Compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell sizes. What are the advantages of having internal organelles versus not having organelles?
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Compare and contrast prokaryote and eukaryote cells in terms of morphology (such as types of organelles, cell membranes, and cell wall)? Specifically, describe one of the organelles such as mitochondria, lysosomes, peroxisomes, and endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus?
Compare and contrast prokaryote and eukaryote cells in terms of genetic material. How is the DNA configuration different in prokaryotes vs eukaryotes, the location of the genetic material? How is the same genetic information received by each daughter cell in prokaryotes versus eukaryotes?
Compare and contrast prokaryote and eukaryote cells in terms of how the genetic material is passed on from generation to generation?
Compare and contrast prokaryote and eukaryote cells in terms of the types of ribosome types found in each?
How do we use some of these differences in medicine? In the design of drugs such as antibiotics and cellular inhibitors?
Explain the impact that viruses have on prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells cellular processes.
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