Questions to answer on Henry Luce’s Article “The American
1. Is Luce a nationalist, patriot, or something else?
2. How does Luce represent a shift in American internationalism vs
isolationism? Does it reflect a continuation or deviation from the
beginning of the century?
3. How has the US continued this idea from Luce? Do you see us in
the 21st century taking on the same mantle or not from the
The American Century
We Americans are unhappy. We are not happy about America. We are not happy
about ourselves in relation to America. We are nervous – or gloomy – or
As we look out at the rest of the world we are confused; we don’t know what
to do. “Aid to Britain short of war” is typical of halfway hopes and halfway
As we look toward the future – our own future and the future of other
nations – we are filled with foreboding. The future doesn’t seem to hold
anything for us except conflict, disruption, war.
There is a striking contrast between our state of mind and that of the British
people. On Sept. , , the first day of the war in England, Winston Churchill
had this to say: “Outside the storms of war may blow and the land may be lashed
with the fury of its gales, but in our hearts this Sunday morning there is Peace.”
Since Mr. Churchill spoke those words the German Luftwaffe has made
havoc of British cities, driven the population underground, frightened children
from their sleep, and imposed upon everyone a nervous strain as great as any
that people have ever endured. Readers of LIFE have seen this havoc unfolded
week by week.
Yet close observers agree that when Mr. Churchill spoke of peace in the
hearts of the British people he was not indulging in idle oratory. The British
people are profoundly calm. There seems to be a complete absence of nervousness. It seems as if all the neuroses of modern life had vanished from
In the beginning the British Government made elaborate preparations for
an increase in mental breakdowns. But these have actually declined. There have
been fewer than a dozen breakdowns reported in London since the air raids
The British are calm in their spirit not because they have nothing to worry
about but because they are fighting for their lives. They have made that decision.
And they have no further choice. All their mistakes of the past years, all the
stupidities and failures that they have shared with the rest of the democratic
world, are now of the past. They can forget them because they are faced with
a supreme task – defending, yard by yard, their island home.
D H, Vol. , No. (Spring ). © The Society for Historians of American
Foreign Relations (SHAFR). Published by Blackwell Publishers, Main Street, Malden, MA,
, USA and Cowley Road, Oxford, OX JF, UK.
With us it is different. We do not have to face any attack tomorrow or the
next day. Yet we are faced with something almost as difficult. We are faced with
great decisions.
We know how lucky we are compared to all the rest of mankind. At least
two-thirds of us are just plain rich compared to all the rest of the human
family – rich in food, rich in clothes, rich in entertainment and amusement,
rich in leisure, rich.
And yet we also know that the sickness of the world is also our sickness. We,
too, have miserably failed to solve the problems of our epoch. And nowhere in
the world have man’s failures been so little excusable as in the United States of
America. Nowhere has the contrast been so great between the reasonable hopes
of our age and the actual facts of failure and frustration. And so now all our
failures and mistakes hover like birds of ill omen over the White House, over
the Capitol dome and over this printed page. Naturally, we have no peace.
But, even beyond this necessity for living with our own misdeeds, there is
another reason why there is no peace in our hearts. It is that we have not been
honest with ourselves.
In this whole matter of War and Peace especially, we have been at various
times and in various ways false to ourselves, false to each other, false to the facts
of history and false to the future.
In this self-deceit our political leaders of all shades of opinion are deeply
implicated. Yet we cannot shove the blame off on them. If our leaders have
deceived us it is mainly because we ourselves have insisted on being deceived.
Their deceitfulness has resulted from our own moral and intellectual confusion.
In this confusion, our educators and churchmen and scientists are deeply
Journalists, too, of course, are implicated. But if Americans are confused it
is not for lack of accurate and pertinent information. The American people are
by far the best informed people in the history of the world.
The trouble is not with the facts. The trouble is that clear and honest
inferences have not been drawn from the facts. The day-to-day present is clear.
The issues of tomorrow are befogged.
There is one fundamental issue which faces America as it faces no other
nation. It is an issue peculiar to America and peculiar to America in the th
Century – now. It is deeper even than the immediate issue of War. If America
meets it correctly, then, despite hosts of dangers and difficulties, we can look
forward and move forward to a future worthy of men, with peace in our hearts.
