ENTD 261 Military Public University Node.js Worksheet

Course name : ENTD261Week 4: Node.js
Create a simple Node.js server (Save as w4_fougnigue_soro.js) . Create a
restful application similar to the one in lesson 4 (ReSTFul Web Services).
Document the routing table, and the application you created.
Submit your week 4 work in w4_fougnigue_soro.txt (Please save the file
as a text file and upload the text file here for final review.)
Note: node MUST be installed in the entd261 folder. Your code must be
saved to the entd261 folder. node cannot be installed in any other folder.
Be sure you have done this, or the code will not run in the command line.
Please refer to the attached sample solution file,
w4_first_lastName.txt, for help. In place of first and lastName in
the file name make sure your first and last names are present.
Comment block. Instructions on how 20
to run the code with examples
Code documentation and comments. 10
Assignment code including creating
command line /URL parameter
(see routing table on how to
document the URLs)
Reminder: This is what your ENTD261 folder should look like with node
(2.15 KB)
***Week 4
*** How to run: node w4_first_lastName.js
*** This Node.js app will display the inventory of a car shop.
***once the server is running, you will get
***Express server listening on port 44444
***from any browser enter http://localhost:44444/
var express = require (“express”);
var http = require (“http”);
var app = express();
// run the server
app.listen(44444, function(){
console.log(“server is running on port 44444”);

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