Week 3 Scientific and Mathematics Inquiry Essay

Peer Review for Scientific andMathematical/Analytical Inquiry Draft
Post a draft of your scientific and mathematical/analytical inquiry paper for peer review. You
should also post your level 1 and level 2 research questions. Identify any questions or
challenges you faced with the assignment, or mention something new you learned about the
research question and inquiry paper process. Pose specific questions you would like your
peers to address.
In your responses, provide your peers with specific feedback, constructive criticism,
suggestions for improvement, and ideas for resources or support. Comment to a minimum of
two peers. Remember that your feedback and support are important!
Posting directions: Title your post with your name (e.g., Jenny Smith Scientific/Math Inquiry
Paper) and write in your submission or attach a document for peer review.
Main paper
Compose a focused paper that explains and describes your healthcare issue/topic from
the scientific andmathematical/analytical perspectives of inquiry. (You will cover two
perspectives in one paper.)
Address your general topic by forming and answering two levels of research questions for
each inquiry.

Choose a “Level 1 Research Question/Writing Prompt” from both of the lists below to
answer in the paper.
Compose a “Level 2 Research Question/Writing Prompt” for each kind of inquiry that
provides detail, specificity, and focus to your inquiry, research, and writing.
State your research questions in the introduction of your paper.
Answer each research question and support your assertions with evidence (research) to
form the body of your paper.
In the conclusion of the paper, briefly review the issues, research questions, answers, and
Level 1 Research Questions/Writing Prompts
SCIENTIFIC Perspective of Inquiry

What are the anatomical, physiological, pathological, or
epidemiological issues?
Which body systems are affected?
What happens at the cellular or genetic level?
Which chemical or biological issues are most important?
Level 1 Research Questions/Writing Prompts

What are the economic issues involved?
Which economic theories or approaches best explain the issue?
What are the statistical facts related to the issue?
Which statistical processes used to study the issue provide for the best
explanation or understanding?
Your paper must be five pages in length and reference four to six scholarly, peer-reviewed
resources. Be sure to follow current APA Style (e.g., spacing, font, headers, titles, abstracts,
page numbering).
Refer to the rubric for evaluation details and to assist in preparing the paper.
Mathematical and Scientific Introduction
(Find a REVIEW scholarly article for this activity or reliable websites)
Paragraph one:
1. State your topic and tell why it is important (avoid the use of “I” or “Me” in APA). It may be
rising rapidly, state how fast it’s growing and cite with a reliable website. Write a paragraph on
the importance of this topic.
Paragraph two:
2. What background does a reader need in order to understand all scholarly articles on this topic?
For example, if you’re covering a vaccine, you’ll need to explain how immunity works in
response to viruses and then how this particular vaccine works. If you’re covering telehealth,
you’ll need to explain what telehealth is as you would to a patient and cite reliable websites and
write at least one paragraph on this.
Paragraph three:
3. How many people are effected by this and how far-reaching is it? For example, if you’re covering
Autism, how many people are diagnosed and is it rising? If you’re covering sex education, how
many schools are including in their curriculum and how is it affecting teenagers? Again, cite
each paragraph with reliable websites.
Paragraph four:
4. What is changing with this topic? Have there been any breakthroughs or a marked increase and
what are other countries doing differently? Which country is doing this most successfully and
what can we learn from them?
5. What will your two scholarly articles cover (as laid out in the templates) describe each one in one
or two paragraphs here and cite them (Author, year) as a way of introducing them and restate
your problem here.
Scientific Inquiry section of paper
Do more than one article if it is short, but do the second OUTSIDE of class time ☺
Find a scientific journal article on specifically your topic, make sure it is recent (past five
years) and it is a full text.
Complete these sentences. You can add more lines and details if you want.