If we dodge the issue, we shall flounder for ten or or bitter years in a
chartless and meaningless series of disasters.
The purpose of this article is to state that issue, and its solution, as candidly
and as completely as possible. But first of all let us be completely candid about
where we are and how we got there.
The American Century :
. . . But are we in it?
Where are we? We are in the war. All this talk about whether this or that
might or might not get us into the war is wasted effort. We are, for a fact, in the
If there’s one place we Americans did not want to be, it was in the war. We
didn’t want much to be in any kind of war but, if there was one kind of war we
most of all didn’t want to be in, it was a European war. Yet, we’re in a war, as
vicious and bad a war as ever struck this planet, and, along with being
worldwide, a European war.
Of course, we are not technically at war, we are not painfully at war, and we
may never have to experience the full hell that war can be. Nevertheless the
simple statement stands: we are in the war. The irony is that Hitler knows it –
and most Americans don’t. It may or may not be an advantage to continue
diplomatic relations with Germany. But the fact that a German embassy still
flourishes in Washington beautifully illustrates the whole mass of deceits and
self-deceits in which we have been living.
Perhaps the best way to show ourselves that we are in the war is to consider
how we can get out of it. Practically, there’s only one way to get out of it and
that is by a German victory over England. If England should surrender soon,
Germany and America would not start fighting the next day. So we would be
out of the war. For a while. Except that Japan might then attack the South Seas
and the Philippines. We could abandon the Philippines, abandon Australia and
New Zealand, withdraw to Hawaii. And wait. We would be out of the war.
We say we don’t want to be in the war. We also say we want England to win.
We want Hitler stopped – more than we want to stay out of the war. So, at the
moment, we’re in.
. . . But what are we defending?
Now that we are in this war, how did we get in? We got in on the basis of
defense. Even that very word, defense, has been full of deceit and self-deceit.
To the average American the plain meaning of the word defense is defense
of the American territory. Is our national policy today limited to the defense
of the American homeland by whatever means may seem wise? It is not. We are
not in a war to defend American territory. We are in a war to defend and even
to promote, encourage and incite so-called democratic principles throughout
the world. The average American begins to realize now that that’s the kind of
war he’s in. And he’s halfway for it. But he wonders how he ever got there, since
a year ago he had not the slightest intention of getting into any such thing. Well,
he can see now how he got there. He got there via “defense.”
Behind the doubts in the American mind there were and are two different
picture-patterns. One of them stressing the appalling consequences of the fall
of England leads us to a war of intervention. As a plain matter of the defense
of American territory is that picture necessarily true? It is not necessarily true.
For the other picture is roughly this: while it would be much better for us if
Hitler were severely checked, nevertheless regardless of what happens in
Europe it would be entirely possible for us to organize a defense of the northern
part of the Western Hemisphere so that this country could not be successfully
attacked. You are familiar with that picture. Is it true or false? No man is
qualified to state categorically that it is false. If the entire rest of the world came
under the organized domination of evil tyrants, it is quite possible to imagine
that this country could make itself such a tough nut to crack that not all the
tyrants in the world would care to come against us. And of course there would
always be a better than even chance that, like the great Queen Elizabeth, we
could play one tyrant off against another. Or, like an infinitely mightier Switzerland, we could live discreetly and dangerously in the midst of enemies. No
man can say that that picture of America as an impregnable armed camp is false.
No man can honestly say that as a pure matter of defense – defense of our
homeland – it is necessary to get into or be in this war.
The question before us then is not primarily one of necessity and survival. It
is a question of choice and calculation. The true questions are: Do we want to
be in this war? Do we prefer to be in it? And, if so, for what?
. . . Our fears have a special cause
We are in this war. We can see how we got into it in terms of defense. Now
why do we object so strongly to being in it?
