WC Ocean Surface Circulation Patterns & Subtropical Gyres Questions

Complete the two questions below:

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For each major ocean (Atlantic, Pacific and Indian) complete the following: Draw major surface circulation patterns and label the major currents of each subtropical gyre found in that ocean with their proper names. (Remember, the Atlantic and Pacific have 2 subtropical gyres)You do not need to include any subpolar gyres in your drawing.For this next question, choose one subtropical gyre from the question above to focus on. (North Pacific, South Pacific, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, or the Indian Ocean). In a paragraph, written in your own words, describe the circulation patterns witnessed in that ocean. Use these questions to help guide your writing:Are there any ways circulation differs in this ocean compared to other oceans?What are the unique chemical and physical properties of this ocean? Are there any unique processes that occur in this ocean? Explain

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