ACU How Do Clinical Doctors Handle Resistant Strains of Bacteria in Patients Questions

Endocarditis is usually caused by an infecting bacterium. Prokaryotic organisms such as Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), S. viridians, S. mutans, and enterococci can cause endocarditis in some patients’ endocarditis.

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Endocarditis is an inflammation of the endocardium. The endocardium is the innermost layer of the heart wall.

Write a short paper (2-3 pages) discussing the following about a S. aureus infection.

Start with one paragraph for S. aureus infection for each explaining:

  • Microbe shape, size, genetics, and structure
  • Where does S. aureus originate from outside the human body?
  • Where and how does the infection occur in patients?
  • What caused the infection and how does it spread?
  • How does the morphology of the microbe contribute to its ability to spread?
  • Why do treatment options differ? How does all of this relate to the morphology of the microbes?
  • How do clinical doctors handle resistant strains of bacteria in patients?

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