There are lots of reasons. First, there is the profound and almost universal
aversion to all war – to killing and being killed. But the reason which needs
closest inspection, since it is one peculiar to this war and never felt about any
previous war, is the fear that if we get into this war, it will be the end of our
constitutional democracy. We are all acquainted with the fearful forecast – that
some form of dictatorship is required to fight a modern war, that we will
certainly go bankrupt, that in the process of war and its aftermath our economy
will be largely socialized, that the politicians now in office will seize complete
power and never yield it up, and that what with the whole trend toward
collectivism, we shall end up in such a total national socialism that any faint
semblances of our constitutional American democracy will be totally unrecognizable.
We start into this war with huge Government debt, a vast bureaucracy and
a whole generation of young people trained to look to the Government as the
source of all life. The Party in power is the one which for long years has been
most sympathetic to all manner of socialist doctrines and collectivist trends.
The President of the United States has continually reached for more and more
power, and he owes his continuation in office today largely to the coming of the
war. Thus, the fear that the United States will be driven to a national socialism,
The American Century :
as a result of cataclysmic circumstances and contrary to the free will of the
American people, is an entirely justifiable fear.
. . . The big question is how
So there’s the mess – to date. Much more could be said in amplification, in
qualification, and in argument. But, however elaborately they might be stated,
the sum of the facts about our present position brings us to this point – that the
paramount question of this immediate moment is not whether we get into war
but how do we win it?
If we are in a war, then it is no little advantage to be aware of the fact. And
once we admit to ourselves we are in a war, there is no shadow of doubt that
we Americans will be determined to win it – cost what it may in life or treasure.
Whether or not we declare war, whether or not we send expeditionary forces
abroad, whether or not we go bankrupt in the process – all these tremendous
considerations are matters of strategy and management and are secondary to
the overwhelming importance of winning the war.
. . . And why we need to know
Having now, with candor, examined our position, it is time to consider, to
better purpose than would have been possible before, the larger issue which
confronts us. Stated most simply, and in general terms, that issue is: What are
we fighting for?
Each of us stands ready to give our life, our wealth, and all our hope of
personal happiness, to make sure that America shall not lose any war she is
engaged in. But we would like to know what war we are trying to win – and
what we are supposed to win when we win it.
This questioning reflects our truest instincts as Americans. But more than
that. Our urgent desire to give this war its proper name has a desperate practical
importance. If we know what we are fighting for, then we can drive confidently
toward a victorious conclusion and, what’s more, have at least an even chance
of establishing a workable Peace.
Furthermore – and this is an extraordinary and profoundly historical fact
which deserves to be examined in detail – America and only America can
effectively state the war aims of this war.
Almost every expert will agree that Britain cannot win complete victory –
cannot even, in the common saying, “stop Hitler” – without American help.
Therefore, even if Britain should from time to time announce war aims, the
American people are continually in the position of effectively approving or not
approving those aims. On the contrary, if America were to announce war aims,
Great Britain would almost certainly accept them. And the entire world
including Adolf Hitler would accept them as the gauge of this battle.
Americans have a feeling that in any collaboration with Great Britain we
are somehow playing Britain’s game and not our own. Whatever sense there
may have been in this notion in the past, today it is an ignorant and foolish
conception of the situation. In any sort of partnership with the British Empire,
Great Britain is perfectly willing that the United States of America should
assume the role of senior partner. This has been true for a long time. Among
serious Englishmen, the chief complaint against America (and incidentally
their best alibi for themselves) has really amounted to this – that America has
refused to rise to the opportunities of leadership in the world.
Consider this recent statement of the London Economist :
“If any permanent closer association of Britain and the United States is
achieved, an island people of less than millions cannot expect to be the senior
partner. . . . The center of gravity and the ultimate decision must increasingly
lie in America. We cannot resent this historical development. We may rather
feel proud that the cycle of dependence, enmity and independence is coming
full circle into a new interdependence.” We Americans no longer have the alibi
that we cannot have things the way we want them so far as Great Britain is
concerned. With due regard for the varying problems of the members of the
British Commonwealth, what we want will be okay with them.
This holds true even for that inspiring proposal called Union Now – a
proposal, made by an American, that Britain and the United States should
create a new and larger federal union of peoples. That may not be the right
approach to our problem. But no thoughtful American has done his duty by
the United States of America until he has read and pondered Clarence Streit’s
book presenting that proposal.
