UM Drug Traffic Essay

Alternative AssignmentMethods Analysis Report
If you are unable or do not wish to complete the research participation requirement, you can
complete one or more Methods Analysis Reports as an alternative assignment. In the Methods
Analysis Report, you must analyze the research methodology of published empirical work. Each
Methods Analysis Report is worth 2 credits (note, if you complete fewer than 4 credits of
research participation, you can complete Methods Analysis Reports for your remaining credits).
You will submit these reports to the Research Participation Report assignment on Canvas.
For each Methods Analysis Report, you must read one of the available articles listed below and
write a 2-page paper in APA format (double-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman font, 1 inch
margins, no direct quotes) including the following:
1) Summary of the study’s purpose
2) Summary of the methodology
3) Description of the type of methods used (descriptive, survey, correlational,
experimental, pseudo-experimental, etc.)
4) Summary of the most important results of the study
5) Description of the real-world implications of the study
6) Description of how the article you read relates to something that you learned in one of
your courses (it can be a current course, or one from previous semesters). Describe
how the research in the article you read is similar to, or different from, something else
that you learned.
Available Articles
Choi, H., Heo, S., Choe, S., Yang, W., Park, Y., Kim, E., . . . Lee, J. (2013). Simultaneous analysis of
synthetic cannabinoids in the materials seized during drug trafficking using gCMS. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 405(12), 3937-44. doi:10.1007/s00216-0126560-z
Constantinescu, M., & Hines, M. (2012). Relating prenatal testosterone exposure to postnatal
behavior in typically developing children: methods and findings. Child Dev Perspect, 6,
Cowell, R., Graversen, T., Lauritzen, S., & Mortera, J. (2015). Analysis of forensic dNA mixtures
with artefacts. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C, Applied Statistics,64(1),
1-48. doi:10.1111/rssc.12071
Faulkner, M. (2001). The onset and alleviation of learned helplessness in older hospitalized
people. Aging & Mental Health, 5(4), 379-86.
Maguire, E., King, W., Matusiak, M., & Campbell, B. (2016). Testing the effects of people,
processes, and technology on ballistic evidence processing productivity. Police
Quarterly, 19(2), 199-199.
Nieuwenhuys, A., Cañal-Bruland, R., & Oudejans, R. (2012). Effects of threat on police officers’
shooting behavior: Anxiety, action specificity, and affective influences on
perception. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 26(4), 608-608.
Paskin, T., Jellies, J., Bacher, J., Beane, W., & Dickens, J. (2014). Planarian phototactic assay
reveals differential behavioral responses based on wavelength. Plos One, 9(12), 114708.
Pauletti, R.E., Menon, M., Menon, M., Tobin, D.D., & Perry, D.G. (2012). Narcissism and
adjustment in preadolescence. Child Development, 83, 831-837.
Sorokowski, P., Sorokowska, A., Oleszkiewicz, A., Frackowiak, T., Huk, A., & Pisanski, A. (2015).
Selfie posting behaviors associated with narcissism among men. Personality and
Individual Differences, 85, 123-127.
Spiegelman, C., & Tobin, W. (2013). Analysis of experiments in forensic firearms/toolmarks
practice offered as support for low rates of practice error and claims of inferential
certainty. Law, Probability & Risk, 12(2), 115-115.
Taimori, A., Razzazi, F., Behrad, A., Ahmadi, A., & Babaie-Zadeh, M. (2017). A novel forensic
image analysis tool for discovering double jPEG compression clues. Multimedia Tools
and Applications : An International Journal, 76(6), 7749-7783.
Thapar, A., Rice, F., Hay, D., Bolvin, J., Langley, K., Van den Bree, M., et al. (2009). Prenatal
smoking may not cause ADHD: Evidence from a novel design. Biological Psychiatry, 66,
Ussher, M., West, R., McEwen, A., Taylor, A., & Steptoe, A. (2003). Efficacy of exercise
counselling as an aid for smoking cessation: a randomized controlled
trial. Addiction, 98(4), 523.
Wade, K., Green, S., & Nash, R. (2010). Can fabricated evidence induce false eyewitness
testimony? Applied Cognitive Psychology, 24(7).
Zayas, V. & Shoda, Y. (2007). Predicting preferences for dating partners from past experiences
of psychological abuse: Identifying the psychological ingredients of situations.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 123-138.
Zhao, X., Wang, L., Sun, J., Jiang, B., Zhang, E., & Ye, J. (2016). Isolating sperm from cell mixtures
using magnetic beads coupled with an anti-PH-20 antibody for forensic dNA
analysis. Plos One, 11(7), 0159401. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0159401

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