Unit H/617/1157 Entrepreneurship15 Credits
Sample Assignment
You are keen to become an entrepreneur as you have a lot of ideas for new business ventures
and want to work for yourself. You have a joined a local Enterprise Support Group which helps
entrepreneurs to set up and run new enterprises.
Task 1
Paul, the Enterprise Support Group leader, contacted you and has asked you to undertake some
preparation before joining the group. He wants you to find out about enterprise in business and
write a paper which you will discuss with Paul before the first meeting. Your paper about
enterprise in business which must include:
An analysis of the entrepreneurial lifecycle (AC1.1)
An evaluation of how entrepreneurship is encouraged and supported in different
countries (AC1.2).
Merit task
To achieve a Merit, you must additionally include in the paper:
An analysis of the impact of entrepreneurship on the economy (AC1M1).
Task 2
You have discussed your paper with Paul and are ready to attend your first group meeting. The
agenda for the meeting includes ‘Entrepreneurs and their skills and qualities’ and each member
of the group will give a presentation on this topic. Prepare a presentation with a handout
containing supporting notes for the group on the skills and qualities of an entrepreneur. You
must include:
An analysis of different types of entrepreneur (AC2.1)
An analysis of the combination of personal skills and qualities in entrepreneurs which
distinguish them from managers in other organisations (AC2.2).
Task 3
The group enjoyed your presentation and after some discussion with its members, you have
decided that you definitely have the personal skills and abilities to be an entrepreneur. You are
now going to think of your own new enterprise ideas to take to the group for discussion at the
next meeting. You must write a proposal in which you explain a range of new entrepreneurial
ideas and give reasons for why you believe they will succeed. Your proposal must include:
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An explanation of a range of new entrepreneurial ideas which could be developed into a
business venture, with a justification of why you believe each idea is viable (AC3.1)
An assessment of the application of a model/theory of innovation for new business
opportunities. (AC3.2).
Distinction task
To achieve a Distinction, you must add to the proposal by further developing the most workable
business idea into a workable business venture, justifying your choice (AC3D1).
Task 4
You have discussed your range of ideas with Paul and the group and have confirmed the
business idea that you have chosen to set up as a new business venture. Paul has now asked
you to prepare a briefing paper about your preparations for a new business venture, which you
will discuss with the group.
The briefing paper must include an analysis of the component parts of an effective business
start-up plan (AC4.1).
Merit task
To achieve a Merit, you must additionally include in the briefing paper an analysis of the brand
development and promotion aspects of launching an effective new business venture (AC4M1).
Distinction task
To achieve a Distinction, you must additionally develop a start-up plan for your chosen new
business venture. (AC4D1).
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Guidelines for assessors
The assignments submitted by learners must achieve the learning outcomes and meet the standards specified by the assessment criteria for
the unit. To achieve a merit or distinction grade, the learners must demonstrate that they have achieved all the criteria set for these grades.
Where work for the pass standard is marginal, assessors can take account of any extension work completed by the learners. The suggested
evidence listed below is how learners can demonstrate that they have met the required standards.
LOs and AC
LO1: 1.1, 1.2,
Suggested evidence
The paper must be written at a
suitable level and in a suitable
professional format.
AC1.1: Students will break down the
entrepreneurial cycle into
components and examine each
component in detail. Components
may be: new idea conception;
creation of organisation to harvest
opportunity; harvesting of
LO2: 2.1, 2.2
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AC1.2: Students will judge and make
a valid conclusion on the ways a
range of selected countries provide
encouragement and support when
setting up and running a new
enterprise. Depending on the
country, this may include helpful
laws, tax breaks and individuals and
organisations which provide practical
assistance as well as mentoring,
advice and guidance.
The presentation must be written at a
suitable level and in a suitable format
Suggested evidence
AC1M1: For Merit, students will
break down into separate parts and
examine ways in which
entrepreneurship affects the
economy. This is likely to include
the creation of wealth, and
employment as well as creating new
needs for new products and
services. Students will need to use
examples to illustrate the points
which are made.
Suggested evidence
for professionals.
Students do not need to actually
deliver the presentation. As
information on a presentation may
not completely deliver the analysis
required for this standard, it must be
supported by a handout containing
supporting notes which needs to be
clearly linked to the presentation.
Students should use examples to
support the analysis.
AC2.1: Students will break down the
range of entrepreneurs into types of
entrepreneur and examine each type
in detail.
LO3: 3.1, 3.2,
AC2.2: Students will break down the
combination of skills and qualities
frequently seen in entrepreneurs,
focusing on those skills and qualities
which are unique to entrepreneurs
compared to managers employed by
organisations which they have not set
up themselves.
The proposal must be written at a
suitable level and in a suitable format
for entrepreneurs.
AC3.1: The proposal must include a
number of potential new business
venture ideas, with reasons for a
belief in the viability of those ideas.
Students are likely to consider the
financial and operational viability as
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AC3D1: For a Distinction, students
must consider their range of
business ideas to decide which
single idea is the most likely to be
successful. There must be clear
reasoning and explanation of the
judgement and the work produced
should take the initial idea into a
practical business venture.
well as issues/benefits of the creation
of the product or service and the
market potential. Students will use
their own reasoned judgements on
estimates and creative information for
this, particularly for the financial
viability. These judgements need to
be realistic and based on research.
Students may require support with
these decisions.
LO4: 4.1,
4M1, 4D1
AC3.2: Students will select a suitable
model/theory of innovation and use
information about it to make a
judgement about how it can be, or
has been applied to ideas for new
business. Students may choose to
refer to Drucker’s 7 sources of
The briefing paper must be written at
a suitable level and in a suitable
format for entrepreneurs.
AC4.1: The student must break an
existing effective business plan into
parts and examine each part in detail
so there is clarity. These parts may
include the executive summary,
business description, market
analysis, organisation management,
sales strategies, funding
requirements and financial
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AC4M1: For Merit, students will
break down brand development and
promotion into different aspects and
examine each aspect in detail. They
may use current research or theory
to support the analysis.
AC3D1: For Distinction, students
must develop their own business
plan using the components identified
in AC4.1. The plan is likely to include
estimates and creative information,
but may be based on actual research
undertaken or sourced by the