The big, important point to be made here is simply that the complete
opportunity of leadership is ours. Like most great creative opportunities, it is
an opportunity enveloped in stupendous difficulties and dangers. If we don’t want
it, if we refuse to take it, the responsibility of refusal is also ours, and ours alone.
Admittedly, the future of the world cannot be settled all in one piece. It is
stupid to try to blueprint the future as you blueprint an engine or as you draw
up a constitution for a sorority. But if our trouble is that we don’t know what
we are fighting for, then it’s up to us to figure it out. Don’t expect some other
country to tell us. Stop this Nazi propaganda about fighting somebody else’s
war. We fight no wars except our wars. “Arsenal of Democracy?” We may prove
to be that. But today we must be the arsenal of America and of the friends and
allies of America.
Friends and allies of America? Who are they, and for what? This is for us to
tell them.
. . . But whose Dong Dang, whose Democracy?
But how can we tell them? And how can we tell ourselves for what purposes
we seek allies and for what purposes we fight? Are we going to fight for dear
The American Century :
old Danzig or dear old Dong Dang? Are we going to decide the boundaries of
Uritania? Or, if we cannot state war aims in terms of vastly distant geography,
shall we use some big words like Democracy and Freedom and Justice? Yes, we
can use the big words. The President has already used them. And perhaps we
had better get used to using them again. Maybe they do mean something –
about the future as well as the past.
Some amongst us are likely to be dying for them – on the fields and in the
skies of battle. Either that, or the words themselves and what they mean die
with us – in our beds.
But is there nothing between the absurd sound of distant cities and the brassy
trumpeting of majestic words? And if so, whose Dong Dang and whose Democracy? Is there not something a little more practically satisfying that we can get
our teeth into? Is there no sort of understandable program? A program which
would be clearly good for America, which would make sense for America – and
which at the same time might have the blessing of the Goddess of Democracy
and even help somehow to fix up this bothersome matter of Dong Dang?
Is there none such? There is. And so we now come squarely and closely face
to face with the issue which Americans hate most to face. It is that old, old issue
with those old, old battered labels –the issue of Isolationism versus Internationalism.
We detest both words. We spit them at each other with the fury of hissing
geese. We duck and dodge them.
Let us face that issue squarely now. If we face it squarely now – and if in
facing it we take full and fearless account of the realities of our age – then we
shall open the way, not necessarily to peace in our daily lives but to peace in
our hearts.
Life is made up of joy and sorrow, of satisfactions and difficulties. In this time
of trouble, we speak of troubles. There are many troubles. There are troubles
in the field of philosophy, in faith and morals. There are troubles of home and
family, of personal life. All are interrelated but we speak here especially of the
troubles of national policy.
In the field of national policy, the fundamental trouble with America has
been, and is, that whereas their nation became in the th Century the most
powerful and the most vital nation in the world, nevertheless Americans were
unable to accommodate themselves spiritually and practically to that fact.
Hence they have failed to play their part as a world power – a failure which has
had disastrous consequences for themselves and for all mankind. And the cure
is this: to accept wholeheartedly our duty and our opportunity as the most
powerful and vital nation in the world and in consequence to exert upon the
world the full impact of our influence, for such purposes as we see fit and by
such means as we see fit.
“For such purposes as we see fit” leaves entirely open the question of what
our purposes may be or how we may appropriately achieve them. Emphatically
our only alternative to isolationism is not to undertake to police the whole
world nor to impose democratic institutions on all mankind including the
Dalai Lama and the good shepherds of Tibet.
America cannot be responsible for the good behavior of the entire world.
But America is responsible, to herself as well as to history, for the worldenvironment in which she lives. Nothing can so vitally affect America’s environment as America’s own influence upon it, and therefore if America’s environment is unfavorable to the growth of American life, then America has
nobody to blame so deeply as she must blame herself.
In its failure to grasp this relationship between America and America’s
environment lies the moral and practical bankruptcy of any and all forms of
isolationism. It is most unfortunate that this virus of isolationist sterility has so
deeply infected an influential section of the Republican Party. For until the
Republican Party can develop a vital philosophy and program for America’s
initiative and activity as a world power, it will continue to cut itself off from any
useful participation in this hour of history. And its participation is deeply
needed for the shaping of the future of America and of the world.
