Personal Computer Application Essay

According to, an Information System is an integrated set of components for collecting, storing, and processing data and for delivering information, knowledge, and digital products.

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For this assignment, you will compose a 500-word minimum paper that identifies 3 different companies that use Information Systems. Then for each company describe the WHATthe company actually uses, the HOWthe company uses it, and the WHY the company needs to implement this system within itself.

Example: Dunkin Donuts uses a Radiant POS Information System. This system collects all information on sales, inventory, staff, etc. The company then uses this information for projected ordering, hiring, and sales growth.

In the closing paragraph of your paper, describe the impact that these companies have on our society and how the use of this technology plays a role in their impact. Would their companies have such an impact if they did not use these information systems?

Apply appropriate technology tools and resources to locate and retrieve information from various sources (e.g., on-line, libraries, etc.) while completing this assignment. Use proper English grammar and spelling, normal page margins, and standard formatting of Microsoft Word. Include at least 3 sources at the end of the paper. Resources to write your paper can be collected from various Internet sites using Google.

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