Apply the scientific lens to a personal experience or event. What might be the value in understanding and studying the natural sciences for you personally? How might a personal experience or event be affected by applying scientific inquiry skills to it?Explain the value of being a scientifically informed citizen within your community. Think about a challenge, opportunity, event, or issue that affects your community. How might being more scientifically informed affect how you understand that issue or how you take action?Discuss the obligation of citizens to be scientifically literate and how that could affect global contemporary issues. Consider how having a more scientifically literate population could influence how current global challenges or questions are approached, even outside the sciences. Video Two: The Earth is Full opens in new window (16:30) This TED Talk presents the argument that our global economy is unsustainable and that we are growing beyond what the earth can handle. SCI 100 Module Six Activity Template: Science in the Real World
First, choose one video from the module resources to watch. You should use points made in the video
you chose, and any other course resources, to support your responses to the questions below. Replace
the bracketed text with your responses.
Apply the scientific lens to a personal experience or event.
• [Insert text.]
Explain the value of being a scientifically informed citizen within your community.
• [Insert text.]
Discuss the obligation of citizens to be scientifically literate and how that could affect global
contemporary issues.
• [Insert text.]