How the Students were engaged in 5EsNext Generation Science is a US multistate attempt that is selected to produce a new
education level which has enough practices and one that has comprehensive arrangement so that
it covers various disciplines and different levels that ensure all students have standard science
education. The last draft that explains this new system was let out in the year 2013 on April. The
objectives of raising this new standard was to eliminate and combat the ignorance that has
increased in the science field, develop a common teaching standard in the United States that
encourages students to select the science units in colleges.
The NGSS is built on the sub-structure k-12 in the field of science that was a project by
the National Research Council (Krajcik, Codere, Dahsah, Bayer & Mun, 2014). There exist the
three units of amalgamated decree in all the levels. The first one is the elemental ideas that
contain the particular content and the required areas. The second one is where students are not
only taught the content but are also put in a place to understand the different ways of scientists
and engineers. The third one which is known as the cross cutting idea, enhances the concept of
learning and understanding the crucial contents of perception that are in different topics. For
example, in the 5E type of instruction, there was engagement of all the students especially when
using the first unit which is about the core ideas.
The students who had a network connectivity at their homes were supposed to download
photographs of essential traits during data collection. This pictures were useful during the
discussions that occurred in class. The students were also supposed to research more so as to
help in understanding where the difference in traits might come from. This research information
would be shared in groups and the rule was that each group should have at most one student with
no access to network connectivity. The disabled students were put in groups with students of two
years above the grade level so that they can understand and evaluate the scientific concepts well.
Each group was supposed to construct a flow chart with each and every member of the group
being able to explain the process along the way from the cell to how the trait of the organism
develop like the skin color. This was to aid the teacher in assessing the understanding of the
student of that particular topic during class discussions. Different issues and questions are raised
to help understand the life cycle, inheritance and the difference occurrence of physical traits and
the effects of the environment. Students are supposed to write down all the useful information
because this gives them a better understanding and it also improves their performance.
Krajcik, J., Codere, S., Dahsah, C., Bayer, R., & Mun, K. (2014). Planning instruction to meet
the intent of the Next Generation Science Standards. Journal of Science Teacher
Education, 25(2), 157-175.
GCU College of Education
Revised 1-5-2016
Teacher Candidate:
Grade Level:
Instructional Plan Title
This lesson is about inheritance and variation of physical traits of different organisms. The lesson
Summary and
tries to teach and elaborate the various processes that organisms go through in their life phases and
the different patterns that the organisms create when they change from one cycle to another
throughout their lives. An example is the reproduction or the growth of particular organisms. The
lesson explains and emphasizes more on organisms and not human beings therefore details about
human beings are left out because they are not essential.
The students require to be taught about flowering plants and the skills to use during data collection
which include qualitative data collection and observations. Tools used for data collection include
bags, forceps, bottles to put specimens and the chemicals used to preserve them, cameras to capture
species picture and scooping tools. Tools for analyzing the collected data include computers or
special digital gadgets. Network connectivity, writing tools and microscopes are also essential
Classroom and
The disabled and challenged learners will participate less in the field work. The math knowledge
that is required is average so as to make it easier for the students to make analysis of the numerical
data. Most of the students have the grade level reading ability or the one year ahead of the grade
level. This is very crucial when it comes to the understanding of variation and inheritance.
National /
The Next generation science standards, grade 6-8 science proposed by NGSS, grade 6-8-HS-LS3
State Learning
Heredity: Inheritance and variation of physical traits.
Disciplinary core ideas
Specific Learning Targets/Objectives:
Students who show a wonderful understanding will have to come up with a model that explains the changes that occur
in the chromosomes, what effects they have on proteins and if and how they can cause negative or positive effects on
organisms as they grow. The learners will apply the knowledge and the skills that they have in probability and
statistics so as to explain the observed different traits in different organisms. The students are required to elaborate
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their findings on why asexual reproduction results in organisms that contain the same gene information but the sexual
reproduction’s offspring’s have varying genes.
How come organisms from the species portray different traits from their siblings?
