Santa Monica College Science Essay

1. What is tremors? Explain the cause and the clinical symptoms. Discuss patient management related to dental services.

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2. What is Parkinson Disease? Explain the cause and the clinical symptoms. Discuss patient management related to dental services.

3. What is Cerebral Palsy? Explain the cause and the clinical symptoms. Discuss patient management related to dental services.

4. What is Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)? Explain the cause and the clinical symptoms. Discuss patient management related to dental services.

5. What are peripheral neuropathies? What medical conditions are associated with this condition?

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6. What is Bell’s Palsy (Facial Neuropathy)? Explain the cause and the clinical symptoms?

7. What is Epilepsy? What is Tonic –Clonic Seizures (grand mal)? Absence Seizures (Petit mal)? Status epileptics?

8. What are Alzheimer Diseases? Explain the cause and the clinical symptoms? Discuss patient management related to dental services.

9. What is Cerebrovascular Accident? Explain the cause and the clinical symptoms. Discuss patient management related to dental services.

Darby: Chapter 60- Developmental Disabilities

1. Describe general characteristics of persons with intellectual disabilities.

2. What oral manifestations observed in persons with Down syndrome?

3. What is autism spectrum disorders (ASDs)?

4. Summarize the steps in behavioral modification for patients with Autism Spectrum Disorders (Box 60.4)

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