
1) The standard state Gibb’s free energy (

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ΔG°’) for syn


sis of a particular acyl-

CoA from its fatty acid and free Coenzyme A (CoASH) is +48.0 kJ/mol. Using

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this value and the information contained in Table 14-4 in your textbook, calculate


ΔG°’ value for each of the following reactions:

fatty acid + CoASH + ATP –>

acyl-CoA + ADP + Pi

fatty acid + CoASH + ATP –>

acyl-CoA + AMP + PPi

Now write the equation and calculate the

ΔG°’ value for the reaction as it would

occur if catalyzed by Acyl-CoA synthetase and inorganic pyrophosphatase. What

drives this reaction to occur spontaneously in the cytoplasm of cells?

2) Camels can wander around in the desert for long periods of time without drinking

water. One reason for this is their hump that is full of fatty tissue. Imagine a

camel that contains 30 pounds of triacylglycerols in its hump. How much water

could be obtained by complete beta-oxidation of the fatty acids contained in this

mass of triacylglycerol. Assume that all the fatty acids in your camel are the

saturated 16-carbon palmitate.

3) Write out the sequence of reactions for the conversion of myrisoyl-CoA to

lauroyl-CoA and Acetyl-CoA. Include the names of the enzymes and any

necessary cofactors.

4) If Malonyl-CoA is synthesized from Acetyl-CoA and

14CO2, where will the 14C

end appear in palmitic acid?

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