4/14/22, 7:44 AMAssignment # 4 – TCP programming
Assignment # 4 – TCP programming
Start Assignment
Due Thursday by 11:59pm
Points 8
Submitting a file upload
Available Mar 29 at 12:01pm – Apr 14 at 11:59pm 16 days
For this assignment, you will make a TCP connection to a web server to retrieve two different HTML
pages and display the text of those pages on the screen. You do not have to render them as web pages,
just display the text you receive. For this assignment, you have a choice of C/C++, Java or Python.
However, for both parts, the connection to the web server must be made using the language’s socket
API, not a specialized class library or API (like Python’s HTTP.client or Java’s HttpClient). You can use
any method to parse the text to find the second URL (substring search, find(), etc.).
There are two parts to the assignment and each one will be graded separately, so if you only get the first
part working, you will get credit for that part. However, Part 1 must be completed to do Part 2 since Part
1 gives you the information you need for Part 2.
Part 1:
Make a TCP connection to port 23456 of the server at http://0.cloud.chals.io
Sent a properly formatted HTTP header (see the slides) to retrieve the default webpage at that
Receive and display the text of the HTML document the server sends as a reply
If you receive nothing, an error message or an incomplete HTML document, your request may not
have been formatted correctly
Part 2:
The HTML document you received in Part 1 contains the URL for another webpage and your
program must extract that URL and send a second request to the same web server to retrieve that
new web page.
When you receive the new page, display it on the screen.
For both parts, submit your source code and a screenshot showing the results when you run that
https://fit.instructure.com/courses/599076/assignments/5082761?return_to=https%3A%2F%2Ffit.instructure.com%2Fcalendar%23view_name%3Dmonth%26view_st… 1/2