Linear Programming AssignmentYou must do the necessary calculations in the answer cells. Simply providing a number in the ans
When look at the answer cell, I want to see a number, when I click on the cell I want to see the exce
if I asked you the sum of cells B5 through D5, this is what I want to see:
Problem 1: Use the information below to complete the assignment
VanWerken’s motor cycle company makes two motor cycles. The model “E” has a new engine and a low profile.
Model “L” is larger, it uses an older engine and is specifically designed to appeal to women. VanWerken’s
produces the engines for both models at its facilities in Texas. Each model “E” engine requires 5 hours of
manufacturing time and each model “L” engine requires 3 hours of manufacturing time. The manufacturing plant
has 1600 hours of engine manufacturing time available for the next production period. The motor cycle frame
supplier can provide at most, 150 “E” frames and the model “L” supplier can a maximum of 280 model “L”
frames for the next production period. Final assembly and testing requires 2 hours of each model “E” and 2.5
hours of each model “L”. A maximum of 1000 hours of assembly and testing time are available for the next
production period. The company’s accounting department projects a profit contribution of $2400 for each model
“E” produced and $2100 for each model “L” produced.
A) Develop a complete linear programming formulation for this problem
B) Using the “solver” tool in Excel, find the optimal amount of each motor cycle to produce,
in order to maximize profits. Be sure to indicate the number of each motor cycle to produce and the total profits that are exp
Do NOT round off final values of motorcycles to be produced. Do NOT use the ‘integer’ constraint function in solver.
Show all of your work below this line ———————————————————————————————————————If you use “Solver”, please be sure to paste a screen shot of the ‘solver’ dialog box below, along with your other work.
NOTE: Please round off the final values for the optimal solution and value of the objective function to 2 decimal points, e.g. 198
ding a number in the answer cell will not receive any credit.
cell I want to see the excel formula, for example,
objective function
he total profits that are expected.
t function in solver.
————————————————————————————-your other work.
o 2 decimal points, e.g. 198.54