Key Vocabulary:
Instruction and Development:
DNA, Cell, species, sexual
Participants are supposed to develop a chart that contains all
reproduction, asexual
the lesson vocabularies begin all the way from the cell to the
reproduction, Offspring, Gene,
development of the physical trait of the particular organism.
Heredity, Genetics, Inheritance,
Learners will be in groups of three to four members so as to
Mutation, chromosome,
generate and master the flow charts. The developed models
will be used in the processes like sexual and asexual
reproductions and mutations.
The assessors will ask the students random and probing questions on the specific and key areas of
emphasis on the variation and inheritance topic. Presentations will be done by all groups and the
group members will be asked questions so as to test them and judge their worthiness.
Differentiation Strategies
Students or the groups will collect
Every student will be required to
A synthesized information from
qualitative and quantitative data from
explain the results that they obtain
various collections should be
the directed fields so as to prove their
from the practical activities and
available. Examples include
understanding of the theoretical
report comprehensively on the same
simulations and models, texts and
concept of the topic. The results of
displaying charts and diagrams for
experiments. This is to ensure a
their practical tests should be the
easier understanding. All students
coherent understanding of the topic
same as their theory presented in
should also write the sensible
and measures to resolve any
class. The student should be able to
arguments in relation to the specific
information that is conflicting. Citing
reason quantitatively and
content of the topic. They should also
is also required so as to support
qualitatively. They should apply their
integrate visuals in their
evidences and analysis. The students
mathematical skills to model and
presentations so as to make their
should be able to determine the
summarize the numerical data in
claims stronger and understandable
meaning of the used symbols,
relation to the particular topic.
and also provide clarity.
specific vocabularies and phrases as
used in the 6-8 texts and topics.
The 5Es
Probing Questions
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The learners are made to make a connection to their
Explain how the genes in a cell aid in protein
previous understanding of a particular cell to the
formation in a cell.
present topic. A simple question like, what is a cell? Is
asked. One of the students will shoot their hand and say
it that it is the structural unit of all organisms. This is
because we all know that this is how a cell is defined by
almost everybody. The instructor will then explain and
illustrate the cell in the context of inheritance and
variation. The teacher will also explain that all cells are
made up of genetic materials in form of DNA which
contains the command that helps in coding of all
The students will discuss the different vocabularies
How does information that is located in the
such as gene, mutations and genes. This will be done
gene result into a specific trait in individuals?
by selecting two groups randomly and telling them to
differentiate genes from chromosomes. If one group
In what form is the instructions that are needed
fails, the teacher will explain both terms so as to bring
so as to form a species characteristic, stored in
the two groups to a common and correct
the cells?
understanding of the two terms. The chromosome
contains a long molecule of DNA. The information for
How does the information in the genes result
forming a particular trait in an organism is carried in
into specific traits in individuals. What
the DNA. The students should be able to understand
changes results from mutations.
that it is not all the DNA codes protein. The teacher
will tell the students that the genes are located in cell
chromosomes and each pair of these chromosomes
contain various different genes. If the genes change
then the proteins change and this results to changes in
the physical traits of an organism.
Activity: the teacher will explain the reason as to why
How does the environment affect the way
offspring’s resemble but are not identical is because of
traits are passed from one to another?
heredity. The teacher will explain what heredity is and
How are new genetic variations formed?
will say it is a particular mechanism whereby
characteristics are transferred from one individual to
another through genes. The teacher will also explain
how the environment plays a part in development of
specific characterizes of individuals.
probing question.
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Activity The teacher will instruct the students to stand
How are traits passed from one generation to
in front of the others and ask them similar questions.
This will ensure redundancy that will help the students
What causes the difference in offspring’s of
memorize and understand the concept.
the same species?
Closure: If the students are able to explain heredity
causes resemblance and the variation between
chromosomes then they have understood the concept
and are good to go.
Formative Assessment: The assessment involves a take away a sitting exam. Both continuous
assessment and take away tests should be done on the whole topic. During the sitting test the teacher
should greatly supervise the students. This will ensure that the students write all they know and will help
the teacher know the weakest student. The returning of the papers will be followed by a thorough
revision to help all the students get the correct answers.
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