REAL Learning Ethnic Racial Political Unrest Discussion

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In this pandemic, our country is faced with much ethnic/racial/political unrest. The wailing for fairness in justice and healthcare is blatant. There is clear uncertainty regarding our value for human life, for some Americans struggle to believe that their lives really matter. As caring nurses in our College, please speak to the areas below using at least one class material and one outside relevant source as desired ( note that two supports are required).

1) How can you be supportive to someone who is different (like: looks, accent, SES, religious/ sexual/ or political persuasion) from you? (5 points)

2)Do you think as a country, we are prepared to embrace individual differences? (5 points)

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3) What do you think we need in order to welcome diversity and be inclusive? (5 points) What empirical evidence supports your position?

This is really a cultural sensitivity/insensitivity discussion. Your beliefs will not be held against you. So feel free to “keep it real.” However this is NOT a political discussion.

Provide 2 sources/references (2.5 points).

Please highlight the areas as above (using yellow) so both you and I will know that the areas have been addressed.

TEXT BOOK: Dossey, B. M., & Keegan, L. (2016).
Holistic nursing: A handbook for practice
(8th ed.).
Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishing.



First watch this video

In this video, leaf disc samples kept in the light are expected to turnthe water green, begin to sink, and float on the surface, moving both up and down in solution

The answers to these three short answer responses will help you complete LAB 6.

1. Why do the leaf disks placed in baking soda (bicarbonate) solution begin to float? Explain in 3-5 clear sentences using scientific vocabulary.

2. What happens to leaf discs kept in the dark? Explain in 3-5 clear sentences using appropriate scientific vocabulary.

3. Imagine using leaf disks soaking in water without baking soda (bicarbonate). These should not float — explain why in 3-5 clear sentences using scientific vocabulary.

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