Dart Mission

5:30 PM Mon Oct 10K Pino – Science 504
10 points
ล 22% 0
Due Oct 13
oday I will explain to you wha
Brandon Alvarez -…

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If you are interested in some extra credit for science, read on:
1. Look up the DART, a mission that was sponsored by NASA and conducted by the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics
2. Read up on the mission, and if desired, watch the last 5-10 minutes of DART’s flight towards the asteroid
Dimorphos on NASA’s YouTube channel.
3. Write a summary in paragraph format containing the following information, in your own words:
– What is DART? (what do the letters stand for, what kind of instrument/tool/machine is it)
– When did this mission happen? (include dates, duration)
-Why did this mission happen? (what was the goal of the mission, and why was it important)
Was the mission successful?
– What are your personal thoughts about DART?
Your submission should also include the name of the website where you found your information (Google will not be
accepted as a source of information. Google may only be used to look for resources). Failure to provide citation of a
source will result in an automatic 50% reduction of possible points you can earn for this assignment.
Some Google search terms that would be helpful for your research include “DART mission” and “DART NASA.” Make
sure you select websites that end in .gov and .edu for the most accurate information.
Submissions that are not original work will be rejected.
Please re-read these instructions carefully when you have completed your draft of the assignment to ensure you
have included all of the requested information. Once you are finished with your work, you may turn in your
assignment here or physically, if you prefer to handwrite.
I will not accept work after the due date.
If your Social Studies teacher does current events, this is a great topic for that.
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