Cancer Prevention Wk3
Chapter 8 discusses mutations that can lead to cancer, such as lifestyle choices and exposure to certain chemicals. After reading Chapter 8, design a brochure to promote healthy lifestyles and cancer awareness.
In your brochure, include the following headers:
Reference section
Change this picture above to be more relevant
Early detection can
save lives
Examples of when and how to screen for
Your name here
This is going to be the overflow of the examples
of life style choices and environmental factors
You can modify this format as necessary to help
you create a brochure that shares the
information that benefits your reader. .
[Type a caption for your photo]
“Consider a quote here.”
Lifestyle choices and
environmental factor that
can led to cancer
We do know that there are certain
factors that can contribute to cancer,
The process of cancer
mutations leading to
This is where you will explain how process
mutations can led to metastasis.
When you are learning about this information,
what do you think what you learned and what
your friends and family needs to know?
Don’t forget to include some specifics about
what you want to include so the reader is well
You could include a bulleted list of steps to
demonstrate your understanding of this process
or explain in a few concise paragraphs.
Remember that you want to grab their
attention, keep it brief, friendly, and readable.