Sustainability discussion

please read the attached document and complete the instructions. make sure to follow the instructions correctley and use the sources.

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Fall 2022
ENV 170 Sustainability Discussions
50 points each, 150 total points
Discussion 1 Environmental Issues: week 4
Discussion 2 Social Issues: week 6
Discussion 3 Economic/Political Issues: week 9
Skills you’ll practice:
● Research
● Writing
● Oral communication
● Forming and responding to engaging questions
● Critical thinking
Knowledge you’ll gain:
● Awareness of various current and past sustainability issues
● Understanding of peer perspectives and opinions
Using a credible news source, podcast, or documentary, research a sustainability topic
(according to the thematic guidelines provided) enough to help others understand the
issue/event and main points. You may use any of the suggested media sources or choose
your own. For each assignment, pick one type of media source (news article, podcast, or
film) and an issue or event that is relevant to the discussion number, write a summary and
reflection, and follow-up and discussion questions to use in group-facilitated
conversations during class. Please note that a published article is different than
information you find on a webpage with no author. You must use a different media
source for each discussion assignment.
Come to class on the day the assignment is due prepared to share what you found with
your classmates through facilitated small group discussions using your set of questions.
Each of you will guide the discussion as you present your assignment. Attendance on
discussion days is part of the grade. Use the template provided below and submit with the
assessment rubric for grading.
News sources for articles:
The New York Times – paper or
The Oregonian – paper or
The LA Times – paper or
The Washington Post – paper or
The Wall Street Journal – paper or
Time –
The Economist –
The Financial Times –
U.S. News & World Report –
Yes! Magazine –
Fall 2022
BBC World Service –
NPR: Morning Edition or All Things Considered –
Civil Eats –
How to Save a Planet
The Mother Earth News and Friends
NOFA (Northeast Organic Farming Association) Podcast
Yale Climate Connections
The Food Fight
So Hot Right Now
The Wild
Jane Goodall: The Hopecast
The Climate Question
The Climate Pod
TED Climate
A Matter of Degrees
Healthy Living Healthy Planet Radio
Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (2014)
No Impact Man (2009)
Food Inc. (2008)
Just Eat it! A Food Waste Story (2019)
Seaspiracy (2021)
Artifishal (2019)
Wasted! The Story of Food Waste (2017)
A Place At The Table (2012)
Kiss The Ground (2020)
Food Chains (2014)
The Biggest Little Farm (2018)
Dolores (2017)
Honeyland (2019)
The Garden (2008)
Occupy The Farm (2014)
APA citation support:
Clark Library APA citation guide
Purdue Online Writing Lab
Discussion 1: Environmental Issues, due week 4- natural resource management, fossil fuels,
organic/regenerative/sustainable farming vs industrial/conventional farming, water
Fall 2022
conservation/irrigation, pollution (water, soil, air), soil fertility, carbon sequestration, GMO
(genetically modified organism), fishing, climate change
Discussion 2: Social Issues, due week 6- people/organizations dedicated to sustainability issues,
city/state/federal policies, social movements/grassroots efforts, community organizing
community organizing/building, resilience, sovereignty, environmental justice
Discussion 3: Economic/Political Issues, due week 9- understanding how sustainability issues
affect Multnomah County/Portland Metro/Oregon/Pacific NW, circular economies, transition
towns, production, carbon taxes, business practices, financial issues, food prices
Discussion Assignment Template
Copy and paste this template in your own document.
1. Your name:
2. General topic:
3. Source citation(s): Include author, date, title, publication, volume/issue information, URL
(web address), and any additional relevant information, in APA format.
4. Summary and Reflection:
Write a summary of the article, podcast, or film in your own words and include a short reflection
on what you learned. Do you agree or disagree with the main points of the author, journalist,
podcaster, director, etc.? Are you familiar with this issue or did you investigate something
entirely unknown to you? Together, the summary and reflection should be one page long
(double-spaced) and capture the main points of the issue or event. Please check your spelling and
grammar before submitting.
5. Follow-up questions: 3 questions
A follow-up question is something you would like to know but your source(s) did not state (e.g.
a question about the history or context of the event).
6. Discussion Questions: 3 questions
Discussion questions should be about the topic generally, so that other students who have not
read the article, listened to the podcast, or watched the film can respond with their opinion or
analysis (e.g. “What do you think about…”, “What would you do if…”). Strong discussion
questions connect the individual’s experience with the topic and perhaps move beyond the topic
itself. A good discussion question encourages more than a yes or no answer.
Fall 2022
Assessment Rubric
Discussions are worth 50 points each. Score is based on the following criteria.
Needs Improvement
Topic and source are not
substantive or credible; Citation is
incomplete or incorrectly
Meets Criteria
Topic and source are substantive,
credible, current, and relevant;
References are complete.
Main points are not
communicated; Writing needs
work/ spelling, grammar, or other
language errors interfere with
reading (4+ errors).
Questions are awkwardly phrased,
not relevant, and do not seek
enough analysis or critical
Student is distracted or
disengaged during discussion
Summary and reflection are
written clearly; Writing is
concise, easy to read, and
demonstrates a strong grasp of the
English language with minimal
(1-3) errors
Questions are clear, relevant,
insightful, and seek others’
opinions or analysis
Citation /
Student is a thoughtful contributor
to discussion with a good balance
