Algebra 2 question

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George purchases a video game that costs $45.00.  He uses two coupons when he buys the video game.  The first coupon gives 25% off of the price.  The second coupon is for $5.00 off the price of any video game.  When the clerk rings up George’s purchase, he takes the $5.00 off first and then applies the 25% discount to the remaining amount.
Would the price that George paid for the video game have increased, decreased or stayed the same if the clerk had taken the 25% discount first and then taken off the $5.00 coupon?

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Answer: __________________

Show & Explain how you derived your answer.

The Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP), an initiative of the Milwaukee Partnership Academy (MPA), is supported with funding from the National Science Foundation under Grant No. EHR-0314898.

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