But politically speaking, it is an equally serious fact that for seven years
Franklin Roosevelt was, for all practical purposes, a complete isolationist. He
was more of an isolationist than Herbert Hoover or Calvin Coolidge. The fact
that Franklin Roosevelt has recently emerged as an emergency world leader
should not obscure the fact that for seven years his policies ran absolutely
counter to any possibility of effective American leadership in international
co-operation. There is of course a justification which can be made for the
President’s first two terms. It can be said, with reason, that great social reforms
were necessary in order to bring democracy up-to-date in the greatest of
democracies. But the fact is that Franklin Roosevelt failed to make American
democracy work successfully on a narrow, materialistic and nationalistic basis.
And under Franklin Roosevelt we ourselves have failed to make democracy
work successfully. Our only chance now to make it work is in terms of a vital
international economy and in terms of an international moral order.
This objective is Franklin Roosevelt’s great opportunity to justify his first
two terms and to go down in history as the greatest rather than the last of
American Presidents. Our job is to help in every way we can, for our sakes and
our children’s sakes, to ensure that Franklin Roosevelt shall be justly hailed as
America’s greatest President.
Without our help he cannot be our greatest President. With our help he can
and will be. Under him and with his leadership we can make isolationism as
dead an issue as slavery, and we can make a truly American internationalism
something as natural to us in our time as the airplane or the radio.
In we had a golden opportunity, an opportunity unprecedented in all
history, to assume the leadership of the world – a golden opportunity handed
to us on the proverbial silver platter. We did not understand that opportunity.
The American Century :
Wilson mishandled it. We rejected it. The opportunity persisted. We bungled
it in the ’s and in the confusions of the ’s we killed it.
To lead the world would never have been an easy task. To revive the hope
of that lost opportunity makes the task now infinitely harder than it would have
been before. Nevertheless, with the help of all of us, Roosevelt must succeed
where Wilson failed.
. . . Some facts about our time
Consider the th Century. It is not only in the sense that we happen to live
in it but ours also because it is America’s first century as a dominant power in
the world. So far, this century of ours has been a profound and tragic disappointment. No other century has been so big with promise for human progress
and happiness. And in no one century have so many men and women and
children suffered such pain and anguish and bitter death.
It is a baffling and difficult and paradoxical century. No doubt all centuries
were paradoxical to those who had to cope with them. But, like everything else,
our paradoxes today are bigger and better than ever. Yes, better as well as
bigger – inherently better. We have poverty and starvation – but only in the
midst of plenty. We have the biggest wars in the midst of the most widespread,
the deepest and the most articulate hatred of war in all history. We have
tyrannies and dictatorships – but only when democratic idealism, once regarded as the dubious eccentricity of a colonial nation, is the faith of a huge
majority of the people of the world.
And ours is also a revolutionary century. The paradoxes make it inevitably
revolutionary. Revolutionary, of course, in science and in industry. And also
revolutionary, as a corollary in politics and the structure of society. But to say
that a revolution is in progress is not to say that the men with either the craziest
ideas or the angriest ideas or the most plausible ideas are going to come out on
top. The Revolution of was won and established by men most of whom
appear to have been both gentlemen and men of common sense.
Clearly a revolutionary epoch signifies great changes, great adjustments.
And this is only one reason why it is really so foolish for people to worry about
our “constitutional democracy” without worrying or, better, thinking hard
about the world revolution. For only as we go out to meet and solve for our
time the problems of the world revolution, can we know how to re-establish
our constitutional democracy for another or years.
This th Century is baffling, difficult, paradoxical, revolutionary. But by
now, at the cost of much pain and many hopes deferred, we know a good deal
about it. And we ought to accommodate our outlook to this knowledge so dearly
bought. For example, any true conception of our world of the th Century
must surely include a vivid awareness of at least these four propositions.
First: our world of ,,, human beings is for the first time in history
one world, fundamentally indivisible. Second: modern man hates war and feels
intuitively that, in its present scale and frequency, it may even be fatal to his
species. Third: our world, again for the first time in human history, is capable
of producing all the material needs of the entire human family. Fourth: the
world of the th Century, if it is to come to life in any nobility of health and
vigor, must be to a significant degree an American Century.
