Graded ActivityUnit Activity: The Universe
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Space Exploration and the Economy
In this activity, you’ll prepare a two- to three-page research paper highlighting the contributions of
a NASA space center and its effects on the local and national economy and culture. Choose a NASA
space center
to research, and then follow the steps provided to research, plan, and write your
paper. Use this information about the research process
and other links throughout the activity
as a guide.
Estimated time to complete: 2 to 3 hours
Part A: Ask Questions
Make a list of questions that will help you conduct research on the topic. Get started by
considering these questions that may help you better understand the topic:
What is the name and location of the space center you chose?
What are some of the space center’s most significant contributions?
How was the space center impacted by the retirement of the space shuttle program in
2011? How has this change affected future events scheduled at the space center?
What effect does this space center have on the economy and culture of the state where
it’s located?
What is the national yearly budget for NASA? If possible, find out how much money is
allotted to and spent by the space center you chose.
How would proposed budget cuts likely impact this space center and NASA’s role as a
leader in space travel?
Now write down two more questions that will help you strengthen the arguments in your
research paper. The questions could be about the space center you chose or NASA’s impact
on economy and culture.
JSC is located in Houston Texas. It was created by an act of the United States Senate in honor of the late US
president Lyndon B Johnson who was a Texas native on 19th February 1973. Johnson was a US senator before
representing Texas and had been very vocal in advocating for the establishment and funding of the center.
Initially, the center was known as the Manned Spacecraft Center and was established in 1958. The center is
constructed on 1620 acres of land where more than 100 building complexes are standing. It is the home of
NASA’s astronauts’ corps. Training of Astronauts for both the US and its international partners takes place within
the facility. JSC is among the ten major NASA field centers.
For more than half a century, JSC has served as the main hub of human spaceflight activity. Apart from being the
home of the US astronaut corps, it is the International Space station for mission operations and houses the
Orion Program. It is also a host for future space developments. NASA Orion is a spaceship that has been
developed and built at JSC to aid in the movement of humans further into outer space. The mission has been
successful as a spaceship managed to be sent into outer space for exploration and landed back successfully.
The retirement of the space shuttle program in 2011 has had significant effects on the economy. The move was
after 30 years of operations that had never been conducted before in the history of humankind. The retirement
was a calculated move to aid in diverting resources in developing and sending advanced spaceships beyond the
earth’s low orbit for advanced exploration. However, thousands of employees who depended on the program
for their livelihood were left jobless while their families who depended on them were left frustrated as the help
was no longer coming. The change has led to advancement in space exploration as the center has managed to
build better vehicles that can manage to reach as far as Mars and explore its viability to support life.
Space used (includes formatting): 2089 / 15000
Part B: Find Credible Sources
When writing a research paper, look for credible sources. Science doesn’t show bias, but
humans do. Avoid sites and articles that provide facts without citing proper scientific
evidence. You must be able to identify reliable sites so that the data in your research paper is
Use sources that end in .gov. These government sites are reliable sources. You can also use
sites ending in .edu. They’re generally trustworthy, but sometimes students, rather than
scientists, write content for .edu websites. Always identify the source’s author. Some .org and
.com sites are credible, but it’s important to verify their authenticity. When reviewing a source,
ask these questions:
Who is the author?
Is this person an expert on the subject?
What is the document’s purpose?
Does the document state facts that scientists can prove with evidence?
Are there opinions in the document?
How old is the document?
Do other credible sources support the statements in the document?
Search for credible websites and note the information they contain. Write down three sources
that you’ll use for your research paper, and cite them using Modern Language Association
(MLA) citation methods .
In Texas alone, JSC has created to the tune of 10000 jobs for the locals as support staff in the facility. The move
has a direct impact on the Economy of Houston. The Center has also been at the forefront in supporting
innovative research in the state where a whooping $11.3 m has been allocated to aid in small business
innovative research. The center has also allocated another $14.4 m to uplift the small disadvantaged businesses.
In the support of women-owned businesses, the Center allocated $112.2m and thus facilitating women from
Texas to do business. Universities within the State of Texas have also not been left behind as $42.8 m has been
allocated to them. The amount is aimed at improving the infrastructure and facilities to enable research and
innovations within the universities. $ 87m has been allocated for non-profit awards in Texas and thus improving
the lives of the dwellers. The existence of the Center within the State has been of great economic importance to
the dwellers unlike if it was not there.
JSC operates under an expansive budget. $1.11B has been slotted to cater to the International Space Station,
and $1.21B has been allocated for the Orion Multi-purpose Crew vehicle. For the human Research Program,
$115.4M has been slotted to enable the improvement of the quality of life. $68.2m has been kept aside for the
Commercial Crew program. $1.35B is allocated for the Cargo program, while the advanced exploration systems
are to be catered to with $75.5m.
