IQ-700 – Pro-Consciousness MeditationIQ-700 – Final Exam – Attempt 1
Marks: 1
The morphic field has its base outside of space and time. In other words, it is based in:
Choose one answer.
a. entanglement
b. nonlocality
c. discrete notions of thought
d. quantum measurement
Marks: 1
Meditation facilitates what regarding the ego-character (which allows for the emergence of the
Quantum Self)
Choose one answer.
a. debilitation
b. destruction
c. inclusion
d. transcendence
Marks: 1
Recent brain imaging techniques have begun to reveal training effects of a variety of
meditations, across a range of practice periods, on the neuroplastic response of the brain. What
was affected by the meditation training? (Choose all that apply)
Choose at least one answer.
a. Plasma matter
b. White matter
c. All of these
d. Gray matter
Marks: 1
What harmful effects have RHO Rods been able to harmonise?
Choose one answer.
a. arsenic
b. radioactivity at high doses
c. mercury levels in water
d. radioactivity at low doses
Marks: 1
According to Deepak Chopra, every time you meditate you experience a leap in what?
Choose one answer.
a. intelligence quotient
b. awareness
c. physical growth
d. energy
Marks: 1
What form of meditation is a form of task-positive concentration?
Choose one answer.
a. Mantra
b. Movement
c. Transcendental
d. Focused
Marks: 1
Characteristic of Meditation, the laser adds a spin to this energy field:
Choose one answer.
a. breath
b. mental body
c. wormhole
d. torus
Marks: 1
Name a key element in Meditation.
Choose one answer.
a. thought
b. rational analysis
c. emotion
d. breath
Marks: 1
Breathing adds the following element toMeditation:
Choose one answer.
a. emotion
b. belief
c. spin
d. thought
Marks: 1
Breathing helps to bring our awareness from a gross state to more of which state?
Choose one answer.
a. dynamic state
b. light
c. lively state
d. exterior reality
Marks: 1
The coordination of the breath with the rotation/swirl direction of the laser relates to Nassim
Haramein’s studies on the following.
Choose one answer.
a. black holes
b. tetrahedrons
c. torus fields
d. kouas
Marks: 1
What is released and set free when tachyons confront activated and potentiated structures?
Choose one answer.
a. innate energy
b. atoms
c. mantra sounds
d. sound energy
Marks: 1
Seemingly contradictory, in meditation one must bypass this very thing:
Choose one answer.
a. heart
b. mind
c. brain
d. physical body
Marks: 1
The crystal elements in association with spinning and breathing are related to the coupling of
these two bodies in particular:
Choose one answer.
a. physical and mental
b. mental and vital
c. vital and physical
d. supramental and vital
Marks: 1
Morphic resonance is resonance across space and time based on:
Choose one answer.
a. singularity
b. multiplicity
c. Zen theory
d. Yin/Yang principles
Marks: 1
The movement and direction of spin is also related to the geometric rotation of the double
Choose one answer.
a. spiral
b. tetrahedron
c. circle
d. hexagon
Marks: 1
In Meditation, what effect does breathing in (inhale) create, in relation to the Rainbow Body
(while spinning the laser clockwise)?
Choose one answer.
a. expansion
b. neutralization
c. tightening
d. brightening
Marks: 1
The structure of the laser, if interpreted physically, has what type of dimensional form?
Choose one answer.
a. 3D (used for spatial dimensions)
b. 6D
c. 4D (used in relativistic physics
d. 5D
Marks: 1
What does the breath associated with the movement of the crystal facilitate?
Choose one answer.
a. visualization of light
b. visualization of objects
c. gaining special powers
d. reading the future
Marks: 1
Meditation is the art of unifying which bodies?
Choose one answer.
a. mandala
b. bliss
c. chakra
d. subtle
Marks: 1
Through which principle does less coherence bring us to states closer to breakdown and even
Choose one answer.
a. ego mode
b. syntropy
c. mentality
d. entropy
Marks: 1
Which qualities do the full complement of elements of Meditation synergistically help to
Choose one answer.
a. perception, thought and extreme emotions
b. coherence, perception and transcendence
c. transcendance, fixations
d. transcendance, extreme emotions
Marks: 1
The Atomic Heart, which mediation noursishes, is described by Dr Paul Drouin as representing
this type of quantum model:
Choose one answer.
a. soul
b. heart
c. spirit
d. brain
Marks: 1
Expanding the Rainbow Body is coupled with this phase of the breath:
Choose one answer.
a. exhalation
b. holding the breath
c. inhalation
d. all phases
Marks: 1
Upon which energetic spiral effect is the the direction of laser crystal spinning/swirling based or
Choose one answer.
a. geometric light
b. lasers
c. water energy
d. Yin/Yang
Marks: 1
There is an analogy between cosmology and our:
Choose one answer.
a. emotions
b. inner world
c. thoughts
d. outer world
Marks: 1
Through thought experimentation with quantum biofeedback, the following type of intention
showed an interconnection beyond time and space between a person and their own bodily fluids:
Choose one answer.
a. mantra-based
b. mental
c. nonlocal
d. local
Marks: 1
The more ‘passive’ type of attitude that is required in meditation brings you to a place where you
can do this more:
Choose one answer.
a. let go of control
b. all of these
c. be more in tune with the core of your being
d. let go (in general)
Marks: 1
With greater life force and coherence, what is maintained in the blood?