In the research study by AUTHOR NAME(S), (YEAR) it was found
The study was done because the researchers believe that:
For example, when testing/examining/questioning/experimenting/studying (choose one)
then briefly describe the research (who, what, when, where. Do this in paragraph
To summarize the study (now summarize the study in an overall fashion),
The results of this study showed that the researcher were right/wrong (choose one) and
also showed (state the overall meaning of the
This study is effective / not effective because ( you opinion for the conclusory paragraph,
but also do you have more studies that show the same
MATHEMATICAL INQUIRY TEMPLATE (Put this into succinct paragraphs for first paper)
You may need multiple resources to fill in this template, you may need a journal article AND a
reliable website.
The topic __________(fill in your exact topic) is important to analyze because it has affected (state and cite how many people in percentages form) _______ in the United states over
the past (year, decade, century) and ___________(state and cite how many people in percentages) in the World, over the past (year, decade, century).
It is predicted to affect _______(state and cite how many people in percentages) over
the next (ten, twenty, etc.) years (cite, year) if ________ doesn’t ___________.
In a study by ________(author, year) titled, (state title) it was shown that
__________(topic) affects primarily (people in which region, demographic, etc.) and this is because ____________________(explain clearly why these people are most affected).
In order to understand some obstacles in resolving ________(your topic) one must examine the costs involved. These include the costs of (diagnosing, preventing, treating, vaccinating, educating, implementing, etc.) __________ and these are projected to be (how much for
each relevant aspect) __________? This is a serious problem because only (what percentage)
________ of affected people are receiving care for this (cite).
Another study by ________(author, year) titled, _________(state title) has shown that
(topic) _____ has provided a possible (solution, query into the scope of the problem, model) by
___________________________________________ (this may be a review).
The Rise of ADHD Cases in the United States
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401: Capstone
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The Rise of ADHD Cases in the United States
There has been a dramatic increase of ADHD cases within the past two decades; in the
year 2009, it was reported that almost 8 percent of children of the ages 4 to 17 were diagnosed
with ADHD. Furthermore, about 4.5 percent of those cases were using only a stimulant as a form
of treatment ​(Mayes et al., 2008). ADHD is the abbreviation for Attention Deficit Hyperactive
ADHD is known as a neurodevelopmental disorder in which a person displays
inattention, hyperactivity, and poor organizational skills. Symptoms of this may include the
person affected as becoming easily distracted, constantly losing things, and fidgeting. In
children, ADHD in itself can sometimes be a symptom of an overlying cognitive disorder such as
Oppositional Defiant Disorder, or a Conduct Disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
The definition above is directly from the fifth addition of the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders explaining what exactly ADHD is. As previously mentioned, this is
a common disorder and is becoming more so at an alarming rate. This is a nondiscriminatory
disorder that affects all types of people, with currently over 7 million cases in children ​(CDC,
2020). ​Still, it is one of the most commonly misdiagnosed disorders with about a million cases
wrongly done so ​(Michigan State University, 2010).
The topic of ADHD is important to analyze because it has affected 9.4% of children of
the United States within the past two decades. In 2016, researchers collected data that indicated
there is a rapid increase of ADHD diagnoses; while there is still plenty to be understood, it is
currently known that this can be genetically inherited with an estimated heritability of 70%-80%.
It can be assumed that with a more universal healthcare system, ADHD will continue to increase
over the next two decades if there is still miniscule research on heritability, environmental
factors, and pharmaceutical treatment (Xu et al., 2018).
Despite the commonality of ADHD, as seen from the numerous articles and statistics
done by scholars and doctors, it seems as if ADHD is an misunderstood cognitive disorder with
insufficient treatment. The oversaturation of cases has made its way to a number of populations,
and one particularly interesting scenario that is unfortunately common is the role of ADHD in
affluent communities. The simple treatment of a stimulant as well as how often it is diagnosed
can lead to drug misuse, as substances like Adderall or Ritalin are used to promote positive
academic performance (Parens & Johnston, 2009). On the other side of the economic spectrum,
after the Affordable Care Act was passed by the Obama Administration, there was yet another
rise in cases from various minority groups (​Products – Data Briefs – Number 358 – March 2020,​
2020). This is especially fascinating because the rise illustrates how ADHD was underdiagnosed
in minority populations. However, the instance considering affluent communities was
overdiagnosed, and is most likely a guise to legally acquire a learning stimulant to enhance
academic performance. These parallels are from seemingly niche groups, but is actually just a
reverberation of overlying effects that are part of the overdiagnosed and mistreated disorder.
