Theory Development and Evaluation
Examine the science and art of theory development and evaluation.
Submission Instructions:
Read and watch the lecture resources & materials below early in the week to help you respond to the discussion questions and to complete your assignment(s).ReadButts and Rich (2015)Chapter 25Gray, Grove, and Sutherland (2018)Chapters 28 and 29WatchNone.Supplemental Materials & ResourcesVisit the CINAHL Complete under the A-to-Z Databases on the University Library’s website and locate/read the articles below:Swickard, S., Swickard, W., Reimer, A., Lindell, D., & Winkelman, C. (2014). Adaptation of the AACN Synergy Model for Patient Care to Critical Care Transport. Critical Care Nurse, 34(1), 16-29. doi:10.4037/ccn2014573Williams, M. A., Andrews, J. A., Zanni, K. L., & Fahs, P. S. (2012). Rural Nursing: Searching for the State of the Science. Online Journal of Rural Nursing & Health Care, 12(2), 102-117.Proctor, E. K., Powell, B. J., Baumann, A. A., Hamilton, A. M., & Santens, R. L. (2012). Writing implementation research grant proposals: ten key ingredients. Implementation Science, 7(1), 96. doi:10.1186/1748-5908-7-96