1. Summarize the background (from introduction) in 5 sentences or less.
2. Identify the specific questions.
1. How was the purpose/problem addressed in this article? Identify the approach, and define the variables (i.e. how were variables measured).
Results & Discussion
1.Write one or more paragraph to summarize the MAIN results for this manuscript.
2.Do the results answer the SPECIFIC QUESTION(S)? What do you think they mean?
3. Do you agree with how the investigators interpreted the results? Can you come up with any alternative way of interpreting them?
4. Do the authors identify any weaknesses in their own study? Do you see any that the authors missed? (Don’t assume they’re infallible!)
5. What do they propose to do as a next step? Do you agree with that?
6. How could the gerontologist practitioner use these findings?
Once you have answered these questions, please post the word (or pdf) document here.
Remember, answers to each question should be CONCISE.
Original Investigation | Cardiology
Association of Cardiorespiratory Fitness With Long-term Mortality
Among Adults Undergoing Exercise Treadmill Testing
Kyle Mandsager, MD; Serge Harb, MD; Paul Cremer, MD; Dermot Phelan, MD, PhD; Steven E. Nissen, MD; Wael Jaber, MD
Key Points
IMPORTANCE Adverse cardiovascular findings associated with habitual vigorous exercise have
raised new questions regarding the benefits of exercise and fitness.
Question What is the association
between cardiorespiratory fitness and
long-term mortality?
OBJECTIVE To assess the association of all-cause mortality and cardiorespiratory fitness in patients
Findings In this cohort study of 122 007
undergoing exercise treadmill testing.
consecutive patients undergoing
exercise treadmill testing,
DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This retrospective cohort study enrolled patients at a
cardiorespiratory fitness was inversely
tertiary care academic medical center from January 1, 1991, to December 31, 2014, with a median
associated with all-cause mortality
follow-up of 8.4 years. Data analysis was performed from April 19 to July 17, 2018. Consecutive adult
without an observed upper limit of
patients referred for symptom-limited exercise treadmill testing were stratified by age- and
benefit. Extreme cardiorespiratory
sex-matched cardiorespiratory fitness into performance groups: low (