ITMG 481 American Military University Computer Virus Paper Outline

The outline should include the following all in APA format:

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Title page with title, name date,      class, professor, and university info

top level headers which outline what      you will be talking about in your paper

second level headers which outline      some detail header for each of your top level headers

  • a list of bibliography of at least      half of the 10 required for your paper
  • Term Paper Topic: Viruses
  • The term paper topic that I chose to go with is Viruses. In this term paper I will begin with explaining what a virus is and how you can get it as well as a brief history of viruses. I will be covering the different types of viruses that are out there, what they do and the damages that a virus is capable of. I will also explain preventative measures that one can take to help defend themselves from viruses. Additionally, I will go into detail on how to remove viruses from a computer and different softwares that are out there to help in doing so.
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