Social Security numbers, passport numbers, street address, telephone number, and/or email address are considered what?
Question options:Sources of Privacy ProtectionsPersonally Identifiable Information (PII)Privacy Protectcion Points (PPP)Fair Information Practices (FIPS)
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Question 2 | 2 / 2 points |
Which type of privacy is concerned with placing limits on the ability to intrude into another individual’s environment.
Question options:Communications PrivacyInformation PrivacyTerritorial PrivacyBodily PrivacyView Feedback
Question 3 |
TheUnited States passed its first national privacy law in 1970, whichfocused solely on information about consumer credit. What is the name ofthis law?Question options:U.S. Health, Education and Welfare FIPsFair Credit Reporting ActAPEC Privacy FrameworkMadrid ResolutionView Feedback
Question 4 | 0 / 2 points |
Whichdata protection model emphasizes industry development of enforceablecodes or standards for privacy and data protection against the backdropof legal requirements by the government?Question options:The Self-Regulatory ModelThe Comprehensive ModelThe Sectoral ModelThe Co-Regulatory ModelView Feedback
Question 5 |
Which of the following are requirements for forming a binding contract?
Question options:Offer, Intention, ConsiderationOffer, Authority, AcceptanceOffer, Acceptance, LiabilityOffer, Acceptance, ConsiderationView Feedback
Question 6 |
Whichof the following statutory or regulatory guidance documents has privacyprotections but does not actually does not contain the word privacy?Question options:Gramm-Leach-Bliley ActConstitutionCOPPAHIPAAView Feedback
Question 7 |
Which of the following best describes consent decree?
Question options:Somelaws require regulatory agencies such as the Federal Trade Commissionor the Federal Communications Commission to issue regulations and rules.These place specific compliance expectations on the marketplace.Ajudgment entered by agreement of the parties whereby the defendantagrees to stop alleged illegal activity, typically without admittingguilt or wrongdoing. In the privacy enforcement sphere, for example, theFTC has entered into numerousagreements with companies as a result ofalleged violations of privacy laws, such as the Children’s OnlinePrivacy Protection Act (COPPA).Civilwrongs are recognized by law as the grounds for lawsuits. These wrongsresult in an injury or harm that constitutes the basis for a claim bythe injured party. Primary goals of are to provide relief for damagesincurred and deter others from committing the same wrongs.Boththe federal Congress and the state legislatures have enacted a varietyof privacy and security laws. These regulate many different matters,including certain applications of information (such as use ofinformation for marketing or preemployment screening), certainindustries (such as financial institutions or healthcare providers),certain data elements (such as Social Security numbers or driver’slicense information) or specific harms (such as identity theft orchildren’s online privacy).View Feedback
Question 8 |
What does “The ability of an individual harmed by a violation of a law to file a lawsuit against the violator” define?
Question options:PreemptionPrivate Right of ActionJurisdicationGeneral vs Specific AuthorityView Feedback
Question 9 |
Whichtype of trade practice includes false promises, misrepresentations, andfailures to comply with representations made to consumers?Question options:Unfair Trade PracticesMagnuson-Moss AuthorityConsent DecreesDeceptive Trade PracticesView Feedback
Question 10 |
Whichagency is responsible for transportation companies under itsjurisdiction and for enforcing violations of the Privacy ShieldFramework between the U.S. and the EU for some transportation companies?Question options:The U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC)The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)The Internal Revenue Service (IRS)The U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB)View Feedback
Question 11 |
Inwhat type of Federal Trade Commission (FTC) enforcement does therespondent not admit fault, but promises to change its practices andavoids further litigation on the issue?Question options:Unfair Trade PracticesConsent DecreesMagnuson-Moss AuthorityDeceptive Trade PracticesView Feedback
Question 12 |
Civil, Criminal, and Administrative are examples of what?
Question options:Federal and State RegulationsTypes of Litigation and EnforcementTypes of FTC ActionsTypes of Privacy Policy EnforcementView Feedback
Question 13 | 0 / 4 points |
Whichof the following best defines a superior (higher) government’s abilityto have its laws supersede those of an inferior (subordinate)government?Question options:Preemption
NoticePrivate right of actionView Feedback
Question 14 | 4 / 4 points |
Whichof the following is the ability to specify whether personal informationwill be collected and/or how it will be used or disclosed?Question options:
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Question 15 |
Evenin the absence of statutes protecting confidentiality, common law haslong upheld which of the following in relation to privacy?Question options:Congressional ConfidentialitiesReligious ConfidentialitiesJournalists Naming SourcesDoctor-Patient ConfidentialityView Feedback
Question 16 |
Asthe volume of cross-border data transfers increases, privacyenforcement increasingly involves companies and government agencies inmore than one jurisdiction. Which of the following is not a key issuesof cross-border enforcement?Question options:Cross-Border EnforcementConflicts Between Privacy and Disclosure LawsSelf-Regulation and EnforcementCooperation Between Enforcement AgenciesView Feedback
Question 17 |
Which of the following was emphasized in both the White House consumer bill of rights and the 2012 FTC report?
