SOM 485 COVID19 and How It Affected Unemployment Rates Discussion

SOM 485 – Decision Support Systems Class Project

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Real world decision problem: COVID-19 and how it affected unemployment rates and how it has gotten better now.

With the real-world decision problem above, you will build a small decision support model to help the decision-maker facing this problem. You are welcome to use any tool you prefer, such as spreadsheets, databases, Tableau, Solver, R, Rattle, etc.

The model can be used for the following:

It can perform different types of quantitative analysis

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It can perform data visualization which can aid the decision-maker

It can help the decision-maker to test out different solution alternatives.


  • A written report containing the problem definition, decision support model and results.
  • Grading Criteria

    Project Report:

    Submit a report that must be typed and may include the following:

  • Introduction
  • Define the problem and issue(s)
  • Approach and tool(s) used for the analysis
  • Features or results which include charts (not the spreadsheet) and brief analysis of each
  • Conclusion
  • Appendix (include URLs for Tableau Public and data file source
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