research methods in health and human performance

Please find an experiment based research on a hormone study. (TESTOSTERONE)

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1.  Please be EXTREMELY thorough in your summary. This should not be a 1  paragraph summary- some of these will likely be closer to 2 pages of  summarizing but individual summaries can vary.

2. If there is any  terminology, testing protocol, statistical term, acornyms, etc that you  do not know- search for what it is and explain it in your summary.

3. List the limitations, benefits, conflicts of interest etc of the study.

4.  Give personal thoughts on how benficial this study was and what would  you do if you were given the task of expanding this research. For  example: you would like to see a larger population tested, more variety  in the participants, more control in their daily lives during the  duration of the study. Do not simply reword the author’s conclusions –  come up with your own conclusion based on the study.

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