ISSC 421 American Military University Public Key Infrastructure Essay


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After discussing the cyber threat and whether or not it is exaggerated,  you head to work and have candid discussions with your leadership about  security. Although no one agrees on the “level” of exaggeration in the  media, the consensus is that the threat exists and your organization  could do a much better job at securing its enterprise network.

Your Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) asks you to review the  seven domains of the typical IT infrastructure, and describe how you  will:

Reduce the attack surface with what hardening steps and network security management best practices;

Ensure secure authentication, authorization, and accounting;

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Prevent or respond to intrusions.

* Hardening is the process of securing a system by reducing its surface of vulnerability:

System Hardening In 7 (General) Steps


* Seven Domains of a Typical IT Infrastructure – Chapter 5

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