6:04 7LTE
Assignment Details
Early Childhood Curriculum 32465-502
This is a message just to summarize the homework
that is due on 2/27. It will be a 2-3 page paper and
a 3 minute presentation about your child that you
chose your category for.
The Paper:
Who is your child? What do they need for them to
be successful? Where is the school? Must be a
public school or subsidized child care. When does
their challenge show up? Why do they need these
resources? How do you effectively teach them?
What do they need?
The following demographics must be addressed:
1) name and age of your child (0-8 years old)
2) gender
3) race
4) ethnicity
5) nationality
6) family dynamic
7) SES
8) ability
9) temperament
10) attachment type
The presentation should include all 10
demographics as well as answer HOW to
effectively teach the child. Please feel free to ask
any clarifying questions.
To Do