of talking and listening
Assignment is submitted late
Absent during discussion day
Fall 2022
ENV 170 Sustainability Discussions
50 points each, 150 total points
Discussion 1 Environmental Issues: week 4
Discussion 2 Social Issues: week 6
Discussion 3 Economic/Political Issues: week 9
Skills you’ll practice:
● Research
● Writing
● Oral communication
● Forming and responding to engaging questions
● Critical thinking
Knowledge you’ll gain:
● Awareness of various current and past sustainability issues
● Understanding of peer perspectives and opinions
Using a credible news source, podcast, or documentary, research a sustainability topic
(according to the thematic guidelines provided) enough to help others understand the
issue/event and main points. You may use any of the suggested media sources or choose
your own. For each assignment, pick one type of media source (news article, podcast, or
film) and an issue or event that is relevant to the discussion number, write a summary and
reflection, and follow-up and discussion questions to use in group-facilitated
conversations during class. Please note that a published article is different than
information you find on a webpage with no author. You must use a different media
source for each discussion assignment.
Come to class on the day the assignment is due prepared to share what you found with
your classmates through facilitated small group discussions using your set of questions.
Each of you will guide the discussion as you present your assignment. Attendance on
discussion days is part of the grade. Use the template provided below and submit with the
assessment rubric for grading.
News sources for articles:
The New York Times – paper or
The Oregonian – paper or
The LA Times – paper or
The Washington Post – paper or
The Wall Street Journal – paper or
Time –
The Economist –
The Financial Times –
U.S. News & World Report –
Yes! Magazine –
Fall 2022
BBC World Service –
NPR: Morning Edition or All Things Considered –
Civil Eats –
How to Save a Planet
The Mother Earth News and Friends
NOFA (Northeast Organic Farming Association) Podcast
Yale Climate Connections
The Food Fight
So Hot Right Now
The Wild
Jane Goodall: The Hopecast
The Climate Question
The Climate Pod
TED Climate
A Matter of Degrees
Healthy Living Healthy Planet Radio
Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (2014)
No Impact Man (2009)
Food Inc. (2008)
Just Eat it! A Food Waste Story (2019)
Seaspiracy (2021)
Artifishal (2019)
Wasted! The Story of Food Waste (2017)
A Place At The Table (2012)
Kiss The Ground (2020)
Food Chains (2014)
The Biggest Little Farm (2018)
Dolores (2017)
Honeyland (2019)
The Garden (2008)
Occupy The Farm (2014)
APA citation support:
Clark Library APA citation guide
Purdue Online Writing Lab
Discussion 1: Environmental Issues, due week 4- natural resource management, fossil fuels,
organic/regenerative/sustainable farming vs industrial/conventional farming, water
Fall 2022
conservation/irrigation, pollution (water, soil, air), soil fertility, carbon sequestration, GMO
(genetically modified organism), fishing, climate change
Discussion 2: Social Issues, due week 6- people/organizations dedicated to sustainability issues,
city/state/federal policies, social movements/grassroots efforts, community organizing
community organizing/building, resilience, sovereignty, environmental justice
Discussion 3: Economic/Political Issues, due week 9- understanding how sustainability issues
affect Multnomah County/Portland Metro/Oregon/Pacific NW, circular economies, transition
towns, production, carbon taxes, business practices, financial issues, food prices
Discussion Assignment Template
Copy and paste this template in your own document.
1. Your name:
2. General topic:
3. Source citation(s): Include author, date, title, publication, volume/issue information, URL
(web address), and any additional relevant information, in APA format.
4. Summary and Reflection:
Write a summary of the article, podcast, or film in your own words and include a short reflection
on what you learned. Do you agree or disagree with the main points of the author, journalist,
podcaster, director, etc.? Are you familiar with this issue or did you investigate something
entirely unknown to you? Together, the summary and reflection should be one page long
(double-spaced) and capture the main points of the issue or event. Please check your spelling and
grammar before submitting.
5. Follow-up questions: 3 questions
A follow-up question is something you would like to know but your source(s) did not state (e.g.
a question about the history or context of the event).
6. Discussion Questions: 3 questions
Discussion questions should be about the topic generally, so that other students who have not
read the article, listened to the podcast, or watched the film can respond with their opinion or
analysis (e.g. “What do you think about…”, “What would you do if…”). Strong discussion
questions connect the individual’s experience with the topic and perhaps move beyond the topic
itself. A good discussion question encourages more than a yes or no answer.
Fall 2022
Assessment Rubric
Discussions are worth 50 points each. Score is based on the following criteria.
Needs Improvement
Topic and source are not
substantive or credible; Citation is
incomplete or incorrectly
Meets Criteria
Topic and source are substantive,
credible, current, and relevant;
References are complete.
Main points are not
communicated; Writing needs
work/ spelling, grammar, or other
language errors interfere with
reading (4+ errors).
Questions are awkwardly phrased,
not relevant, and do not seek
enough analysis or critical
Student is distracted or
disengaged during discussion
Summary and reflection are
written clearly; Writing is
concise, easy to read, and
demonstrates a strong grasp of the
English language with minimal
(1-3) errors
Questions are clear, relevant,
insightful, and seek others’
opinions or analysis
Citation /
Student is a thoughtful contributor
to discussion with a good balance
of talking and listening
Assignment is submitted late
Absent during discussion day

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