As to the first and second: in postulating the indivisibility of the contemporary world, one does not necessarily imagine that anything like a world state –
a parliament of men – must be brought about in this century. Nor need we
assume that war can be abolished. All that it is necessary to feel – and to feel
deeply – is that terrific forces of magnetic attraction and repulsion will operate
as between every large group of human beings on this planet. Large sections
of the human family may be effectively organized into opposition to each other.
Tyrannies may require a large amount of living space. But Freedom requires
and will require far greater living space than Tyranny. Peace cannot endure
unless it prevails over a very large part of the world. Justice will come near to
losing all meaning in the minds of men unless Justice can have approximately
the same fundamental meanings in many lands and among many peoples.
As to the third point – the promise of adequate production for all mankind,
the “more abundant life” – be it noted that this is characteristically an American
promise. It is a promise easily made, here and elsewhere, by demagogues and
proponents of all manner of slick schemes and “planned economies.” What we
must insist on is that the abundant life is predicated on Freedom – on the
Freedom which has created its possibility – on a vision of Freedom under Law.
Without Freedom, there will be no abundant life. With Freedom, there can be.
And finally there is the belief – shared let us remember by most men living –
that the th Century must be to a significant degree an American Century.
This knowledge calls us to action now.
. . . How it shall be created
What can we say and foresee about an American Century? It is meaningless
merely to say that we reject isolationism and accept the logic of internationalism. What internationalism? Rome had a great internationalism. So had the
Vatican and Genghis Khan and the Ottoman Turks and the Chinese Emperors
and th Century England. After the first World War, Lenin had one in mind.
Today Hitler seems to have one in mind – one which appeals strongly to some
American isolationists whose opinion of Europe is so low that they would gladly
hand it over to anyone who would guarantee to destroy it forever. But what
internationalism have we Americans to offer?
Ours cannot come out of the vision of any one man. It must be the product
of the imaginations of many men. It must be a sharing with all peoples of our
Bill of Rights, our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, our magnificent industrial products, our technical skills. It must be an internationalism
of the people, by the people and for the people.
The American Century :
In general, the issues which the American people champion revolve around
their determination to make the society of men safe for the freedom, growth
and increasing satisfaction of all individual men. Beside that resolve, the sneers,
groans, catcalls, teeth-grinding, hisses and roars of the Nazi Propaganda Ministry are of small moment.
Once we cease to distract ourselves with lifeless arguments about isolationism, we shall be amazed to discover that there is already an immense American
internationalism. American jazz, Hollywood movies, American slang, American machines and patented products, are in fact the only things that every
community in the world, from Zanzibar to Hamburg, recognizes in common.
Blindly, unintentionally, accidentally and really in spite of ourselves, we are
already a world power in all the trivial ways – in very human ways. But there
is a great deal more than that. America is already the intellectual, scientific and
artistic capital of the world. Americans –Midwestern Americans – are today
the least provincial people in the world. They have traveled the most and they
know more about the world than the people of any other country. America’s
worldwide experience in commerce is also far greater than most of us realize.
Most important of all, we have that indefinable, unmistakable sign of
leadership: prestige. And unlike the prestige of Rome or Genghis Khan or th
Century England, American prestige throughout the world is faith in the good
intentions as well as in the ultimate intelligence and ultimate strength of the
whole American people. We have lost some of that prestige in the last few years.
But most of it is still there.
No narrow definition can be given to the American internationalism of the
th Century. It will take shape, as all civilizations take shape, by the living of
it, by work and effort, by trial and error, by enterprise and adventure and
And by imagination!
As America enters dynamically upon the world scene, we need most of all
to seek and to bring forth a vision of America as a world power which is
authentically American and which can inspire us to live and work and fight with
vigor and enthusiasm. And as we come now to the great test, it may yet turn
out that in all our trials and tribulations of spirit during the first part of this
century we as a people have been painfully apprehending the meaning of our
time and now in this moment of testing there may come clear at last the vision
which will guide us to the authentic creation of the th Century – our Century.