Question options:SecurityIndividual ControlAccountabilityTransparencyView Feedback
Question 18 |
Which of the following is not part of the Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights?
Question options:Simplified consumer choiceIndividual controlFocused collectionRespect for contextView Feedback
Question 19 |
FTCcategorizes the Privacy Bill of Rights into three themes. Which themeis described here: “Privacy notices should be clearer, shorter and morestandardized to enable better comprehension and comparison of privacypractices.”Question options:TransparencyBrokering DataSimplified Consumer ChoicePrivacy by DesignView Feedback
Question 20 |
Overtime, countries have adopted comprehensive privacy and data protectionlaws for a combination of at least three reasons: Remedy pastinjustices, Ensure consistency with European privacy laws, Promoteelectronic commerce. These three reasons belong to which World Model ofData Protection?Question options:The Comprehensive ModelThe Self-Regulatory ModelThe Sectoral ModelThe Co-Regulatory ModelView Feedback
Question 21 |
Principleof lawfulness and fairness, Purpose specification principle, andOpenness principle are principles orginating in what privacy document?Question options:Council of Europe Convention (1981)APEC Privacy Framework (2004)OECD Guidelines (1980)Madrid Resolution (2009)View Feedback
Question 22 |
Organizationsshould maintain accurate, complete, and relevant personal informationfor the purposes identified in the notice describes which category offair information practices?Question options:Controls on the InformationInformation LifecycleManagementRights of IndividualsView Feedback
Question 23 | 0 / 6 points |
TheConsumer Privacy Bill of Rights is based on traditional fairinformation practices. The bill of rights states that these rightsshould apply to commercial uses of personal data. As such, Red Clay mustcollect, use, and disclose personal data in ways that are consistentwith the context in which consumers provide the data. Which right isthis?Question options:TransparencyRespect for contextIndividual controlFocused collectionView Feedback
Question 24 | 6 / 6 points |
RedClay chooses to promote consumer privacy throughout its organizationsand at every stage in the development of its products and services. RedClay also chooses to incorporate substantive privacy protections intotheir practices, such as data security, reasonable collection limits,sound retention and disposal practices, and data accuracy. These actionsdescribe which of the FTC privacy enforcement areas?Question options:Simplified consumer choiceTransparencyDo Not TrackPrivacy by designView Feedback
Question 25 |
RedClay strives to ensure they comply with all privacy laws, regulations,standards, guidelines, etc. Fair Information Practices (FIPs) areguidelines for handling, storing, and managing data with privacy,security, and fairness in an information society that is rapidlyevolving. Notice, Choice and Consent, and Data Subject Access areassociated with which of the following FIPs principle?Question options:Information LifecycleControls on the InformationRights of IndividualsManagementView Feedback
Question 26 |
Whenexamining data protection and privacy laws and practices, it can behelpful to focus on four categories or classes of privacy. Which two ofthe four categories of privacy apply to Red Clay?Question options:Information privacy and Communications privacyCommunications privacy and Bodily PrivacyTerritorial privacy and Bodily PrivacyInformation privacy and Bodily PrivacyView Feedback
Question 27 |
RedClay is licensed to do business as a general contractor for residentialbuildings in three states (DE, MD, PA). The company’s architectsmaintain professional licensure in their state of residence. Thecompany’s general counsel is licensed to practice law in Delaware andMaryland. The Chief Financial Officer is a Certified Public Accountant(CPA) and licensed to practice in all three states. In terms of privacylaw, which of the best defines jurisdiction?Question options:A superior government’s ability to have its laws supersede those of an inferior government.Specific authority is targeted at singular activities that are outlined by legislation.The authority of a court to hear a particular case.A superior government’s ability to have its laws supersede those of an inferior government.View Feedback
Question 28 |
RedClay respects their customer’s right to privacy. Their websites andother public-facing content inform individuals about what information iscollected, how the information is used and disclosed, how to exerciseany choices about uses or disclosures, and whether the individual canaccess or update the information. This action supports two purposes ofUS Privacy Laws: (1) consumer education and (2) corporateaccountability. What are these external communications referred to?Question options: