Reation Rates and Equilibrium Questions

Graded AssignmentScience | Unit: Reaction Rates and Equilibrium | Lesson: Mid-Unit Test
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Graded Assignment
Mid-Unit Test, Part 2
Answer the questions below. When you have finished, submit this assignment to your teacher by the due date for
full credit.
(8 points)
1. This energy diagram is for the thermal decomposition of solid mercury (II) oxide (also known
as mercuric oxide) into liquid mercury and oxygen gas.
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A graph. T he x-axis is labeled R eaction pathway . T he y-axis is l abeled Energy. A dashed horiz ontal li ne label ed Reac tants is plotted at about one-fifth across the y-axis. A dashed horiz ontal li ne label ed Ac tivated com plex is plotted near the top of the y-axis. A line labeled Produc ts is plotted on the graph. Pr oduc ts s tarts at the origin of R eac tants , extends horizontally to the right, c urves upw ard to the right with downw ard openi ng until Activ ated c ompl ex, slightly curv es dow nw ard to the right, and extends horizontally to the right. The distance betw een Reactans and Acti vated c ompl ex is label ed (a).

Write a balanced equation for the reaction.

Explain what feature is shown by the arrow labeled (a).

Using chemical symbols and dashed lines (this can be done with type), draw what the activated
complex or transition state might look like.

Is this reaction exothermic or endothermic? Explain.
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(8 points)
2. The diagram below shows steps in the exothermic chemical reaction of bromomethane with
hydroxide to form methanol and bromide ion. The black spheres are carbon atoms, the white
spheres are hydrogen atoms, the red spheres are oxygen atoms, and the blue dots are
bromine atoms.
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Graded Assignment
Science | Unit: Reaction Rates and Equilibrium | Lesson: Mid-Unit Test
Three m olec ular structures l abel ed A, B, and C . A. Tw o groups of circl es. The firs t group is c ompos ed of a whi te and a red circl e. T o the right is a black circle i n the mi ddl e with thr ee small w hite and one l arge blue circles attac hed on it. B. Tw o groups of circl es. The first group is compos ed of a red circle with a sm all w hite circle attached on i t, attac hed to a bl ack circle with thr ee small w hite circl es attac hed on it. T o the right is a big blue circle. C. A group of circles. A small w hite circl e is attac hed on a r ed circle. The r ed circle is attached to a blac k circle. Three sm all w hite circles ar e attac hed on the bl ack circle. A big bl ue circle is attac hed on the bl ack circle.

Write a balanced chemical equation to represent the reaction.

Using the figures in the diagram, draw the steps of the reaction in the correct order, label each molecule
in the drawings, and describe what is happening in the reaction.

Draw an energy diagram of the reaction in which you label the energies of each step in the reaction and
the activation energy.
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(8 points)
This graph shows the rates of reaction in a chemical reaction with and without the addition of
an enzyme.
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Explain the shape of each line. What is happening to the reaction rate as the reactant concentration
is changed?

Explain what the enzyme appears to be doing.

Why does the curve of the reaction with enzyme flatten out?
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Graded Assignment
Science | Unit: Reaction Rates and Equilibrium | Lesson: Mid-Unit Test
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(8 points)
4. Draw an energy diagram for an endothermic reaction without a catalyst (use a solid line) and
with a catalyst (use a dotted line). Label all parts of the diagram. Explain what a catalyst is
and how a catalyst influences the rate of a reaction.
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Graded Assignment
Science | Unit: Reaction Rates and Equilibrium | Lesson: Mid-Unit Test
Name: Click or tap here to enter text.
Date: Click or tap here to enter text.
Graded Assignment
Mid-Unit Test, Part 2
Answer the questions below. When you have finished, submit this assignment to your teacher by the due date for
full credit.
(8 points)
1. This energy diagram is for the thermal decomposition of solid mercury (II) oxide (also known
as mercuric oxide) into liquid mercury and oxygen gas.
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A graph. T he x-axis is labeled R eaction pathway . T he y-axis is l abeled Energy. A dashed horiz ontal li ne label ed Reac tants is plotted at about one-fifth across the y-axis. A dashed horiz ontal li ne label ed Ac tivated com plex is plotted near the top of the y-axis. A line labeled Produc ts is plotted on the graph. Pr oduc ts s tarts at the origin of R eac tants , extends horizontally to the right, c urves upw ard to the right with downw ard openi ng until Activ ated c ompl ex, slightly curv es dow nw ard to the right, and extends horizontally to the right. The distance betw een Reactans and Acti vated c ompl ex is label ed (a).

Write a balanced equation for the reaction.

Explain what feature is shown by the arrow labeled (a).

Using chemical symbols and dashed lines (this can be done with type), draw what the activated
complex or transition state might look like.

Is this reaction exothermic or endothermic? Explain.
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(8 points)
2. The diagram below shows steps in the exothermic chemical reaction of bromomethane with
hydroxide to form methanol and bromide ion. The black spheres are carbon atoms, the white
spheres are hydrogen atoms, the red spheres are oxygen atoms, and the blue dots are
bromine atoms.
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Graded Assignment
Science | Unit: Reaction Rates and Equilibrium | Lesson: Mid-Unit Test
Three m olec ular structures l abel ed A, B, and C . A. Tw o groups of circl es. The firs t group is c ompos ed of a whi te and a red circl e. T o the right is a black circle i n the mi ddl e with thr ee small w hite and one l arge blue circles attac hed on it. B. Tw o groups of circl es. The first group is compos ed of a red circle with a sm all w hite circle attached on i t, attac hed to a bl ack circle with thr ee small w hite circl es attac hed on it. T o the right is a big blue circle. C. A group of circles. A small w hite circl e is attac hed on a r ed circle. The r ed circle is attached to a blac k circle. Three sm all w hite circles ar e attac hed on the bl ack circle. A big bl ue circle is attac hed on the bl ack circle.

Write a balanced chemical equation to represent the reaction.

Using the figures in the diagram, draw the steps of the reaction in the correct order, label each molecule
in the drawings, and describe what is happening in the reaction.

Draw an energy diagram of the reaction in which you label the energies of each step in the reaction and
the activation energy.
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(8 points)
This graph shows the rates of reaction in a chemical reaction with and without the addition of
an enzyme.
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Explain the shape of each line. What is happening to the reaction rate as the reactant concentration
is changed?

Explain what the enzyme appears to be doing.

Why does the curve of the reaction with enzyme flatten out?
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Graded Assignment
Science | Unit: Reaction Rates and Equilibrium | Lesson: Mid-Unit Test
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(8 points)
4. Draw an energy diagram for an endothermic reaction without a catalyst (use a solid line) and
with a catalyst (use a dotted line). Label all parts of the diagram. Explain what a catalyst is
and how a catalyst influences the rate of a reaction.
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