Many parents are considering how technology plays a detrimental role in the attention
span of children and their development. What is intriguing is that with the colorful games that
give off instant gratification to children along with the frequency of playing them, or watching
videos, the effects of this for too long leads to similar symptoms of those with ADHD. Michael
Manos, a doctor who specializes in ADHD diagnosis, claims that ADHD is a genetically
disposed condition, so technology cannot give​ ​a child the disorder. Yet, there are symptoms that
children exhibit that coincide with the DSM’s definition of ADHD. These symptoms are most
likely what is reported to the doctors diagnosing, which can lead to more misdiagnoses of ADHD
(Children’s Health Team, 2018) and a subsequent mistreatment such as unnecessary stimulants.
Evidently, there is a lot of controversy for such a common disorder; and what comes with
this is a nationwide mishandling of it. Rather than taking a quick test, or rattling off symptoms to
a psychiatrist, there must be a more thorough way for testing. This perhaps will come in the form
of brain scans and frequent therapy that will identify underlying roots, as well as cognitive
behavioral therapy. The intended effect will be a longer-lasting fix, rather than a shorter term
addictive bandage that only treats ADHD for a few hours.
Within the past few years, there have been many technological medical advancements.
As previously mentioned, brain scans have the incredible potential to do a thorough diagnostic
test of ADHD. ​Electroencephalography, also known as EEG, is beneficial in the sense that it can
assess the neural function in children with ADHD. It is not yet used to formally diagnose, but
this development is just a more exhaustive way of testing that could lead to flattening the curve
of misdiagnosing ​(Lenartowicz & Loo, 2014).
When looking at the new technology of EEG, doctors discovered a correlation between
certain genes and ADHD. Those genes are saturated with several functional categories, and
many of those genes were found to be linked with the etiology of ADHD. Genetic research has
been proven that ADHD can be passed from parent to child. This study was proven to show a
correlation between DNA and genetics, along with the roles that they play in ADHD. The study
regarding EEG was intended to show a correlation of DNA and genetics with the role that they
play in ADHD. An EEG records brain waves, and during this study it was found that those
diagnosed with ADHD tended to have a higher ratio of theta and beta brain waves than those
without ADHD. This tells researchers and those exploring an ADHD diagnosis is that there must
be more research regarding the role that genetics play in ADHD. More extensive studies must be
conducted with larger and more diverse pools of contestants in order to truly affirm the roles
between brain structure, genetics, and the disorder (Klein et al., 2017) Furthermore, there is new
evidence that MRIs can be used to also identify evidence of ADHD (Joszt, 2017).
The disorder ADHD has many problems, and some agree that the most harmful one is the
over-distribution of stimulants along with the negative side effects that come with them. In a
study conducted by ​Ole Jakob Storebø​ and a number of other doctors, investigating harmful
events linked with ADHD and the pharmaceutical treatment of methylphenidate. Data was
collected from those using methylphenidate to treat ADHD and those not using the drug.
Researchers used a pool of children from ages 3 to 20. What was discovered was a series of
adverse side effects including withdrawal, stunted height, weight increase. More serious effects
could include psychosis and a development of mood disorders. While there was no definitive,
immediate results, it was concluded that even though methylphenidate is a viable, quick
treatment for ADHD, if there is a possibility of negative long-term side effects, then there must
be a better treatment without chances of adverse reactions. Research must be continued regarding
methylphenidate, along with an exploration of either new pharmaceuticals or an entirely new
treatment ​(Storebø et al., 2018).
