IT 242 Saudi Electronic University Software Engineering Questions

College of Computing and InformaticsAssignment 1
Deadline: Sunday 10/10/2021 @ 23:59
[Total Mark for this Assignment is 5]
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Question One
Pg. 01
CLO1. Explain
different software
processes and
how to choose
between them.
Question One
1 Mark
Write and elaborate two scenarios where you would not suggest the use of agile
methodology for developing software-based information systems.
Question Two
Pg. 02
CLO1. Explain
different software
processes and
how to choose
between them.
Question Two
1.5 Marks
Write and explain any three principles behind the agile development
methodology which contribute to rapid development and delivery of computer
software systems.
Question Three
Pg. 03
CLO1. Explain
different software
processes and
how to choose
between them.
Question Three
1 Marks
Discuss whether it is more appropriate to use the spiral model or the waterfall
model to develop each of the following software projects. Provide detailed
justifications for your answer.
a. Project 1: A software team was asked to add two simple features to an
existing student management system.
b. Project 2: A software team was asked to develop a mission-critical project
to manage COVID19 infected user records. The project team identified
many unclear features that need to be implemented and several technical
risks to be mitigated.
Question Four
Pg. 04
CLO1. Explain
different software
processes and
how to choose
between them.
Question Four
1.5 Marks
These days, when building software, we are faced with many challenges. To
overcome the challenges, we need to consider the following statement “software
in all of its forms and across all of its application domains should be engineered”.
To achieve this statement, simple realities must be recognized!
Using your own words, discuss at least three realities that can achieve the above

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