Choose one answer.
a. deep color
b. integrity
c. viscosity
d. fluidity
Marks: 1
Meditation proposes this type of approach, which will restore the morphogenetic field:
Choose one answer.
a. linear
b. non-invasive
c. integrative
d. natural
Marks: 1
Why could greater (energetic) coherence lead to a longer, better quality life?
Choose one answer.
a. It revitalises the emotional body.
b. It develops organising skills practical to everyday living.
c. It improves intelligence.
d. It enhances the life force.
Marks: 1
How can meditation positively influence subtle energy, in particular with the meridians along the
Choose one answer.
a. recharges
b. resets
c. All of these
d. reloads
Marks: 1
What mental process should we avoid applying to an emotional or mental conflict, in the process
of meditation?
Choose one answer.
a. desire
b. analysis
c. mantra
d. words
Marks: 1
A growing number of empirical studies have revealed that _____________ may trigger body
relaxation responses and benefit both physical and mental health.
Choose one answer.
a. sharma
b. meditation
c. anti-depressant drugs
d. diaphragmatic breathing
Marks: 1
The process of meditation should never be forced. For this reason, Dr. Paul Drouin refers to it as
this type of process:
Choose one answer.
a. dynamic
b. energetic
c. passive
d. active
Marks: 1
The Soul Mantra is a type of:
Choose one answer.
a. poetic word
b. sacred sound
c. magical tool
d. creative combination of phonemes
Marks: 1
How have RHO Rods (with tachyonic energy) been shown to change the negative effects of
several health parameters (when held in the user’s hands )? (Select all that apply)
Choose at least one answer.
a. Increasing the energy emitted by the organs
b. amplifying them
c. neutralizing them
d. converting them to positive effects
Marks: 1
Various scientists have provided clear evidence that tachyonic energy travels at a speed faster
than the following:
Choose one answer.
a. thought
b. sound
c. light
d. none of these
Marks: 1
How will Meditation help an individual evolve?
Choose one answer.
a. from a mode of rationality to one of emotionality
b. from an ego-conditioned mode toward a self-creative mode
c. from a self-creative mode to an ego-conditioned mode
d. from a vitalistic mode to a more materialistic mode
Marks: 1
Some indications in receiving a Soul Mantra include:
Choose at least one answer.
a. keeping it sacred
b. keeping it personal
c. keeping it grounded
d. keeping it free of meaning
Marks: 1
Meditation helps facilitates this type of phenomenon from which healing may arise:
Choose one answer.
a. quantum thought
b. quantum leap
c. increased vitality
d. improved mood
Marks: 1
The increase in global consciousness facilitates the more frequent occurrence of this principle of
quantum physics, generating increased personal and world global health:
Choose one answer.
a. quantum leap
b. quantum thought
c. quantum intelligence
d. quantum measurement
Marks: 1
The aim of meditation in relation to subtle energy:
Choose one answer.
a. neutralizes
b. eliminates
c. all of these
d. regenerates
Marks: 1
Meditation is a powerful technology for healing yourself, the world, and deepening general
experience of:
Choose one answer.
a. meditation
b. concentration
c. contemplation
d. relaxation
Marks: 1
How does Meditation help the four bodies (physical, mental, vital, supramental)?
Choose one answer.
a. It helps them merge with one another.
b. It helps them to separate.
c. It has no real effect.
d. It facilitates merging with another person.
Marks: 1
The global interconnectivity generated by Project Noosphere creates the effect of a gigantic:
Choose one answer.
a. accelerator or time
b. increase of global population
c. accelerator of productivity
d. accelerator of consciousness
Marks: 1
Allowing the mantra to take on a personal meaning will allow it to resonate with your own:
Choose one answer.
a. mind
b. thought process
c. physiology
d. belief system
Marks: 1
The breath has this effect of enhancing the movement of this, along the spine:
Choose one answer.
a. information
b. prana
c. Synovial fluid
d. tingling sensations
Marks: 1
Which is the other element of positive health which is sustained by meditation and the breath
Choose one answer.
a. aesthetics
b. hygiene
c. integration
d. physical fitness
Marks: 1
Through which experience does Meditation help in dissolving the experience of separation and
distortion of reality.
Choose one answer.
a. rationality
b. intelligence
c. bliss
d. neutralization of emotion
IQ-700 – Pro-Consciousness Meditation
Course Printout
©2019 Quantum University – All Rights Reserved
Course Outline
Introduction to Meditation
Research and Benefits of Meditation
Meditation and Personal Experimentation
Quantum Physics and the Fabric of Reality
Crystals and the Morphogenetic Fields
Empowerment of the Breath and Quantum Physics
The Sacred Sound (Soul Mantra)
Project Noosphere
Lesson 1: Introduction to Meditation
• Personal experience and synchronicity (Personal history
– loss of Dr. Paul’s brother and Thomas, his grandson
and master)
• The great schools of meditation and contemplation
7. You are invited to log into to
fulfill the daily practice requirement for the course.
8. The optional lab kit is a way to enhance the meditation
9. At the end of the program, you will have the tools to
improve your own meditation practice or to implement
the TE2 Meditation.
Research and Benefits of Meditation
• Power of Intention and the Field
• The 1% Effect
• Wide spectrum of the effects of meditation
• Immediate results with practicing meditation and
expected results related to Enlightenment
• Introduction to meditation
The Field: Underlying Reality
Pro-Consciousness Meditation
The real challenge is not in debating our differences. The
real challenge is in deepening our personal and collective
experience of the world – re-wiring our personal and
collective brain.