A possible answer to this would be the addition of modern medical technology and
thoroughly examining patients that show symptoms of ADHD. To combat symptoms, instead of
just medication, a more helpful solution would be proper cognitive behavioral therapy which will
provide a longer lasting fix.
There needs to be a reestablishment of the ADHD diagnostic criteria in a way that
identifies underlying causes while also treating psychosocial and pharmacological interventions.
With more research on non-drug related treatment with a focus on behavioral therapy, the
potential for a longer-lasting fix rather is greatly increased (Wolraich et al., 2019).
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). ​Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders: DSM-5.​ (5th ed.). American Psychiatric Association.
CDC. (2020, May 14). ​Data and Statistics About ADHD | CDC​. Centers for Disease Control and
Children’s Health Team. (2018, August 13). ​Can Too Much Tech Cause ADHD Symptoms in
Your Child?​ Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic; Health Essentials from Cleveland
Joszt, L. (2017, November 29). ​Brain MRIs Can Identify ADHD and Distinguish Among
Subtypes​. AJMC.
Lenartowicz, A., & Loo, S. K. (2014). Use of EEG to Diagnose ADHD. ​Current Psychiatry
Reports​, ​16​(11). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11920-014-0498-0
Mayes, R., Bagwell, C., & Erkulwater, J. (2008). ADHD and the Rise in Stimulant Use Among
Children. ​Harvard Review of Psychiatry,​ ​16(​ 3), 151–166.
Michigan State University Today. (2010, August 17). ​Nearly 1 Million Children Potentially
Misdiagnosed With ADHD​. MSUToday.
Parens, E., & Johnston, J. (2009). Facts, Values, and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(ADHD): An Update on the Controversies. ​Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental
Health​, ​3​(1). ​https://doi.org/10.1186/1753-2000-3-1
Products – Data Briefs – Number 358 – March 2020​. (2020, April 10). Www.Cdc.Gov.
Storebø, O. J., Pedersen, N., Ramstad, E., Kielsholm, M. L., Nielsen, S. S., Krogh, H. B.,
Moreira-Maia, C. R., Magnusson, F. L., Holmskov, M., Gerner, T., Skoog, M., Rosendal,
S., Groth, C., Gillies, D., Buch Rasmussen, K., Gauci, D., Zwi, M., Kirubakaran, R.,
Håkonsen, S. J., … Gluud, C. (2018). Methylphenidate for attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents – assessment of adverse events in
non-randomised studies. ​Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews​.
Wolraich, M. L., Hagan, J. F., Allan, C., Chan, E., Davison, D., Earls, M., Evans, S. W., Flinn, S.
K., Froehlich, T., Frost, J., Holbrook, J. R., Lehmann, C. U., Lessin, H. R., Okechukwu,
K., Pierce, K. L., Winner, J. D., & Zurhellen, W. (2019). Clinical Practice Guideline for
the Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in
Children and Adolescents. ​Pediatrics​, ​144​(4), e20192528.
​Xu, G., Strathearn, L., Liu, B., Yang, B., & Bao, W. (2018b). Twenty-Year Trends in Diagnosed
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Among US Children and Adolescents,
1997-2016. ​JAMA Network Open,​ ​1(​ 4), e181471.

Stress Factors in the Practice of Nursing: Prevent Nursing Burn-Out
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Stress Factors in the Practice of Nursing: Prevent Nursing Burn-Out
Even though nurses make up the majority of healthcare professionals in the US
healthcare system and provide a wide range of services to students, nursing burnout is a
substantial threat. Long workdays with little downtime are the main cause of nurse burnout.
Numerous studies show that nurses experience high-stress levels, which affect their roles and
goals. Research has also shown that nurse burnout is pervasive and significantly impacts all
demographics. By offering the best ways to help nurses control their anger, acknowledging the
stress factors can make it simple to avoid nursing burnout. This paper aims to analyze and
evaluate three scholarly, peer-reviewed research articles on stress factors that cause burnout in
nursing practice and how it affects the functionality and roles of nurses in healthcare institutions.
