needs help
Communication in the Workplace Project Paper Guidelines for COM 1250
For this project, you will have the choice of writing a paper OR recording yourself presenting a slideshow
If you choose a paper, you will write a 2–3-page reflection formatted in MLA which identifies which
communications skills that we are learning about will be most useful for you in your dream job. You will
need to include a Works Cited page in your paper to show your sources, which will also need to be cited
in-text. Your works cited does not count toward your page count for this paper.
If you are choosing to record yourself, please note I do not need to see you on camera, I just need to
hear you narrate the slideshow. You can do this via Zoom, which you can download for free, or by
recording a narration on each slide with in PowerPoint itself. Slideshows need to follow the 6×6 rule:
typically, you should not have more than 6 lines per slide or more than 6 words per line. You want to use
bullet points in a slideshow, and you will need to have a minimum of 2 pictures if you choose this
formatting. Please note that due to file size limitations on D2L, you will need to share a link to your
video rather than uploading it directly. If you use Zoom and record to the cloud, a link will be provided.
For any other types of recordings, you can upload it to Google Drive and share the link from there.
Regardless of which formatting you choose your presentation should go as follows.
In your introduction, be sure to identify your dream job, and provide some background information and
a short description of it; what does this job entail? Why is this your dream job? Are there other jobs you
will need to work prior?
In the body of your project, you should address a minimum of 5 communication skills as they specifically
apply in the field you are entering. Please italicize or bold the terms to clearly identify them in your
paper. If you are doing a slideshow, each concept should have its own slide, and the concept itself
should be the title of the slide.
Be sure to speak to these concepts in such a way that you are
1. Clearly demonstrating an understanding of the communication concept.
2. Clearly connect the communication to the specific job you are researching.
3. Provide a best practice for this communication skill within your field.
Doesn’t work: Simply stating “Diesel Technicians need to listen”.
Does Work: Adding depth to your inclusion of this material to show how it is specifically relevant
in your dream career field. An example of this could be “(active) Listening is important to diesel
technicians in order to gain a full understanding of the problem as it is understood by the person
explaining it. This provides a starting point for where we need to begin our own assessment of
the issue. A best practice is to paraphrase what we have heard back to the customer to ensure
we are on the same page for the work that needs to be done before moving forward”.
In your conclusion, you will discuss what you have learned from this project as regards to
communication skills. Be sure to identify the most important communication skill for the career, as well
as what additional steps you will be taking to hone said skill. Is this still your dream field? Why or why
You should have at least 2 sources for this project, which you will include in a works cited at the end of
the paper or slideshow. Please keep in mind that your references do not count towards the required
number of pages or slides. Be sure to identify sources as needed with in-text citations throughout the
paper or out loud citations in the presentation as well. Expected sources would include sites such as
ONET, Glassdoor, LinkedIn, Indeed, etc. You can also use personal interviews with individuals who are
working in the field. (NOTE: a failure to include any sources is plagiarism and will result in a grade of
0.) There are resources for this in the content module for the assignment, but I also encourage you to
utilize the writing center, whom you can meet with virtually.
Grading: This project is worth 15% of your total class grade. Refer to the rubric in D2L for grading details.
Please follow all the level 3 rules Dr!!!!!!
Rubric Name: Communication in the Workplace Project
The Basics
Level 3
2 points
Level 2
1 point
Clearly introduces yourself and
your dream job.
Spelling and grammar errors are minimal and do not impact Spelling and grammar errors
impact content in some places.
Introduction Clearly introduces yourself and your dream job. Includes a
short description of what job entails.
Spelling &
The Basics
Level 3
2 points
Level 2
1 point
For Slideshow: Follows 6×6 rule. Font and color make it
easy to read.
For Slideshow: Attempts to
follow 6×6 rule. Font and color do d
not make it difficult to read.
For Paper: A clear attempt was
made to format in APA or MLA su
and you have noted which you are
using in the dropbox when you
submitted your paper.
For paper: Clearly identifies APA or MLA in the dropbox
and follows formatting.
For Slideshow: Minimum of 7 slides no more than 9.
Includes at least 2 pictures.
For Slideshow: 5-7 or 10-11
slides and at least 1 picture.
For paper: 2-3 Pages
For paper: 4-5 Pages
Includes at least 2 sources cited both in body and in works
cited/references page.
Includes at least 1 sources cited
both in body and in works
cited/references page.
Level 5
4 points
Level 3
2 points
Level 4
3 points
The Basics
Level 3
2 points
Level 2
1 point
Concept 1
Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates clear
Demonstrates clear
communication skill as it applies understanding of course
understanding of communication un
to this career through discussion concept as it applies to this skill and attempts to apply it to co
with career-specific examples
career through discussion career through discussion.
and best practices.
with examples.
Concept 2
Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates clear
Demonstrates clear
communication skill as it applies understanding of course
understanding of communication un
to this career through discussion concept as it applies to this skill and attempts to apply it to co
with career-specific examples
career through discussion career through discussion.
and best practices.
with examples.
Concept 3
Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates clear
Demonstrates clear
communication skill as it applies understanding of course
understanding of communication un
to this career through discussion concept as it applies to this skill and attempts to apply it to co
with career-specific examples
career through discussion career through discussion.
and best practices.
with examples.
The Basics
Level 3
2 points
Level 2
1 point
Concept 4
Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates clear
Demonstrates clear
communication skill as it applies understanding of course
understanding of communication un
to this career through discussion concept as it applies to this skill and attempts to apply it to co
with career-specific examples
career through discussion career through discussion.
and best practices.
with examples.
Concept 5
Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates clear
Demonstrates clear
communication skill as it applies understanding of course
understanding of communication un
to this career through discussion concept as it applies to this skill and attempts to apply it to co
with career-specific examples
career through discussion career through discussion.
and best practices.
with examples.
Level 3
2 points
Level 2
1 point
What have you learned
from this project?
Conclusion includes a clear analysis of what you have learned
about the importance of communication in the job.
Conclusion alludes to
communication in the
examples or discussio
Most important
communication skill.
Conclusion clearly identifies what you see as the most
important communication skill for this career field as well as
Conclusion alludes to
communication skill w
Next steps.
Level 3
2 points
Level 2
1 point
Conclusion clearly addresses what your next steps will
be to continue building your communication skills to
prepare for this job.
Conclusion alludes
should be for prepa