1. Define “Geriatrics”.
2. Why is it important to promote oral health for the aging client?
3. Summarize the tips for taking care the older adults in Box 47.2
Darby : Chapter 58: Abuse
1. Define the following terms: maltreatment, abuse, neglect, and P.A.N.D.A.
2. Define the following types of abuse: Physical abuse, Neglect, Sexual Abuse, and Emotional Treatment.
3. Explain the abuse and neglect of the elderly and other vulnerable adults.
4. What is the duty of oral health care professionals when they suspect abuse?
5. What is the result of not reporting abuse?
Darby Chapter 52: Palliative Care
1. Define palliative care?
2. Explain the importance of palliative oral care at end of life.
3. Explain standard oral hygiene care
4. What are the signs and symptoms of oral complications commonly found among palliative care patients?