AERO 1230 TR Fall 2021
APA Paper specifics READ CAREFULLY J
Due on Sunday, Oct. 16th, Submit through the dropbox labeled “Paper” on D2L.
Late papers will not be accepted.
Must follow APA guidelines. Some helpful sources: The handout on D2L, APA manual, and
If there are no in-text citations throughout the entire paper and/or no
reference page it will result in automatic failure for the assignment
Title page + 5 FULL pages of content + Reference page
-Abstract not required. If you do include an abstract, this will not count towards your 5
pages of content
-For each page short of 5 full pages there will be a deduction of 20 points (Half a page
short results in a 10 point reduction).
At least 5 sources and 3 must be scholarly references such as journals, books, and similar sources
other than websites. These 3 scholarly references may be online format.
12 font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins
Do not write in first person (I, me, we, etc.), rather write your paper in third person (he, she,
they, the researcher, etc.)
Try to summarize and paraphrase more than utilizing direct quotes. (In other words, avoid
excessive direct quotations in your paper) You will have a higher matching score of the turnitin
if you use too many quotes.
Limit to 1 block quote (block quote is a direct quote of more than 40 words)
Do not use Wikipedia as a source. Online blogs and forums are also not acceptable sources for a
collegiate paper
Plagiarism results in failure of the course (refer to course syllabus for more information).
-Example of plagiarism= Copy and paste from internet.
-Using someone else’s words without giving them credit (correct way: providing a
citation with author’s last name, year of publication, and if it is a direct quote also include
the exact page number from which the quote was derived).
-Self plagiarism- using a paper you wrote in another class
The Turnitin tool in D2L is turned on for you to submit prior to paper submission. 20% or
higher matching for turnitin will result in a zero on the paper and perhaps a zero in the
course. You can submit to this as many times as you like. I will know the LAST submission is
the one you want me to grade J The University Writing Center (UWC) is located in James E.
Walker Library, Room 362 Call 904.8237
Finding a Relevant Paper Topic
1). Find a paper topic that you are interested in that integrates Federal Aviation Regulations in
some fashion. This is to be a research paper that follows APA format, not an opinion paper.
Remember, I gave you several examples and if you need to refresh your memory visit and find their “Most Wanted” list, the FAA website, and NASA’s Aviation Safety
Reporting System website (ASRS). On the NASA ASRS website, click on the ASRS report sets
and this should give you several good paper topics. Also, conducting a basic review of the latest
aviation safety research will provide you with paper topics.
2). Once you have determined your paper topic, look for research in this area. Go to the library
website and browse through online journals, magazines, books, etc. Do not use obscure websites,
pilot forums, and other unreliable sources. I advise saving any articles you find to your flash
drive or your email, dropbox account, etc. I find using Google scholar and then going to the
library website and finding the article with the journal locater is very helpful. If you are not
familiar with the library website, there are several useful tools and guides to help you. Take the
initiative and learn how to navigate the site and find research.
3). Read the Paper Specifics for information on paper length, sources, etc. The topic needs to
integrate FAR’s and be relevant to the industry (so, no papers on people, historical events, etc.
Focus more on an issue that interests you, safety issue, and so on)
4). Lastly, for APA and writing help, I have posted some helpful information on D2L.Take the
time to review these documents, along with the common writing and format errors.