LAB 07 EXERCISE 05Refer to the images in the videos (ch. 7 part 2) to complete these next few questions.
Watch the videos and fill in the charts to help you make your determinations.
After looking at the cranial measurements for skull 1, what is the cranial index?
Group of answer choices
76.7 (likely European)
130 (off the charts!)
73.5 (likely African)
83 (likely Asian)
74.1 (likely African)
After looking at the nasal measurements for skull 1, what is the nasal index?
Group of answer choices
(43.8 (likely European)
54.3 (likely African)
49.1 (likely Asian)
Look at the measurements for skull 2.
What is the cranial index?
Group of answer choices
72.7 (likely African)
82.2 (likely Asian)
77 (likely European)
Looking at skull 2, what is the nasal index?
Group of answer choices
23.5 (not on the chart)
50.3 (likely Asian)
44 (likely European)
Looking at skull 3 What is the Cranial index?
Group of answer choices
71.4 (likely African)
77(likely European)
85.2 (likely Asian/ or hyperbrachycephalic)
According to the measurements of skull 3 provided, what is the nasal index of skull 3?
Group of answer choices
60 (likely African)
53.2 (likely African)
46 (likely European)
49.75 (likely Asian)
Take a look at the features on skull one. After tallying up all the features, which is the most likely
ancestry, according to your materials?
Group of answer choices
Looking at the features for skull 2, what is the most likely ancestry?
Group of answer choices
Looking at the features on skull 3, what is the likely ancestry?
Group of answer choices
Now, look at the combination of answers for all the skulls for this exercise.
Does the likely ancestry from the Cranial index, Nasal index, and features add up to the same
ancestry for any/all of the skulls?
For what skull/s do you feel confident in assigning ancestry?
Which skull/s are more ambiguous?
In your opinion, why are these methods of determining ancestry inconsistent? Do you feel law
enforcement should deem these methods unreliable? Explain.
View the following bones on the osteometric borad.
Is it possible that all these bones came from the woman who owned the femur in Lab7, Exercise
6? Recall, that femur indicated that she was close to 4.8 feet (4 foot 10 inches) tall.
You can use the formulas on page 197 to check if all these bones could come from the same
If you decide that they cannot all be from the same woman, which bones are problematic, are
there any that could have come from her skeleton?
You are investigating bones discovered after a landslide in a remote area. It has been several
months, and some missing individuals have still not been identified. Using the following list of
bones, determine how many individuals are represented, and whether they are male or female,
adult, juvenile, infant, or elderly. Provide as much information as you can about each individual.
Finally, list any further information or measurements you would want to make your
The excavation is divided into 4 quadrants.
Quadrant 1:
adult right femur, fully fused
adult right femur, fully fused, signs of osteoarthritis on the distal and proximal ends
adult right tibia
Adult left humerus
assorted vertebrae: 3 thoracic, 2 lumbar, partial sacrum
mandible, male, adult dentition with lots of exposed dentin
Quadrant 2:
adult os coxa male, right side, showing advanced wear, stage 6, on the pubic symphysis
adult os coxa female, right side showing clearly defined ridges, stage 1 on the pubic symphysis
6 assorted ribs, 3 right (1 true, one false), 3 left (one false, one floating)
female mandible with 3rd molar still in process of erupting
femur, adult left
Quadrant 3:
adult male cranium, mix of racial features, no mandible
4 humerus bones: 1 left adult, 2 right adult, one right child (fully formed, but unfused distal
Quadrant 4:
adult male cranium, primarily African features, no mandible
one child skull, approx. 4 years, male, including the mandible
right humerus and ulna with all elements of the humerus present but unfused, the ulna is still
Now that you have all the bones, determine how many individuals are represented, the
approximate age range, sex, and any other information you need to make a final determiniation.