Data Centers Presentation and Discussion

1.) How does a Clip function differ from Select By Location?

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2.) List three different methods for creating new GIS data


Minimum 200 words each

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(You could potentially get 30 points for your answers on this Discussion Question,If the answer is substantial, complete and correct. The answers have to be original, interesting and up-to-the-point. Your personal thoughts, critical thinking and analytical approach will be valued the most!)


Kang-Tsung Chang (2016) Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, 9th edition, NY: McGraw-Hill ISBN19: 978-1-259-92964-9

Additional Reading Materials:

  • Wilpen Gorr, Kristen Kurland (2017) GIS Tutorial 1 for ArcGIS PRO, ESRI Press,
  • Michael Law, Amy Collins (2018) Getting to Know ArcGIS Desktop, 5th edition for ArcGIS 10.6, ESRI Press

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