of school? I’ve defined what our data structure may look like below
but you need to identify what operations will need to be performed. For each of the
operations provide an overview of the type of data that will be contained (integer, string,
floating point, char), what the inputs and outputs will be, what the purpose will be and
any other important information.
Hint: Your new manager will need to have a report of all students, a list of students by
advisor, the average gpa. Should we need to update a student’s information?
struct student {
char name[20];
char studentID[10];
char phonenum [9];
char advisor [20];
float gpa;
Operations needed:
purpose: to create a new student in the database
input: name, studentID,phonenum,advisor,gpa
output: none
Your task is to create a word document listing all of the proposed operations that we
may need in order to manage our student database. Be creative. Do you know how
many students are in your school? The base case for adding students is included above
and can be used to create your other operations.