1. This course introduces you to a vertical process of
learning: TE2 Meditation.
2. T Meditation is the result of 40 years of personal
experimentation and discovery.
3. Take advantage of knowledge revealed by quantum
physics and personal insight.
4. TE2 Meditation is unique and can be integrated either
partially or totally into your personal practice.
5. The course is divided in eight parts.
6. Daily practice (1/2 hour) is highly recommended and
counts toward practicum hours.
The power of intention, which has been thoroughly
documented by Lynne McTaggart, has the ability to shift the
trend of world consciousness toward the full potentiality of
the human being.
The Field Trilogy Masterclass – Based on books by Lynne
• The Intention Experiment – Using Your Thoughts to
Change Your Life and the World
• The Field
• The Bond: How to Fix Your Falling-Down World
Scientific studies support the statement that prayer and
meditation through nonlocal intention can heal at a
distance, and if we could reach a critical mass of 1%, we
could shift negative and criminal collective behavior to
more a peaceful state.
What is the 1% Effect?
• The 1% Effect is a principle in which individual
consciousness affects the collective consciousness.
• Nearly 50 scientific research studies over the past 25
years confirm the unique effects and wide-ranging
benefits to the nation produced by the 1% Effect.
the 85th Annual Meeting of the American Political
Science Association, September 1989, Washington, DC.).
• Orme-Johnson, D.W., Alexander, C.N., Davies, J.L.,
Chandler, H.M., & Larimore, W.E. (1988). International
peace project in the Middle East: The effect of the
Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field. Journal of
Conflict Resolution, 32(4), 776–812.
Heart-Brain Dynamics: The Role of Self-Regulation and
Coherence in Optimal Health and Performance
• Global Coherence Initiative
• The Global Consciousness Project
• Meaningful Correlations in Random Data
Dr. Rollin McCraty
Video: The Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence: A path to
personal, social and global coherence – HeartMath
Benefits of Meditation
Blicher B, Blondeau F, Choquette C, Deans A, Drouin P,
Glaser J, Thibaudeau P. Méditation Transcendantale: revue
de la littérature scientifique. Le Médecin du Québec 1980
Video: How does Meditation Change the Brain? – Instant
Egghead #54
• Over 600 scientific research studies conducted at more
than 200 independent universities and research
institutions in 30 countries have demonstrated the
profound benefits of meditation.
• These studies have used the most rigorous research
methods and evaluation procedures available in the
social sciences, including time series analysis, which
controls for weekly and seasonal cycles or trends in
social data.
• Assimakis, P.D., & Dillbeck, M.C. (1995). Time series
analysis of improved quality of life in Canada: Social
change, collective consciousness, and the TM-Sidhi
program. Psychological Reports, 76, 1171–1193.
• Davies, J.L. (1988). Alleviating political violence through
enhancing coherence in collective consciousness: Impact
assessment analyses of the Lebanon war. Dissertation
Abstracts International, 49(8), 2381A.
• Davies, J.L., Alexander, C.N., & Orme-Johnson, D.W.
(1988). Alleviating political violence through enhancing
coherence in collective consciousness: Impact
assessment analyses of the Lebanon war. The Journal of
the Iowa Academy of Science, 95(1), Also presented at
1. Brain and Moods
• Mindfulness practices decrease depression. (Borchard)
• Mindfulness meditation helps treat depression in
mothers-to-be. (Glover)
• Meditation practices help regulate mood and anxiety
disorders. (Arias)
• Meditation reduces stress and anxiety in general.
• Meditation helps reduce symptoms of panic disorder.
• Meditation increases grey matter concentration in the
brain. (A. Wilson)
• Mindfulness training decreases inflammatory disorders.
• Meditation dramatically improves psychomotor
vigilance and may decrease the need for sleep. (Kaul)
• Mindfulness meditation decreases cellular-level
inflammation. (Plunet)
• Long-term meditation enhances the ability to generate
gamma waves in the brain. (Kaufman)
• Mindfulness practice helps prevent asthma, rheumatoid
arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease. (Honsberger)
• Meditation helps reduce alcohol and substance abuse.
• Mindfulness meditation reduces risk of Alzheimer’s and
premature death. (Cresswell)
2. Mind & Performance
• Meditation improves your focus, attention, and ability to
work under stress. (Cloud)
• Meditation improves information-processing and
decision-making. (Leeuween)
• Meditation gives you mental strength, resilience, and
emotional intelligence. (Pappas)
• Meditation increases pain tolerance. (Penman)
• Meditation relieves pain better than morphine. (Schultz)
• Meditation helps manage ADHD (Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder). (Sherman)
• Meditation increases the ability to maintain focus
despite distractions. (Cloud)
• Meditation improves learning, memory, and selfawareness. (A. Wilson)
• Mindfulness meditation improves rapid memory recall.
(A. Wilson)
• Meditation improves your mood and psychological wellbeing. (Arias)
• Mindfulness training is helpful for patients diagnosed
with Fibromyalgia. (Carson)
• Mindfulness meditation may even help treat HIV.
• Meditation may increase your life span. (Adam)
4. Relationships
• Loving-kindness meditation improves empathy and
positive relationships. (Abrams)
• Loving-kindness meditation also reduces social isolation.
• Meditation increases feelings of compassion and
decreases worry. (Simon-Thomas)
• Mindfulness meditation decreases feelings of loneliness.
