Financial analysis project! check the uploaded documents.
Due May 8, 2013
Project Overview
Your assignment is to select a domestic corporation that is predominantly in a retail
industry whose stock is publicly traded and pretend that you are a financial analyst
scoping out a potential investment. You should focus on the general financial health of
the company and pretend you are doing a very simple initial analysis of the company.
A domestic corporation is one that is based in the United States. I want you to use a U.S.
company because they will be applying U.S. GAAP (generally accepted accounting
principles) to their financial statements. These are the accounting rules you are learning
this semester. Foreign accounting rules may differ from U.S. GAAP, complicating your
task. Foreign companies that are trading on US stock exchanges have converted to US
GAAP, but the conversion is not 100% transparent for inexperienced financial statement
users. Therefore, make sure your company is based in the U.S.
I want all students to choose a retailer to promote comparability in classroom discussions
of your financial analysis project. A retailer is a company that purchases merchandise to
resell to consumers. You may choose a company that manufactures its product as long as
reselling is a major part of its business operations. Companies are categorized according
to four-digit SIC (Standard Industry Classification) codes. The main retailing SIC codes
start with 59 as the first two digits. Check your company’s description or its SIC code to
make sure it is a retailer.
A publicly traded company is one whose stock is traded on an organized exchange
(NYSE, AMEX, etc.). A broad spectrum of shareholders own the company. Publicly
traded companies are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to
protect the investing public. The SEC requires these companies to follow explicit
accounting rules and to provide information to the public. That is why you are able to
obtain an audited annual report, free of charge, from the company you choose. Keep in
mind that just because you are able to obtain an annual report doesn’t mean the company
is publicly traded.
Annual Report
You should obtain an annual report by March 11th. The annual report of your publicly
traded company must include the basic financial statements and the auditor’s opinion.
You can request that a hard copy of an annual report(s) be mailed to you. However, you
need to allow ample time for processing and mailing the report. Otherwise, you could
obtain an electronic copy via the Intenet. If you use an electronic annual report you must
print out at least the basic financial statements. Note that financial information offerred
by Yahoo! Finance, Hoover’s, and other financial sites is NOT an alternative for an
annual report. You will be penalized 10 points for not following instructions if you do
not submit an annual report, or at least the audited financial statements from an electronic
annual report, with your analysis at the end of the semester.
It is entirely up to you how you select your corporation. You must notify me of your
selection, via the Company Choice form, by March 18th. The choice is collected as a
regular homework assignment.
Here are some suggestions for choosing a company. If you don’t really care what
company you choose, one easy thing to do is go to the Wall Street Journal’s Annual
Report Service. All companies within this service are publicly traded. You can order hard
copy annual reports online at It
would be a good idea to request several so that you will have a backup in case of
problems and for other companies to use for comparison purposes. Search by industry
sector or alphabetically.
Alternatively, you can search general business reference manuals online or in the library
for possible companies. You can go to the business section in the library’s reference area
or ask a reference librarian for help. There are several references that provide general
information for specific companies. Try, for example, Hoover’s Handbook
(HG4057.A288) or Standard & Poor’s Registry (HG4057.A4). Hoover’s is also available
online at You can browse the company directory, specifying
public companies only. You can also browse by SIC code and limit your search to
retailers only. The main retailing SIC code is 59.
My favorite way to find a company’s financial information is to use Google Finance at It is very easy to search for a company using its ticker
symbol (Google helps you determine the ticker symbol). Scroll down to “Facts” and
under “Links” there is usually a link to the company’s Investor Relations. Once at that
site there is usually an option for Annual Reports. Make sure you do not settle for
“Selected Financial Information.” The Management Discussion and Analysis and Notes
to the Financial Statements will be just as valuable as the financial statements when you
interpret the ratios you’ve calculated.
Google Finance is a wonderful tool for obtaining financial information about a company
you would like to compare to yours. Scroll down to “Related Companies” for access to
their information. Although you cannot use the ratios provided by Google for your
company, you are allowed to use the provided ratios for a comparison company. In
addition, you can obtain industry ratios by clicking “More ratios from Reuters” under
On May 8th, you must submit a written financial statement analysis. It will be reviewed
by me and it will be graded according to the syllabus. Late projects will not be accepted.
Ratio analysis will be the core of your analysis. Use the key relationships identified in
your textbook as a guide. Choose five ratios that you think are the most useful for
analyzing your particular company, making sure to address liquidity, solvency, and
profitability. After calculating the ratios, you must interpret them. Just use common
sense and tell me what you think of this initial information. Remember to use the notes
to the financial statements and any narrative provided by management. You must
compare the company’s ratios to industry averages or to a similar company’s ratios.
I expect a two page, maximum, typewritten report that is double-spaced. Brevity is
crucial in the business world. Decide what is important to say and leave out the rest. Add
a third page schedule that clearly explains the computations of your five ratios and can be
traced to the annual report.
Start with a very brief introduction telling me the name of your company, the fiscal year
end of your annual report, and why you chose the company. One or two sentences are
plenty. Make sure you explain how you know your company is a retailer.
Then discuss each of the five ratios that you chose for your company’s analysis. Do not
regurgitate the textbook definition of the ratio, but describe what the ratio means to you
given your studies and comparisons. Leave the construction of the ratio in the third page
schedule and focus on the interpretation. For example,
“Company A has a Current Ratio of 2.0. This indicates a healthy liquidity
position because it has twice as many current assets to pay current
liabilities as they come due. A ratio of 2.0 is a standard benchmark for
liquidity. In addition, Company A’s ratio of 2.0 is greater than that of its
primary competitor, Company B, whose ratio is 1.2.”
Last, grade the company’s financial health (A, B, C, D, or F) and support your grade
with a one paragraph summary. Remember, you have to convince me that your
evaluation is reasonable.
You will be graded on the content of the analysis, your analytical skills, and your ability
to communicate effectively.
Last Name
First Name
Title of the financial position/balance sheet statement?
Title of the financial performance/income statement?
Fiscal year end of the statements?
Name of the external auditors and date of the audit opinion?
What makes you think your company is a retailer?
Company Choice
ACTG 201 Section ____