This milestone will help prepare you for Project One.
You work as a freelance UX/UI Designer to offer clients wireframe designs that are based on UX/UI fundamentals and both Android and Apple UI guidelines. This allows you to finalize the client’s vision before the development cycle of their product begins. Your services also include gathering customer data and providing documentation that communicates your design choices. The latter allows clients to understand why specific choices were made and how the design supports their needs. You were previously approached with three user stories from different clients’ mobile app design requests:
As a healthy food consumer, I want to use my phone to scan the barcode of a food product and see a graphic of all its ingredients. The graphic will rank how healthy the ingredients are for my body, illustrated in categories of red (unhealthy), yellow (neutral), and green (healthy), so that I can make healthy shopping decisions for my family.
As a concerned family member, I want to receive a notification if my relative, who has dementia, walks more than 1,000 steps from home or leaves the stove on for more than 60 minutes so that I can check on their safety.
As a grower, I want to view a dashboard that informs me of the moisture content and nitrogen level in the soil at each of my trees so that I can easily target water use and track nitrogen levels.
At this stage, you will take time to better understand the goals of the project and conduct preliminary research by finding and analyzing competing mobile apps.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Describe the app using active verbs that will entice and engage potential customers.
Detail the intent and priorities of the app.
Analyze the usability and user experience of a similar app. Search for other mobile apps that have similar goals to the app you will be designing. Be sure to consider who potential users might be and what their needs are. Describe 1–2 other competitive apps and the kind of users they appear to be targeting. Your research should answer the following:
Who do the apps appear to be geared towards? Consider the following:
Age groups: Would children, young adults, older adults, or the elderly be interested in using this app?
What is the purpose of the app? For example, is it designed to encourage productivity, be used as a learning tool, or something else?
What is your initial evaluation of the app’s usability and user experience? Consider whether it is:
Useful to a user
Easy to remember how to use
Encouraging of social engagement