• Meditation reduces emotional eating. (James)
5. Miscellaneous
• Saying the OM sound before surgery helps in
preparation and recovery. (Cooper)
Extra Benefits
• Meditators are more able to affect the reality around
them, at a quantum level. (Lynch)
• Meditation decreases the likelihood of falling into the
trap of multitasking. (Bailey)
• There are also some accounts of mindfulness meditation
improving your sex life. (Lucas)
• Meditation helps us allocate limited brain resources.
• Meditation reduces race and age prejudice. (Stell)
• Meditation improves visuospatial processing and
working memory. (Zeidan)
• Meditation prepares you to deal with stressful events.
• Mindfulness meditation fosters creativity. (L. Wilson)
3. Body & Health
• Meditation reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.
• Meditation affects genes that control stress and
immunity. (Ho)
From the Archives:
“Can enlightenment happen through meditation and
Drawing upon Eckhart Tolle, her personal experience, and
science, the answer is: Yes
A new study has found that participating in an 8-week
meditation training program can have measurable effects
on how the brain functions, even when someone is not
actively meditating.
Meditation appears to produce enduring changes in
emotional processing in the brain.
November issue of Frontiers in Human Neuroscience,
Investigators at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH),
Boston University (BU), and several other research studies.
A new model of the brain’s thought processes explains the
apparently chaotic activity patterns of individual neurons.
They do not correspond to a simple stimulus/response
linkage but arise from the networking of different neural
circuits. – May 21, 2013, Swiss National Science Foundation
Clouds in the Head: New model of brain’s thought
processes. – Science Daily
Oppositely – Meditation has been proven to increase focus
and coherence.
Brain and Neuroplasticity
“You can learn how to become the hero of your own life.
When you truly have a desire to change, you can access the
power within your own mind to take control of your life and
create a new destiny for yourself and the whole world.”
Dr. Joe Dispenza – IM-901 – Brain and Neuroplasticity
TE2Meditation is also about transforming the conditioned
movement of Subtle Energy in the Subtle Bodies at the level
of organs-meridians-chakras to a state of aligning the Egocharacter to a Quantum-Self personality.
Lesson 2 – History of TE2 Meditation & History
• Personal History (loss of my brother)
• Thomas, my Grandson and my Master
• Teaching the great schools of meditation and
• TE2 Meditation Program
My Personal Story:
“When I look back over the years, I recognize that it has all
emerged from within, triggered by the tragic death of my
own brother. This personal journey has been an
enlightening process that has allowed me to become more
whole and integrated in my life.”
~ Drouin, P. Creative Integrative Medicine, p. 145
The Morphogenetic Field shapes everything from unicellular organisms to multi-cellular organisms.
What good is it to acquire knowledge with the mind,
if you do not experience what you understand
through your being?
The purpose of meditation is to experience a new reality
through your heart and consciousness that will:
~ Transform the fiber of your cells (DNA)
~ Till the profoundness of your Soul
Our genetic makeup is related to our ancestral tree:
~ And bring in a greater state of Love and Unity.
We are born with our own morphogenetic fields that have
to do with the collective unconscious.
I am grateful to have learned from great schools and
As we grow, we are shaped through our personal story.
Many ancient spiritual traditions refer to the loss of an
original perfect blueprint.
TE2 Meditation reshapes our morphogenetic field to a more
coherent blueprint.
The ability to heal inherent in all living organisms can be
enhanced by an understanding of the morphogenetic field.
According to recent discoveries by Nassim Haramein, we
must add the notion of the Torus field to the subtle
anatomic model based on the research of Rupert Sheldrake.
“By understanding the underlying geometry of the fabric of
space-time and applying this knowledge to everything we
know in the fields of biology, genetics and medicine, we
begin to develop new treatments and techniques that act in
resonance with the fundamental frequencies of the
universe, and we see even life itself in a different way…”
-Nassim Haramein
T Meditation gives access to the inner core of the Torus
Field, or Black Hole, through the Atomic Heart.
Lesson 3 – TE2 Meditation & Personal Experiment
• Personal experimentation with Brain Mapping
• Personal experimentation with Crystals
M. D. Van Wedeen, Martinos Center and Dept. of
Radiology/Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard U.
Medical School
• Opening of the Pineal (third eye)
• Pre-informed Seed Crystal (subtle energy and UPAs
(Ultimate Physical Atoms)
“Getting in touch with the Light Core of your Being instantly
generates more harmony and health for yourself and
everybody around you.” – Dr. Paul Drouin, M.D.
Pineal Gland
Gamma Waves – Bliss
Researchers used a recently developed method called
diffusion spectrum imaging to infer the position of nerve
fibers in the living human brain from the way water flows
through and around them.
These scans revealed an orderly weave of fibers — a much
simpler organization than many scientists would have
The Seed Crystal has been pre-informed with the mantra
sound and enhanced with homeopathy that supports the
brain and eases the meditation.
Copyright © 2014 by Yury Kronn – Quantum University –
Subtle Energy 101 – Lecture 4
“If the energy of the subatomic world, interacting with the
ultimate physical atom (or other subatomic particles),
slightly changes the “vortex” of this atom and consequently
our physical atoms comprised from it, the chemical
molecules in the physical world will be also changed.”
-Dr Yury Kronn
All complex organisms are organized in a hierarchical way.
Blueprint of all existing multi-cellular (superior) organisms:
Subatomic Particles
Crystals (also have morphogenetic fields)
-Rupert Sheldrake
With models of interaction between subtle energy and the
atoms comprising the substances of our world, it is
necessary to determine the elementary particles that might
be responsible for such interactions.
Ultimate Physical Atoms
External subtle energy can, under certain conditions,
influence the configuration of UPAs inside the nuclei of
atoms of a substance, which changes the subtle energy flow
distribution, naturally affecting the properties of the subtle
energy pattern of this substance.
Subtle Energy 101 Lecture 4 – Interaction of Subtle Energy
with the Physical World’s Substances © Dr. Yury Kronn℗
2015 IQUIM – All Rights Reserved
Lesson 4 – Quantum Physics, Torus, Field, Space
Brain, Black Hole, Brain Crystal Radio
Shifting our perception of the world may be an individual or
collective challenge.
• Shifting our perception of the world
When the movie What the Bleep Do We Know!? came out
in 2004, everybody had a moment; quantum physics was
shifting our perspective of reality from a linear materialistic
model to a multidimensional model of consciousness.
• Quantum Physics and Meditation
• Planck Constant and Space
• Exploration of black holes, wormholes, singularity, and
connection with the whole Universe
• The brain (SNC) is similar to a crystal radio set (biooscillator) and a fractal antenna (microtubule).
• Rewiring the brain through meditation
In the movie “Avatar,” you may remember this famous line,
”I see you,” and the lyrics of Leona Lewis:
“I see you… Breathing new life, flying high… You teach me
how to see all that is beautiful. My senses touch a world I
never pictured… when my heart was never open (and my
spirit never free) to the world that you have shown me. But
my eyes could not envision all the colors of love and of life
ever more.”
“I am sorry to say, you don’t know what you don’t know
and don’t see what you can’t see until you open your mind
and heart to a New Reality. “
In the film, Dr. Amit Goswami revealed that the existing
scientific world’s perception of causation and creation was
turning upside down, opening the door to new possibilities
in how we perceive factors governing biology, evolution,
psychology, and medicine.
TE2 Meditation – How to reach the Point of Singularity
Quantum Physics & Meditation
Many concepts in quantum physics contribute to enhance
the process and efficiency of meditation:
The similarity between the interconnectivity of the brain
and the Universe
Taking advantage of the understanding of the mechanics of
the Universe
To enhance meditation: coherence, point of singularity,
black hole, torus field)
Nobel Prize winning physicists have proven beyond a doubt
that the physical world is one large sea of energy that
flashes into and out of being in milliseconds, over and over.
Again, nothing is solid.
Material World
• What we call material is the space itself oscillating,
making this denser region that we call matter around us.
• Space defines the object.
• Objects are denser aspects of space.
• Quantum physics describes space as if it were filed with
interconnected discrete packets of energy and wave
forms, like little balls connected by strings (fluctuations).
The Planck constant links the amount of energy a photon
carries with the frequency of its electromagnetic wave.
Named after the physicist Max Planck, it is an important
quantity in quantum physics.
The Flower of Life
Containing the ancient religious values that represent the
fundamental forms of all space and time, the Flower of Life
is the pattern of creation itself.
The Flower of Life holds within it a secret set of symbols,
known as the Fruit of Life.
The Fruit of Life is known as the basis for the design of
every cell, atom, and molecule, being the blueprint for
Consciousness may be the result of the brain tapping into
the field of information that is all around us and that
makes up all of our reality (or vice versa).
– Nassim Haramein – World Summit of Integrative Medicine
The brain (SNC) is similar to a crystal radio set (biooscillator). If you tune the antenna (microtubule) just right,
you can have access to a tremendous amount of
The biocrystal oscillator acts as a resonance sink circuit
(RLC) analogous to a radio receiver dynamically tuned by
the biomechanisms.
Information and awareness is nonlocal to the biological
receiver as the programming of a radio station is nonlocal
to the radio receiver in your home.
The cytoskeleton microtubule structure is tuned, as in an
antenna, to a certain resonant frequency of the Planck
vacuum micro-wormhole network determining a specific
frequency or information received and emitted.
The brain is like a fractal antenna. Consciousness is the information permeating everything, and the brain tunes into it through
the fractal antennas we call microtubules.
~ Nassim Haramein, WSIM
Your whole body is like a bio-oscillator, an antenna, and your heart, the state of your emotions, is the dial that tunes that
antenna. When you tune the antenna just right, you can access an incredible amount of information, since you are connected to
the whole field.
If two black holes were entangled, Karch said, a person
outside the opening of one would not be able to see or
communicate with someone just outside the opening of the
“The way you can communicate with each other is if you
jump into your black hole, then the other person must jump
into his black hole, and the interior world would be the
Read more at:
Crucially, it is suggested that this new wormhole, which
links a black hole and its Hawking radiation, may not be a
problem for quantum monogamy in the way that normal
entanglement is.
The result is then a black hole creating an infinite number of
wormholes linking the Hawking radiation to the black hole,
creating a network of entanglement throughout the
TE2 Meditation will teach you practical knowledge and
techniques for creating new brain circuits, affecting your
morphogenetic fields, and reshaping the space.
It also increases the capacity to practice entanglement at a
• Blood Microscopy experiment and Crystals
“Crystals have a morphogenetic field and can be
-Rupert Sheldrake
The Diamond Flower is encoded with the sacred geometry
of the Flower of Life
Tachyons technology is carved in the crystal with the
intention of generating a perfect field template.
Pulsating like a heart
Coherent matter produces matter
Diamond Flower: Nassim Haramein, Summit – 50:18-51:58
Rewiring the collective and individual awareness through
awakening knowledge should be our main focus.
How you perceive – “see” – the world and engage with it
has a lot to do with how your brain is wired.
Tachyonic Energy
Lesson 5 – Crystals & Morphogenetic Fields
• Crystals can be programmed.
• Diamond Flower and Sacred Geometry of the Flower of
• Research on Tachyons
• The term ‘tachyon’ derives from the Greek word
‘tachytis,’ meaning ‘speed,’ ‘very fast particle.’
• “A tachyon is a theoretical subtle particle with real
energy but imaginary mass, which moves faster than the
speed of light.” Prof. Physicist Dr. Gerald Feinberg (1933‐
• At present, various scientists have provided clear
evidence of this specific energy form travelling at a
speed faster than light.
Each electron consists of 3 parts:
T‐PLUS creative part
T‐ZERO sustaining part
T‐MINUS dissolving part
Tachyonic energy creates energy fields, which harmonize
the hazardous impacts of electromagnetic and geopathic
fields on the human organism.
Pure crystalline water
What is the Effect of Tachyons?
The tachyons’ effectiveness consists mainly in their ability
to create order out of ‘chaos’ [see sketch].
Disharmonious states become transformed into
harmonious ones.
In general, it may be said that tachyons cause a sort of
Same water exposed
to a cell phone
Tachyons confront activated and potentialized structures.
Thus, the innate energy potentials are released and set free.
For example, tachyons are able to improve the quality of
drinking water in such a way that plants, animals, and even
the human organism react very positively to that stimulus.
Water harmonized
with tachyn technology
Tachyon Technology Experimentation
Telephone conversations conducted with a mobile
telephone without RHO RODS reduced organ functions and
caused an increase in the viscosity of the active connective
tissue or the matrix. With the RHO RODS (held in the user’s
hands) these biological effects were not only neutralized;
they were converted into positive effects.
Manfred Doepp, MD. (2011 Apr 23). International Society
on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics
Coupling Supramental to Physical
Since the Supramental cannot be represented, tachyons
energy may be carried on fractals (sacred geometry) that
intelligently reconnect the physical to more subtle spiritual
bodies, helping to clear them and increasing coherence and
The RHO ROD is able to harmonize natural radioactivity at
low dose levels, in this case with regard to the stimulating
and stressful effects on the organism.
It can also positively influence radon and radium with
regard to their exogenic effects.
Flower of Life
The Flower of Life, according to Nassim Haramein, refers to
sacred geometry in resonance with the core structure of the
Tachyons technology carved the Flower of Life in the crystal
with the intention of generating a perfect field template.
Video: Flower of Life – Nassim Haramein
Containing the ancient concept that represents the
fundamental forms of all space and time, the Flower of Life
is the pattern of Creation itself.
The Flower of Life holds within a secret set of symbols,
known as the basis for the design of every cell, atom, and
molecule, being the blueprint for everything.
Crystals, according to Sheldrake, have a morphogenetic field. They can amplify, transduce, and transmit these vibrational
energies and support via subspace training.
Light Intention + Crystal + Quantum Q-Biofeedback
Lid down (no therapy)
Lesson 6 – Empowerment of the Breath and Quantum
• Science of Breathing
• The TE2 Meditation facilitates the transcendence of the
ego-character and the emergence of the Quantum Self.
1. Breathing is a science that allows us to draw Subtle
Energy (Prana) within and move our awareness from the
busy mind through the Light.
2. Breathing also gives a spin to the meditation.
• Movement of the Spin and Atomic Heart
Introduction to breathing with the Noosphere Project:
• Spinning Crystal + Breath: Coupling Supramental to Vital
Breathing associated with fractals helps to connect us to a
gigantic global consciousness accelerator.
• Ladder Breath and Fire Breath
Pro-Consciousness Meditation
The TE2 Meditation facilitates the transcendence of the egocharacter and the emergence of the Quantum Self.
Taoist Medicine & Consciousness
• When Lasers (meridians) and their fiber optics are
imbalanced by negative thoughts, emotions, or
sentiments, they progressively empty their energy.
• The movement of Chi will then be in a mode of ego
contraction where people are locked in their mind and
emotions (distortion of reality).
Marvelous Vessels
• These nonlocal pathways are found in the ancient
writings of Su Wen, Ling Shu, Nan Jing, and numerous
other works.
• Marguerite De Surany compares them to fiber optic
technology, where the laser is the meridian and the fiber
the marvelous vessels.
• The Kouas radiate in quantity and quality relative to the
functioning of the marvelous vessels and the energy
they receive from within.
• They are an access to heal and restore the meridians.
• The ability to recharge the meridians from these
emanation (Kouas) is related to qualities of the soul and
meditation that can work at the level of the Atomic
TE2 Meditation is about creatively transforming the conditioned movement of Chi in the Organ, Meridians, Marvelous
Vessels, and Kouas from Ego-character to a Quantum Self personality.
• Along with the conditioned movement of Chi are associated the conditioned feelings (chakras), conditioned emotions, and
conditioned movements of the mind (habit patterns)
• TE2 Meditation address the four bodies (Supramental, Mental, Vital, and Physical).
Taoist Medicine: Quantum Healing
Coupling Supramental to Vital
• T Meditation proposes an integrative approach that
will restore the morphogenetic field and allow the
individual to evolve from an ego-conditioned mode
toward a Self-creative mode.
• Crystal (laser + diamond flower, sacred geometry), in
association with spinning and breathing, is related to
coupling the Supramental and Vital bodies.
• Without any analysis of the emotional or mental
conflict, the attention is brought to the Self level where
all tension is resolved.
• The mind cannot fix the mind. (Dr. Joe Dispenza)
TE2 Meditation manifests a Quantum Leap where healing
may arise.
Pain and suffering originate from the experience of
separation and a distortion of reality. In the Blissful
experience, the dichotomy is dissolved, as well as the
TE2 Meditation is the Art of Unifying Subtle Energy Bodies
• Vertical Movement: Bliss-Supra Mental-Vital-Body
• Four bodies as one merging with each other and acting
as one body
• Knowledge of Universal and Natural Laws
The Breath is a key component of the TE2 Meditation.
Associated with the spinning of the Crystal Laser and
Diamond Flower, this produces:
• Perception of Light
• Coherence
• Transcendence
• Helps to clear blockages on the Mental, Vital, and
Emotional levels and increases coherence and
With the principle of Yin and Yang, the fundamental group
arrangement is two golden spirals in opposition.
A golden spiral is going upward, rotating clockwise (Yang),
and another golden spiral in opposition is going downward,
rotating anti-clockwise (Yin).
In the picture below, the red golden spiral is the positive
pole rotating clockwise, the Yang energy around which
everything from a certain distance is going through the Zero
point, a contraction effect.(Ego)
The blue spiral is the negative pole, the Yin, around which
everything is expanding, an expansion effect.(Self)
-Nassim Haramein
Make the Earth Spin
In geometry, it is equivalent to the rotation of the double
tetrahedron, with the upward-pointing tetrahedron (male)
in clockwise rotation, and the downward-pointing
tetrahedron (female) in anti-clockwise rotation.
-Nassim Haramein
Video: Yin-Yang mapped into Torus (Resonance Project)
The breath associated with the movement of the crystal
facilitates the visualization of the Light.
Turn clockwise for tightening and anti-clockwise for
The Flower of Life is made of overlapping circles in 2D and
actually represents the overlapping spheres in 3D in which
only the standing wave interferences have a relevant
meaning in a connected universe, as there is not really a
world of separate particles moving, but only a
transportation of energy within Consciousness (vibration
and oscillation).
Lesson 7 – The Sacred Sound (Soul Mantra)
• Analogy between Point of Singularity, Black Hole, and
the Process of Thought
• Event Horizon & Bliss Body & Experience of Light
• The Meaning of the Soul Mantra
• How to Experience the Soul Mantra
• How to Receive the Soul Mantra
The Seed Crystal has been pre-informed with the Soul
Mantra and enhanced with homeopathy that supports the
brain and eases the meditation.
Adam Kadmon (Point of Singularity)
• Meaning is the perfect ‘original’ blueprint, or original
• The intent of the Soul Mantra is to experience a point of
singularity that resets the subtle bodies to their original
blueprint. (Wikipedia,
The center of a black hole could be a point of reference for
resetting the subtle energetic bodies.
As the comedian Steven Wright once remarked: “Black
holes are where God divided by zero.” (Alpha/Omega point)
Video: Travel INSIDE a Black Hole –
There is an analogy between cosmologic phenomena and our inner world.
Perception of Light in the Head (Event Horizon)
See the animation online:
Perception of Light in the Heart
The singularity point is also the junction point between local
and nonlocal reality.
“I want your sun to reach my raindrops, so your heat can
raise my soul upward like a cloud.”
Passively go with the Vibe… that will bring you naturally,
forcefully toward more delight.
Passive attention process:
• Just flow with the delight of the sound.
• It is not a concentration process – gently come back to
the sound as you realize that you have started to
become distracted through the process…
• Be in acceptance of whatever has come, with no
judgment if the sound of the mantra changes.
Getting in touch with the Light Core of your Being instantly
generates more harmony and health for yourself and
everybody around you.
During the first 10 minutes, the laser supports the Soul
Mantra, with the inner sight looking at upward at 45
No analyzing; just go passively with the Vibe… that naturally
will bring you toward more delight.
After pointing the laser crystal toward the forehead for 10
minutes, it can then be pointed toward the base of the
spine (5 min) and toward the heart (5 min), while the inner
sight is still directed upward 45 degrees.
How to Receive the Soul Mantra
Amen –PTAH (Keys of Enoch, J. J. Hurtak)
• Precious Seed
• P(A): Sun, Heaven, Spirit, Supreme God (Father), Infinite
Power, Source of Everything
• Keep it secret and personal, and add your own meaning
to it.
• This is where meditation becomes personal and
resonates with every different belief system.
• The sound will refine and change according to your
internal make up.
• TAH, Moon, Earth, Womb, Goddess (Mother) , Infinite
Love, Source of Life
• P(a) for PaPa: “Pater [Πτα – Ptah] noster, qui es in cælis”
• TAH for mother (Moon), Ave Maria
• In reference to Egyptology, PTHA is a key sound for
opening a new understanding.
• P(a): Sacred sound that creates the dynamic force of
• T(A) : — Horizontal bar representing Divine Breath
• H : 2 vertical bars unified by a horizontal bar. Unification
of the Yin and Yang, Sun and Moon, Spirit and Matter,
Father – Mother Principle
• When these forces unify, the Creative Power can
manifest and a new life can be manifested.
• TE2 Meditation is a powerful technology for healing
yourself and healing the world (deepening the
experience of Meditation).
What can be done?
Or what can we do?