Kitaoka, K., & Masuda, S. (2012). An academic report on burnout among Japanese nurses.
Japan Journal of Nursing ScienceVolume 10, Issue 2, 10(2), 273-279.
Over the past few years, “burnout” among Japanese nurses has increased. To learn how to
stop nursing burnout, research on Japanese nurses is necessary. The purpose of this article was
to: (i) present the idea, definition, and measurement of burnout; (ii) examine the prevalence,
potential causes, and effects of burnout in Japanese nurses; and (iii) consider ways to prevent
burnout in nurses (Kitaoka & Masuda, 2012). This source is credible because it addresses the
cause of burnout in nursing practice and how it affects the functionality and roles of nurses in
healthcare institutions, mostly in Japan. This article will be useful because the authors and their
research partners have been examining burnout among Japanese workers for more than fifteen
years. As a result, analyses and summaries of earlier studies were done.
Nantsupawat, A., & et al. (2015). Nurse Burnout, Nurse-Reported Quality of Care, and
Patient Outcomes in Thai Hospitals. Journal of Nursing ScholarshipVolume 48,
Issue 1, 48(1), 83-90.
To better understand how nurse burnout affects patient safety, adverse events, and
outcomes in Thai hospitals, this study looked at how it affects the nurse-reported quality of
healthcare services (Nantsupawat et al., 2015). This source is credible because Statistics from
2,084 registered nurses who work in 94 medical centers across Thailand were analyzed crosssectionally. Data were gathered using survey questionnaires, including the Maslach Burnout
Inventory (MBI), which assesses nurses’ perceptions of the effectiveness of their patient care and
their level of burnout. A multivariable logistic regression design was used to investigate the
effects of nurse burnout on health outcomes and the quality of care (Nantsupawat et al., 2015).
This article will be useful because it emphasizes that to lessen burnout and raise the standard of
care, hospital administrators, nurse managers, and other health leaders must immediately
establish supportive workplaces for the nursing profession.
Shah, M. K., & et al. (2021). Prevalence of and Factors Associated With Nurse Burnout in
the US. Health Policy, 4(2).
The objective of this article was to assess risk factors for leaving or contemplating
quitting a job due to burnout and to assess nurse burnout rates. This source is credible because
clinical burnout is a significant threat to US health (Shah et al., 2021). Most health care workers
are nurses, so determining nursing burnout and related factors is essential to addressing its
causes. The source is useful because the likelihood of quitting your job in the past year due to
burnout or thinking about leaving your job due to burnout were the key findings.
In the first article, the new organizational scope of the burnout model created by Leiter
and Maslach could be applied to Japanese, according to the authors’ earlier research. Additional
investigation is required. The report backs the recommendation to expand the Japanese nurses’
burnout prevention program. The second article’s results unequivocally show that nurse burnout
is linked to higher chances of disclosing poor patient outcomes. To improve patient care in Thai
hospitals, initiatives to lessen nurse burnout must be implemented. Finally, in the third article,
findings imply that burnout is an important concern for US nurses who quit their jobs or
seriously consider doing so. Health systems should concentrate on putting tried-and-true methods
to prevent burnout, such as having enough nurses on staff and restricting the number of full-time
workers per shift.
Kitaoka, K., & Masuda, S. (2012). An academic report on burnout among Japanese nurses.
Japan Journal of Nursing ScienceVolume 10, Issue 2, 10(2), 273-279.
Nantsupawat, A., & et al. (2015). Nurse Burnout, Nurse-Reported Quality of Care, and Patient
Outcomes in Thai Hospitals. Journal of Nursing ScholarshipVolume 48, Issue 1, 48(1),
Shah, M. K., & et al. (2021). Prevalence of and Factors Associated With Nurse Burnout in the
US. Health Policy, 4(2).

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