Consider four areas of life and thought in which we may seek to realize such
a vision:
First, the economic. It is for America and for America alone to determine
whether a system of free economic enterprise – an economic order compatible
with freedom and progress – shall or shall not prevail in this century. We know
perfectly well that there is not the slightest chance of anything faintly resembling a free economic system prevailing in this country if it prevails nowhere
else. What then does America have to decide? Some few decisions are quite
simple. For example: we have to decide whether or not we shall have for
ourselves and our friends freedom of the seas – the right to go with our ships
and our ocean-going airplanes where we wish, when we wish and as we wish.
The vision of America as the principal guarantor of the freedom of the seas,
the vision of Americas [sic] as the dynamic leader of world trade, has within it
the possibilities of such enormous human progress as to stagger the imagination. Let us not be staggered by it. Let us rise to its tremendous possibilities.
Our thinking of world trade today is on ridiculously small terms. For example,
we think of Asia as being worth only a few hundred millions a year to us.
Actually, in the decades to come Asia will be worth to us exactly zero – or else
it will be worth to us four, five, ten billions of dollars a year. And the latter are
the terms we must think in, or else confess a pitiful impotence.
Closely akin to the purely economic area and yet quite different from it,
there is the picture of an America which will send out through the world its
technical and artistic skills. Engineers, scientists, doctors, movie men, makers
of entertainment, developers of airlines, builders of roads, teachers, educators.
Throughout the world, these skills, this training, this leadership is needed and
will be eagerly welcomed, if only we have the imagination to see it and the
sincerity and good will to create the world of the th Century.
But now there is a third thing which our vision must immediately be
concerned with. We must undertake now to be the Good Samaritan of the entire
world. It is the manifest duty of this country to undertake to feed all the people
of the world who as a result of this worldwide collapse of civilization are hungry
and destitute – all of them, that is, whom we can from time to time reach
consistently with a very tough attitude toward all hostile governments. For
every dollar we spend on armaments, we should spend at least a dime in a
gigantic effort to feed the world – and all the world should know that we have
dedicated ourselves to this task. Every farmer in America should be encouraged
to produce all the crops he can, and all that we cannot eat – and perhaps some
of us could eat less – should forthwith be dispatched to the four quarters of the
globe as a free gift, administered by a humanitarian army of Americans, to every
man, woman and child on this earth who is really hungry.
But all this is not enough. All this will fail and none of it will happen unless
our vision of America as a world power includes a passionate devotion to great
American ideals. We have some things in this country which are infinitely
precious and especially American – a love of freedom, a feeling for the equality
of opportunity, a tradition of self-reliance and independence and also of
co-operation. In addition to ideals and notions which are especially American,
we are the inheritors of all the great principles of Western civilization – above
all Justice, the love of Truth, the ideal of Charity. The other day Herbert Hoover
The American Century :
said that America was fast becoming the sanctuary of the ideals of civilization.
For the moment it may be enough to be the sanctuary of these ideals. But not
for long. It now becomes our time to be the powerhouse from which the ideals
spread throughout the world and do their mysterious work of lifting the life of
mankind from the level of the beasts to what the Psalmist called a little lower
than the angels.
America as the dynamic center of ever-widening spheres of enterprise,
America as the training center of the skillful servants of mankind, America as
the Good Samaritan, really believing again that it is more blessed to give than
to receive, and America as the powerhouse of the ideals of Freedom and
Justice – out of these elements surely can be fashioned a vision of the th
Century to which we can and will devote ourselves in joy and gladness and
vigor and enthusiasm.
Other nations can survive simply because they have endured so long –
sometimes with more and sometimes with less significance. But this nation,
conceived in adventure and dedicated to the progress of man – this nation
cannot truly endure unless there courses strongly through its veins from Maine
to California the blood of purposes and enterprise and high resolve.
Throughout the th Century and the th Century and the th Century,
this continent teemed with manifold projects and magnificent purposes. Above
them all and weaving them all together into the most exciting flag of all the
world and of all history was the triumphal purpose of freedom.
It is in this spirit that all of us are called, each to his own measure of capacity,
and each in the widest horizon of his vision, to create the first great American