Objective: Determine what software and hardware should be purchased for one of the family unites below and prepare a presentation…

It only requires 15 slides with pictures. I do not have time to research. Person with computer knowledge will only require 20 minutes at max for this project. 

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Objective: Determine what software and hardware should be purchased for one of the family unites below and prepare a presentation file.

Team (2 students) approach is required. Each group has oral presentation of at least


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1. Use internet to search at least 3 configurations including

· the price of all components and software

· the amount of RAM and disk space

· the speed of the CPU

· the type of printer

· the size of the monitor

· other devices e.g. DVD/CD writer

· software includes Microsoft Office and others (games, financial software, encyclopedias,..); make sure your hardware meets those requirements

2. Represent your data by using EXCEL and embed in POWERPOINT file

· Use pie charts to present each part of system costs

· Use x-y chart to present speed of CPU vs price

3. Presentation should include not only what software and hardware should be purchased, but also from whom it should be purchased and why.

4. Examples of family units

· Family wanting the cheapest system to send family pictures-investigate the cost of a digital camera and film, versus special processing that will create a CD.

· A teenager who wishes to have a high powered system to support the graphics of games and a good speaker system. He wants a good CD writer. His uncle wants to see the data before shelling out big bucks.

· A couple interested in financial software to keep track of their investments and to do their taxes. Consider Quicken, Turbo Tax and Microsoft Money. They do not wish to play games and want the cheapest system available.

· A family with young children that wants educational software and encyclopedias and atlases. They also want software that might help a 6 year old to read. They are on a tight budget. No fancy graphics.

· The members of your 3 person group are sharing an apartment. Decide what you can afford and what you want.

· A family that wants the cheapest possible system that sends email and does word processing.

· Your own experience to build a system.


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