A budget reduction is likely to hamper NASA’s operations not only in its space exploration mission but also in its
innovations. Innovations require adequate funding to facilitate research that has been vital in improving the
lives of humanity. Budget reduction will cripple exploration and thus a lot beyond the earth will remain
ununderstood and thus failing to tap the opportunities that could have arisen from the exploration.
Space used (includes formatting): 1993 / 15000
Part C: Take Notes
In a separate location, take notes from the sources you’ve identified. The notes will provide
details for your paper. While taking notes from texts and websites, use these reading
strategies . In the space provided, answer one of the questions you formulated in part A.
Works Cited
Space used (includes formatting): 299 / 15000
Part D: Organize Your Information
After you’ve gathered your research and answered all of your questions, create an outline for
your research paper in the answer space. Following the guidelines for writing a fiveparagraph essay
may help you structure your outline. Be sure to include your thesis
statement in the introduction and a works cited page at the end of your paper listing the
authors and websites you consulted.
Space used (includes formatting): 0 / 15000
Part E: Write Your Paper
Write your paper using your outline and research. Be sure to proofread
and revise
writing to catch any errors in grammar, spelling , logic, or cohesion . Remember that you
must add a works cited page
at the end of your paper to credit your sources.
When you have completed your paper, submit it to your teacher along with this activity.
Unit Activity
Types of Photography and Careers
This activity will help you meet these educational goals:
• Content Knowledge—You will learn about various careers in photography, and analyze
the works of photographers.
• Inquiry—You will conduct online research in which you will collect information, make
observations, and communicate your results in written form.
• 21st Century Skills—You will employ online tools for research and analysis, use
critical thinking, and communicate effectively.
Photography offers many options and careers paths. You have to understand your talents
before you embark on your career path. You also have to understand the works of different
photographers to understand their technique. You also have to understand various job skills
necessary in the workplace.
Directions and Analysis
Task 1: Photography Interview
a. You have applied for a job in a highly regarded magazine. During the interview, you are
asked the question, “What kind of photography you would like to do and why?” Briefly
describe your answer.
Type your response here:
b. In the same interview, they ask you about your view on digital versus film photography.
Provide the answer with supporting data. You can refer to the Internet.
Type your response here:
Task 2: Evaluate the Work of a Photographer
Take a look at the any of the photographs of a photographer and write a brief note on the
genre of the photograph.
Type your response here:
Task 3: Interview a Photographer
Interview a photographer and obtain information such as career opportunities, experience,
and responsibilities. Conduct the interview over the phone.
Type your response here:
Task 4: Industry, Profession, and Social Issues
In this activity, you will choose an industry of your choice and conduct an online research. You
will read relevant content, take notes, and summarize the information in your own words.
Then, you need to write a paper covering the following:
Identify and describe labor issues that include employment opportunities, workers’ rights
and privileges, and growth opportunities in the industry.
Identify various community programs and other services that the selected industry offers
to the members of the community. Also, discuss how the community affects the industry in
terms of the demand for products and services, the target customer base, and the
employee base.
Discuss financial responsibility within the industry.
Type your response here:
Task 5: Organizational Structures and Managerial Skills
In this activity, you will understand the role of organizational hierarchy and management skills
by completing the following tasks:
• Conduct online research and explore common organizational structures in any industry of
your choice.
• Discuss the different qualities and skills that managers working in such an industry should
Type your response here:
Task 6: Participating in a Student Organization
Select a student organization of your choice in which you would like to participate. The
organization should be related to photography or any related field. Research online and
create a brief report on the mission of the organization, and state the reason why you
want to participate in this organization.
You may use online resources to find information about the organization. Ensure you
cover the following points:
• The goals and purposes of this organization.
• The benefits, duties, and responsibilities of being a member of the student
• The opportunities provided by this organization for developing leadership skills.
Type your response here:
Your teacher will use this rubric to evaluate the completeness of your work as well as the
clarity of thinking that you exhibit.
Total Points: 100
Task points: [15]
Task 1: Photography Interview
explaining the reasons behind choosing a particular kind of
describing the strengths that are useful in the field of
explaining the preference for digital or film photography
Task 2: Evaluate the Work of a Photographer
Task points: [20]
identifying the different details of the photograph
describing the style of the photograph
evaluating what the photographer wants to convey
Task 3: Interview a Photographer
Task points: [15]
describing the educational qualifications required for the
describing career opportunities and experience to get a job
in the field
describing the different responsibilities of a job in the field
Task 4: Industry, Profession, and Social Issues
Task points: [15]
labor laws, workers’ rights, and privileges in the industry
social programs and other services that the industry offers
to the members of the community in which it operates
financial responsibility within the industry
Task 5: Organizational Structures and Managerial Skills
Task points: [20]
conducting online research about the types of
organizational structures in business
discussing the organizational structure that is relevant to
an industry of your choice
discussing various job roles that form a part of the
organization structure
discussing the different skills and qualities that managers
in the industry should possess
Task 6: Participating in a Student Organization
Task points: [15]
selecting the student organization and stating the mission
of the organization
discussing the reasons for participating in the student
discussing membership benefits
identifying leadership development opportunities
Unit Activity
Unit: Using a Digital Camera
This activity will help you meet these educational goals:
• Content Knowledge—You will analyze a painting and reproduce it in a photograph.
• Inquiry—You will perform an investigation in which you will collect information, make
observations, and communicate your results in written form.
• 21st Century Skills—You will apply creativity and innovation, use critical thinking and
problem-solving skills, and communicate effectively.
In photography, you may have to recreate different works of the past. Some of these works
might be famous paintings. You should be able to analyze the painting in order to efficiently
reproduce it in a photograph.
Directions and Analysis
Task: Analyze a Painting and Recreate It in a Photograph
The Mona Lisa is one of the greatest portrait paintings in the world. A magazine wants to
recreate this painting in a photograph and you have been asked to photograph it. By looking
at this picture of Mona Lisa (see attached picture of Mona Lisa), describe what kind of
camera you will use, what accessories you might require, the kind of lens that you would
prefer, and how you will set the depth of field and exposure. First, deconstruct the painting
and then analyze each element and reproduce the same effect in a photograph.
(Image source:
Image credit: Image by Musée du Louvre, used under license from Wikimedia Commons.)
Cover these elements:
1. deconstruction into foreground, middle, and background
2. framing
3. camera type and lens
4. basic lighting
5. depth of field
Type your response here:
Your teacher will use this rubric to evaluate the completeness of your work as well as the
clarity of thinking that you exhibit.
Total Points: 100
Task: Analyze a Painting and Recreate It in a Photograph
Task points: [100]
analyzing the painting and listing out its finer points
setting up a model for the shoot
using an appropriate camera
using appropriate lenses
using appropriate lighting
using an appropriate background
editing the photo in photo-editing software
Unit Activity
Unit: Photographic Lighting and Composition
This activity will help you meet these educational goals:
• Content Knowledge—You will produce architectural photographs using rules of
composition and apply the appropriate white balance setting for a given scenario.
• 21st Century Skills—You will apply creativity and innovation, use critical thinking and
problem-solving skills, and communicate effectively.
In this activity, you’ll explore architectural photography in the context of black and white
images and learn about the importance of white balance.
Directions and Analysis
Task 1: Using the Rules of Composition
You have been given an assignment for a magazine. The assignment involves architectural
photography. The magazine wants high-contrast black and white abstract images that follow
the basics of composition. Choose four elements of composition and explain in detail how
you would translate them into architectural photographs. Produce architectural photographs
using the chosen rules of composition.
Type your response here:
Task 2: Exploring the Importance of White Balance
You have used white balance in many photographs. Explain why white balance forms an
integral part of photography. Explain how white balance is essential in giving photographs a
natural look.
Type your response here:
Task 3: Applying Proper White Balance in Photography
You have already learned about the importance of white balance and how it forms an
essential part of giving a photograph a natural look. You will now use this knowledge in a realworld scenario. You have been assigned to do a wedding photography. Describe how you will
adjust the white balance inside the church and outside in the garden.
Type your response here:
Your teacher will use these criteria to evaluate your work.
Task 1: Using the Rules of Composition
Task points: [50]
a. choosing the rules of composition
b. producing and explaining how the four rules of
composition are demonstrated in the photographs
Task 2: Exploring the Importance of White Balance
Task points: [10]
a. explaining how white balance is used to give
photographs a more natural look
Task 3: Applying Proper White Balance in
Task points: [40]
a. identifying the light sources indoor and outdoor
b. explaining how the color of the image will differ
indoors and outdoors
c. identifying the correct white balance modes that have
to be used based on various lighting conditions
Unit Activity
Unit: Basic Manipulation and Printing of Images
This activity will help you meet these educational goals:
• Content Knowledge—You will produce and print images for a magazine.
• 21st Century Skills—You will apply creativity and innovation, use critical thinking and
problem-solving skills, and communicate effectively.
In this activity, you’ll produce images for a magazine. You’ll use all the knowledge you have
gained so far to create the perfect image for the magazine. You will also print the images.
Directions and Analysis
Task: Capturing, Storing, Manipulating, and Printing Photographs
You are a professional photographer tasked with capturing any one of the following
• portrait
• sports
• nature
• architecture
• still life
• action
• product
The images will be printed in a magazine with page size A4. You have to provide at least one
single-page image and one double-page image in color. Perform the entire process, produce
two photographs, transfer and save the images to a computer, manipulate the images, and
then print them. The output must be of professional quality.
Type your response here:
Your teacher will use these criteria to evaluate your work.
Task: Capturing, Storing, Manipulating, and Printing
Task points: [100]
a. selecting a topic and a location
b. capturing the appropriate photographs in the correct
c. using light, rules of composition, and elements of art
d. transferring the images correctly
e. using appropriate manipulation tools
f. printing the images