Obviously, the only thing we can do to cleanse the toxicity
from the Noosphere is for each of us to exercise a positive
Scientific knowledge based on the principles of quantum
physics is the revolutionary seed of information needed to
reverse toxicity in the Noosphere.
“Pater [Πτα – Ptah] noster, qui es in cælis”
(With a meaning accordingly to your own belief system)
Example: The Lord’s Prayer, called in Latin “Pater Noster,” is
powerful when we recite it in Latin, given the fact that Latin
is the root language of the various different romance
languages, such as Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese.
We also find Latin words in the English language.
What is the Noosphere?
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, paleontologist and geologist,
French philosopher, and Jesuit priest, developed the
concept of Noosphere, which he described as “the sphere
of thought encircling the earth that has emerged through
evolution as a consequence of this growth in
Lesson 8 – Project Noosphere
• Project Noosphere considers Meditation to be not only
an individual act, but an action that has repercussions
on the Collective Awareness.
• The concept of Geosphere, Biosphere, Noosphere, and
Christosphere are defined in correlation with the Alpha
and Omega points.
• The intention of Project Noosphere is to create a unique
global consciousness accelerator.
• We have both individual and collective responsibility
regarding the Collective Awareness.
Teilhard de Chardin envisioned the unfolding of the
material cosmos from primordial particles toward a
directional, goal-driven process that he described as
convergent evolution, through different stages named the
Geosphere, Biosphere, Noosphere, and finally the Omega
Point in the future, Christosphere, which is “pulling” all
creation toward it.
His vision overlaps how Quantum Physics sees the world
today: a movement of evolution from nothingness (alpha
point) to an omega point, a movement of expansion and
contraction guided by nonlocal archetypal laws reflecting
the underlying fractal organization of things.
The Noosphere also has an internal dimension.
Pro-Consciousness Meditation
• Through Morphic Resonance, the individual’s experience
will affect the collective awareness and have a healing
influence on the community and the whole world.
• With the emergence of humanity, Chardin argued that
evolutionary development entered a new dimension.
• From the layer of living things covering the earth has
emerged a mind layer surrounding the earth
• This human consciousness generates increasingly
complex social arrangements that, in turn, give rise to a
higher consciousness (Noosphere).
• This process culminates in the convergence of the
material and the spiritual into a superconsciousness
The intention of Project Noosphere is to create a unique
global consciousness accelerator that will facilitate and
support the health of individuals, as well the whole planet.
This project will implement the gathering of a critical mass
of the world’s population (1%) that will focus on individual
and social coherence to generate more harmony, peace,
and healing.
Would you agree that 1000 minds are more powerful than
Online Guided Meditation:
Transcending the subtle world of thinking, quantum physics
reveals a fractal and geometrical organization of nonlocal
space hidden within nature or revealed in architectural
shapes overlapping our materialistic perception of the
world. These fractal organizations are associated with a
vortex of energy that shapes evolution and gives an
intelligent purpose to the final design.
Underlying our material experience of the fabric of reality,
there is an innate caring; a loving intelligence that is present
everywhere, both in nature, the Biosphere, and in the
subtle world, the Noosphere.
The role every individual will play to construct and grow a
healthy and more positive ‘Noosphere’ will certainly be a
determinant in the survival of our human species: “Our
duty, as men and women is to proceed as if limits to our
ability did not exist. We are collaborators in creation.”
-Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”
-Mahatma Gandhi
Not long ago, one individual, one man, changed the destiny
of a nation. His name was Gandhi. Maybe 1,000 of us
together can achieve the result of one Gandhi. Then we
would need only 70,000 more Gandhis to turn individuals
and society toward greater health and coherence.
The Architect of the Intention Project
The power of intention, which has been thoroughly
documented by Lynne McTaggart, has the ability to shift the
trend of world consciousness toward the full potentiality of
the human being.
As we have seen, scientific studies support the statement
that prayer and meditation through nonlocal intention can
heal at a distance, and if we could reach a critical mass of
1%, we could shift negative and criminal collective behavior
to more a peaceful state.
The Mind-Blowing Effects of Mass Meditation
The Global Consciousness Project (GCP) is the brainchild of
Roger D. Nelson, a professor at Princeton University who
holds a PhD in Experimental Cognitive Phycology.
Nelson has devised a way to measure the field of global
consciousness, a field that unites us, that reveals that we
are the cells of a single body : humanity.
The global interconnectivity with all the other participants
creates an effect of a gigantic accelerator of Consciousness
that facilitates a quantum leap for every individual,
generating personal and world global health.
When Rupert Sheldrake, biologist, author, and featured
speaker, introduced to the scientific world the concepts of
morphic fields and morphic resonance, he was providing a
cornerstone for human biology and an understanding of
how information can be passed through nonlocality from
generation to generation.
Epigenetics of Morphic Resonance
Studies done in Australia, where the offspring of trained
ancestors were not trained, demonstrated inherited
Inherited Knowledge
Inheritance of forms by:
Morphic Resonance – Resonance across space and time
based on singularity
Increase the Collective IQ of Coherence with Morphic
Morphic Field – Inheritance based out of space of time
Through Morphic Resonance, the Noosphere can be
healed and transformed.
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Be a Tree of Life in your family, community, country,
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With TE2 Meditation, you can reach
any corner of the Universe.
A Healing Force in the “Noosphere” – Dr. Paul Blogs”:
Knowledge is a driving force that has been a major factor in
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shaped through their innovative thinking and technology.
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