Mercy College DoS attacks Programming Questions

Project 6Part 1
This project is intended to show you how DoS attacks are initiated and how to tell you are under
attack. It should be confined to a controlled testing environment.
Before proceeding with this project, start Wireshark as root and save the capture to a file named
Project6. If your computer does not have hping installed, run it through “Kali-Linux”.
hping is a command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer. The interface is inspired to
the ping(8) unix command, but hping isn’t only able to send ICMP echo requests. It supports
TCP, UDP, ICMP and RAW-IP protocols, has a traceroute mode, the ability to send files
between a covered channel, and many other features.
You will use the results to see what happens when a node in your network is being subjected to a
DoS attack.
1. In this part, you will launch a flood attack on a target machine, using standard pings to
random ports.
 You must be careful to note the time when you start the attack and run it for only 10
 Enter the following command (substituting the correct IP address as necessary):
hping3 -1 –flood 2.
2. Press Ctrl+C to end the torture. How many packets does hping report were transmitted
and received?
Part 2
The next attack is a half-open attack, which makes use of the standard TCP/IP three-way
handshake. Recall that the three-way handshake requires the initiating machine to send a SYN
packet. The receiving machine sends a SYN/ACK packet back, and the initiating machine sends
a final ACK.
A half-open attack sends a SYN but does not send back the final ACK. The victim sits waiting
for a few seconds and finally clears the connection.
If you send a large number of SYN packets, the victim can have its buffer filled with halfconnections, and this keeps legitimate traffic from getting through.
1. After noting the starting time, enter the following command (substituting an IP address)
as the root user:
hping3 -SV
2. Press Ctrl+C to stop the attack. What statistics does hping report after 10 seconds of
attacking the target machine?
Part 3
Stop the Wireshark capture and view the Project6 file to see the results of the capture. Note the
start and end of each attack in your log in Wireshark.

Record your steps in each part.

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