Links to articles:……
(Two Page Paper)
Read the following papers/links then write one to two pages about the two reading assignments
I would advise that you don’t write the whole assignment based on the introduction alone. Often there is always a critical section presented in the reading that’ll you might miss out. I would also recommend that you write mostly in third
person (Links to an external site.)
( meaning no: I, me, or you) if you are not writing an introduction or a conclusion.
Here is how each reading is assigned points:
1-2 you submit something3 It is related to what you should have read4 It is about what you should have read5 You demonstrated an actual understanding of the reading
Can you discuss a time during development on a team project where you and your team mates went in completely opposite direction in terms of what you had to program? Knowing what was discussed in class and in the reading, what are some ways where you can avoid people programming the wrong things if you went back in time.
(create a basic scenario for “can you discuss a time” for example a class group project that required to build an online store)