Cambridge Create a Program Using Visual Studio Computer Programming Task

Clustering Methods 1 Practice•

In this programming exercise, you will analyze a dataset using the k-means and hierarchical clustering
Dataset: mtcars.csv is provided with this assignment. The mtcars dataset holds specifications for different car
Tools: Using Visual Studio Code (VSC) or other R IDE you prefer to use.
Text in green are R commands and functions.
Save all your answers, relevant function outputs and plots in a single PDF file.
All your answers must be contained in a single file. Submit the PDF file.
Step 0: Install and load R libraries.
1. The majority of functions in this exercise used pre-installed librairies.
2. We will need to install pheatmap (?pheatmap for more information)
a. install.packages(‘pheatmap’)
b. load(pheatmap)
Step 1: Load the dataset and Explore the data.
1. data

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