15. C1Ligocyte Pharmaceuticals has developed a new Norovirus vaccine that is produced using a series of
three fermentation reactors. Based on measurements with pilot-scale reactors, the following equations
can be used to determine the concentration in each reactor for a production-scale system:
3. C2 – C3 = 3800
-3.01 + 18 · C2 – 6. C3 = 1200
-4.61 – C2 + 12 · C3 = 2350
where C1, C2, C3 are the concentrations in the first, second, and third fermentation reactor in mg/L. You
have been hired by Ligocyte to develop an algorithm (they recommend using python and the
numpy.linalg.solve() function) to solve this system of equations for the concentration in each reactor.
Ligocyte is also interested in determining the impact of changing the feed to the series of reactors on
the concentration in the third reactor. The specific changes they are interested in learning more about
would change 3800 in the first equation to either 3600 or 4000. Summarize the problem you solve, how
you solved it, and what you found in a memo to Ligocyte. Be sure to include your computer algorithm in
the appendix.