Extra-Credit ProjectObjective: The goal of this assignment is to apply the tools presented on the AE-340 lectures to a real
case. At the end of the assignment you should have a final report and a software for a conceptual design
of a water supply system.
Structure: This assignment is structured in parts and it will be built up with multiple submissions. At the
end of the semester you will use all the parts to generate a final report. Every week you should submit a
small part of the assignment toward its completion. For each of these parts you will need to justify your
choices and assumptions.
Problem definition: There is a small village located in a mountainous region close to a lake. The population
has access to drinking water; however, the village has grown, and part of the population was displaced to
higher regions. Your job is to design a water supply system for the population leaving in that new region.
Total Population: 2500 people.
Displaced population: 200 people
Figure 1: Topographic map of the region. The red dot represents the displaced population. ℓ is the distance from the lake to the
displaced population as measured on the map projection.
Part 1: Due date October, 25
a) Research and find the average water consumption per person per day and the minimum
volumetric flow rate needed. Reference your sources.
b) Considering that due power outages, pump maintenance, and other factors the pump may not
be operational for 7 days. Determine the volume of a reservoir that needs to be built to avoid
water shortage.
c) Identify on the map the height difference between the lake and the displaced population.
Part 2: Due date October, 31
a) Assuming that the head loss due to the water distributions pipes from the reservoir to the houses
is 10m, what is the minimum height of the reservoir?
b) Assuming a cylindrical reservoir find its dimensions.
c) Sketch the reservoir, pump location and lake showing the appropriate heights.
Part 3: Due date November, 07
a) State the energy equation.
b) From the energy equation use an appropriated software (Excel, Matlab, etc.) to create a
program/spreadsheet to compute the pump power and pump pressure head as function of the
water flow rate, the pump head and the pump efficiency.
c) Use the information obtained up to part 2 and find the pump power and pressure head.
Part 4: Due date November, 14
a) Find three pump suppliers and pump models that meet the requirements of your project.
b) Find pipes and fittings adequate to the pump model you chose.
Part 5: Due date November, 21
a) Estimate the necessary tube length if the distance ℓ = 1.5km. Use the topographic map to
estimate the slope and add 50% to the length as a safety factor.
b) Estimate the head loss due to the pipes chosen and its total length.
c) Add this information to your software/spreadsheet and check if the pump you choose still met
your project requirements. Note that a pump too large or too powerful for your needs add costs
and you may search for a suitable pump for your design. If not check for other options.
Part 6: Due date November, 28
a) Estimate the total cost of the project.
b) Compile your design in a short conceptual design report with no more than 2 pages (Use the
template supplied).