Advertising powerpoint due by end of this week 5/6/13 . Must have background in advertising/marketing and great at powerpoints.  See attachment 

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AdvertisingPowerpoint Project

150 points

Due date: May 10, 2013

Advertising Powerpoint—The purpose of this project is for student to apply the creative and media skills, which you will have studied throughout the course. Emphasis is upon allowing each student to try their hand at using advertising campaign tools in a creative way. Students are asked to develop an advertising media plan, for a product, service, or company of their own choosing. Projects are to be created in Powerpoint and will contain nine (9) parts. Each part of your portfolio project will represent your effort to apply what you have learned in the chapters dealing with each medium. Work is expected to be neat and professional looking, appropriate for marketing planning in an actual business environment. Students must use powerpoint to create. A grade is assigned based on the written descriptions and professional quality
presentation of each student’s presentation. You may not use an existing product’s advertising. If you choose an existing product or service, you must create a new advertising message and theme. This project is about your creativity and understanding and application of the elements of an advertising plan.

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The following is a list of the component parts of the project: Each element should be one page in the powerpoint. You should submit a 10 page powerpoint document, 9 elements of the plan, plus a cover page. Each element is worth varying points which add up to a total of 150.

A description of the product or service selected by the student to be marketed. Included is a description the product attributes/selling points, which are unique and set the product/service apart from the competition. 20 points

A position description, which provides the copy platform for the student’s campaign and distinguishes it from the competition. This position is the basis of campaign slogans or advertising themes. The student is to include a “slogan” to support his/her position. 20 points

A description of your intended target market. It must be specific and include demographics, geographics, and psychographic elements. 20 points

A preliminary design of the intended brand or logo. 10 points

A full-page magazine advertisement, in color with copy and layout aimed at a regional or national market. What is your visual, what is your copy message? 10 points

An internet on –screen ad designed to invite the consumer to go to your website. The ad should be designed as a pop-up or a small ad on another web page. 10 points

A rough layout of a billboard advertisement, in color. What is the message and what is the visual? Use a layout most frequently seen long the highways. 10 points

One, thirty (30) second radio commercial script. Follow script suggestions in the text for the format. 20 points

One, fifteen (15) second television storyboard. Use one of the formats suggested in the text. Describe the video and the audio portions of the commercial. The textbook gives 20 different techniques, which can be used separately or in combination with one another. 30 points

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