Programming Question


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(Discussion) about 3-4 paragraphs

The first reading assignment consist of two readings. The first is an introduction to HCI and the other explores the idea of using Affect to influence machine decisions.  How are the two papers relate to one another? Do you think that machines and humans are being regarded in a similar way when being modeled or are machines now becoming more of an extension of people? Depending on that, do you think there is a benefit in modeling machines to be similar to humans?

(Two Page Paper)

Read the following papers/links then write one to two pages about the two reading assignments

I would advise that you don’t write the whole assignment based on the introduction alone. Often there is always a critical section presented in the reading that’ll you might miss out. I would also recommend that you write mostly in third

person (Links to an external site.)

( meaning no: I, me, or you) if you are not writing an introduction or a conclusion.

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