research paper

i need a research paper done on this website..

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(a) History of the website and/or founder (if known)

(b) Purpose of the website

(c) Features of the website

(d) Proponents of the website

(e) Opponents of the website

(f) Ethical viewpoints (Kantian, Act utilitarian, Rule utilitarian, Social Contract theory) -( important… )..1 sentence for each ethical view–posted sample example

(h) Conclusion/Speculations about the future


example of ethical viewpoint

Case Study of “Spam”


–Ann, acct at corporation w/ 50 employees

–Ann sends email to fellow employees, inviting them to place orders at her desk during break for daughter’s girl Scout cookie sale

–No company rule prohibiting use of email for personal use



–9 recipients happy to get email & order 4 boxes each

–Other 40 employees unhappy to receive email

–20 employees complain to co-workers about Ann’s action


Ethical Evaluations of Case Study

•Kantian evaluation:

–Did not respect the autonomy of her co-workers, but did not force anyone to read email  QUESTIONABLE

•Act utilitarian evaluation:

–9 happy people eating/buying cookies vs. 40 unhappy people spending time deleting email and complaining  QUESTIONABLE

•Rule utilitarian evaluation:

–If everyone used company email to solicit donations, company email would lose its usefulness  WRONG

•Social contract theory evaluation:

–Ann’s right to free speech, did not violate any contract  RIGHT


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