HS 2100 Central Texas College Science Worksheet

HS2100: Week 1 AssignmentHow are the various stages of life seen and
experienced through different perspectives?
This assignment helps you apply your knowledge from this week’s module
and textbook readings.
As an HHS professional, you will be expected to know the stages of an
individual’s life cycle and how they are impacted by family and society. You
will also be expected to know the stages of a family’s life cycle, how they are
impacted by the individuals and society, and the roles of women and men in
that family life cycle.
Individual Life Cycle
Review the “Tasks of individual life cycle” chart in your reading and answer the following questions.
1. List the stages and ages of the individual life cycle.
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2. Choose two stages in the individual life cycle and describe the tasks involved with those stages.
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Family Life Cycle
Review the “Phases of the family life cycle” chart in your reading and answer the following questions.
3. List the seven stages of the family life cycle.
a. Type answer here
Type answer here
b. Type answer here
c. Type answer here
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d. Type answer here
e. Type answer here
Type answer here
4. Choose two stages in the family life cycle and describe the tasks involved with those stages.
a. Type answer here
b. Type answer here
Roles of Men and Women
Answer the following questions.
5. Compare the roles of men and women in families today.
Type answer here
6. How are the roles of men and women within the family impacted by society?
Type answer here
Analyzing Individual and Family Life Cycles
Choose a TV show that you have watched over time that focuses on a family. Use the content of the
show to answer the following questions.
7. Complete the chart below about the TV family you chose.
Name of Show: His Secret Family
Character’s Name
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Approx. Age
Type age
Type age
Type age
Type age
Type age
Role in Family
Stage in Individual Life Cycle
Type answer here
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Type answer here
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Type answer here
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Type answer here
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8. In what stage of the family life cycle is the TV Family you chose in?
Type answer here
9. Compare the roles of the men and women demonstrated in the TV show.
Type answer here
10. What impact do the individual members have on the family?
Type answer here
11. Choose a challenge that the family has faced, and describe how the family overcame that
Type answer here
Reflect on what you have learned this week to help you respond to the question below. You may choose
to respond in writing or by recording a video!
12. Why is it important when helping others that you understand the typical life cycles of individuals and
families? How is that knowledge applied when helping others? Why is it important to understand the
roles of the men and women with a family? How is that knowledge applied when helping others?
Type answer here
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